
  • 网络Risk avoidance;Risk avoid
  1. 本文着重分析了设计-建造总承包工程的设计、施工两方面风险因素,并针对这些风险提出了具体的风险避免、损失控制和风险转移方法,达到化风险为收益的目的。

    This article concentrates on risking factors analysis of both design and construction in Design-build general contracting project , then brings forward concrete method of risk avoidance , loosing control and risk transfer . The purpose is to turn risk into profit at last .

  2. 雷纳表示,许多公司凭直觉来应对战略风险避免作出重大承诺,采取中庸战略,这必然只能带来一般的回报。

    Many companies intuitively respond to strategic risk by avoiding big commitments , by following a middle-of-the-road strategy , says Raynor , which inevitably generates mediocre re-turns .

  3. 选择合适的投标伙伴组成投标联盟进行BOT项目投标能增加中标的概率、降低投标风险、避免无序竞争。

    It is necessary to find a right partner to make up a bid union for BOT projects bids , which might increase the probability of winning the bids .

  4. 建立了基于VaR约束的银行资产负债管理优化模型,直接利用贷款收益率的历史数据反映收益与风险,避免了间接推测组合风险的弊端。

    The thesis sets up optimal model of Asset-Liability-Management under the constrain of VaR. This model directly makes use of historical data of earning ratio to reflect the income and risk , so the defect of calculating portfolio risk indirectly is avoided .

  5. 处理、贮存和处置设施审计(简称TSD设施审计)属于环境审计的范畴,是企业预防环境风险、避免环境损失的重要工具,也是环境审计的新领域。

    The auditing of treatment , storage and disposal facility belongs to the new field of environmental auditing which is a good tool to avoid environmental risks and losses .

  6. 这些最新发展减少了世行面临的风险,避免由于一个最大IBRD借款国出现拖欠而有损于世行在全世界履行减贫使命的能力的情形。

    These developments have reduced the risk that a default by one of IBRD 's largest borrowers would impair the Bank 's ability to carry on with its mission of reducing poverty around the world .

  7. 营造杨树人工林的现象及其风险之避免

    Establishing Poplar Plantation and Its Risk

  8. 作为保险制度的理论基础,损失补偿原则具有防范道德风险,避免不当得利的社会效应。

    As basic theory of insurance system , principle of indemnity can prevent moral hazard and avoid unjust enrichment .

  9. 如何防范系统性风险、避免系统性危机的爆发已经引起人们的广泛关注。

    The method to guard against systemic risk , to avoid a systemic financial crisis , will cause a widespread concern .

  10. 已公布的目标包括分散风险、避免投资国内证券与大宗商品、长期回报及战略行业投资。

    Stated objectives include risk diversification , avoiding domestic equity and commodity exposure , long-term returns and investments into strategic industries .

  11. 在我国整体金融市场还不成熟,商业银行自身管理有待提高的情况下,利率市场化所带来的负面影响会更大些,利率风险难以避免。

    Because our financial market and commercial banks is faultiness , the negative function may be more , interest rate risk is inevitable .

  12. 财务预警系统的建立能防范和化解风险,避免损失发生,保护广大投资者的利益。

    The establishment of this system will take precautions against and reduce financial risks , avoid losses and protect the investors , interests .

  13. 缓解风险与避免风险不同。可以采取措施降低风险的发生概率或影响,将风险转移到另一方或彻底避免风险。

    Action may be taken to reduce the probability or impact of a risk , transfer the risk to another party , or avoid the risk entirely .

  14. 基于渠道控制力的要求,尽可能不使用独家经销商,以降低系统风险,避免家电行业零售巨头在IT领域出现。

    Based on the control requirements , it is not suit to use a distributor , aiming to reduce the system risk and avoid the retail giants in IT field .

  15. 商会表示,为了降低投资风险,避免对所在国家造成直接或间接损害,海外企业应对这些问题予以考虑。

    Overseas companies need to take such issues into account to reduce their investment risks and avoid directly or indirectly harming the countries in which they work , the group said .

  16. 项目的可行性研究是项目科学决策的依据,通过可行性研究,可以分析拟建项目所需各类支持程度和可能性,及早明确和防范风险,避免决策失误。

    Through the feasibility study , project implementation can be analyzed all kinds of necessary support and possibility , clear as soon as possible to prevent risks , avoid making mistakes .

