
  • 网络risk constraints
  1. 基于等风险约束的机组日运行调度

    Daily Unit Operation Dispatch with Equal Risk Constraints

  2. 基于等响应风险约束的动态经济调度

    Dynamic Economic Dispatch with Equal Response Risk Constraints

  3. 在我国加入WTO后,中国投资法必须确立四大基本理念,即鼓励投资理念,投资效益最大化理念,投资风险约束理念和投资引导理念。

    After taking part in WTO , we should establish four basic ideas , namely , encouraging investment idea , maximum profit idea , constraining investment idea , and guiding investment idea .

  4. 研究了在Alloy中表达职责分离约束、用户资质约束和执行风险约束的方法,并讨论了验证这些约束的可满足性、分析与安全需求相匹配程度的方法。

    We study the method of expressing separation of duty constraint 、 qualification constraint of users and enforcement risk constraint in Alloy , discuss the methods of verifying the satisfiability of these constraints and analyzing the degree at which security constraints match security requirement .

  5. 首次发行新股(IPOs)的高名义回报、低实际收益、低风险约束、巨额冻结资金、高换手率一直是我国资本市场的一个显著特点,大大降低了市场运行效率和资源配置效率。

    High nominal returns , low real returns , little risk , great oversubscription and high turnover of Initial Public Offerings ( IPOs ) are long-standing distinguishing features of Chinese capital markets , which damage the market efficiency and the resource allocation efficiency .

  6. 跟踪误差下积极资产组合投资的风险约束机制

    Risk Control Mechanism of Active Portfolio Investment with Tracking Error Constraints

  7. 中国证券公司风险约束机制的建立

    The Establishment of Risk Control Mechanism of China 's Securities Company

  8. 收益&风险约束与大学生基层就业决策

    Return-Risk Restrain and Students ' Strategic Decision of Employment in Grass-Roots Areas

  9. 公益性建设项目的风险约束机制研究

    Discussion on the Mesures to Restrict the Venture of Commonweal Constrcut Item

  10. 金融风险约束与货币政策传导

    Restriction on Financing risks and Conduction of Monetary Polices

  11. 推行项目法人责任制强化投资风险约束机制

    Practising responsibility system of project entity and strengthening binding system of investment risk

  12. 计及风险约束的多阶段输电系统规划方法

    Risk - constrained Multistage Transmission System Expansion Planning

  13. 对大型公用建筑项目设计风险约束机制进行了分析。

    The risk-control system in the architectural design of the large-scale public constructions is analyzed .

  14. 构建我国咨询企业风险约束机制初探

    Preliminary Exploration of the Construction of a Risk Control Mechanism in the Consulting Company in China

  15. 实证结果显示,外生性和内生性的银行特许权价值都有显著的风险约束效应。

    The result indicates that the exogenous and endogenous charter value had a disciplining effect on risk-taking .

  16. 低层政府干预下的软风险约束与农村合作基金会

    Exploring the Relationship of Soft-risk-constraints and the Rural Corporative Funds under the Condition of Local Governmental Interventions

  17. 二是建立了企业整体现金流量风险约束条件,为企业财务风险规避提供依据。

    It can forecast the risk caused by the fluctuation of cash flow and provide foundation of risk elusion .

  18. 算例结果表明,该模型有助于水电厂在短期优化调度中制定计及风险约束下的发电调度计划。

    The case study shows that the model can be a help to