  17. 事故不仅发生在其他人,并且有意无意的伤害是主导的死因在小孩子之中,很更好知道所有风险准备避免他们。

    Accidents not only happen to others , and unintentional injury is the leading cause of death among small children , so better know all the risks to be prepared to avoid them .

  18. 世界银行与国际货币基金组织认为,保持金融稳定的首要任务是降低金融机构大量破产的风险,避免关键金融服务出现混乱。

    World Bank and International Monetary Fund define the Financial Stability as an environment that prevents a large number of financial institutions from becoming insolvent and conditions that would avoid significant disruptions to the provision of key financial services .

  19. 这些对策建议对于完善和发展审计判断理论、提高审计判断质量、降低审计风险、避免审计失败,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    To perfect and develop the theory of audit judgment , to improve the quality of audit judgment , to reduce audit risks and to avoid the failure of audit , these suggestions have important senses in theory and in practice .

  20. 外债的合理利用能有效地弥补国内资金不足的缺口,促进中国经济发展,但在外债的利用过程中,必须防范随时可能出现的外债风险,避免陷于债务危机。

    The foreign debt used effectively can mend the gap of internal funds and promote economical development in China . But in the process of using foreign debt , the country should be alert to foreign debt risk and avoid the debt crisis .

  21. 帮助做出正确的审计决策,从而降低审计风险,避免审计失败。

    Combining the researching achievements of the domestic and foreign , this paper try to improve the auditing judgment of the CPA by using the lens model , help them make correct decision , thus decrease the audit risk and avoid the failure of audit .

  22. 高校财务状况的稳定将直接影响学校各项事业的发展,因此,化解巨额债务、防范投资风险、避免资产流失等是实现高校可持续发展必须面对及加以解决的问题。

    The stable of college financial directly affects the development of various school undertakings . As a result , how to dissolve huge debt , precaution the investment risk and avoid the loss of assets is the problem which must be solved to realize sustainable development .

  23. 该方案可以化解升值预期引起的风险,避免国际游资对我国经济的重大冲击,增强调控汇率的主动权,实现外汇风险的分散化。

    This scheme can reduce the risk caused by the expectations for further RMB appreciation , avoid the great impact on the economy of our country by international idle funds , strengthen the initiative of adjusting and controlling the exchange rate , and decentralize the exchange risk .

  24. 结合多年国际工程建设项目的实际经验,探讨承包商如何做好国际承包工程合同执行中的索赔工作,以期减少和转移工程风险,避免损失,确保承包商争取合法利益取得更大利润。

    Combined with the experience of international job construction project , how to do better the claiming compensation work in executing the contract of international job on contractors was discussed in order to reduce or transfor the project risk , avoid the loss and obtain much more profit .

  25. 但如今,德国政府没有重复这一保证,欧盟(EU)的政策制定者似乎要竭力避免道德风险,或避免奖励不负责任的行为。

    But Berlin has not repeated that assurance , and European Union policymakers appear keen to avoid risks of moral hazard , or rewarding irresponsible behaviour .

  26. 通过开展三年期LTRO,欧洲央行帮助降低了系统性风险,并避免了一场信贷紧缩。

    With the three-year LTRO , the ECB has helped to reduce systemic risk and avoided a credit crunch .

  27. 规范医疗行为,是开展高风险诊疗项目避免承担法律责任的根本措施。

    Regulating medical behaviors is the basic lawful rule within higher medical services .

  28. 目前,政府需要努力降低金融业的系统性风险,同时避免不必要地抑制金融创新。

    Governments now need to work on reducing systemic risk in the financial sector without unnecessarily restraining financial innovation .

  29. 根据英国国家医疗服务体系指引,低风险孕妇敦促避免住院分娩

    Low-risk pregnancy cases are being urged to avoid hospital birth under new NHS guidelines Photograph : Katie Collins / PA

  30. 他补充说,中国需要采取措施减少发生意外冲突和误判的风险,并且避免采取将会加剧紧张的措施。

    China needs to take steps to reduce the risk of accidental conflict and miscalculation and refrain from taking steps that will increase tension , he added .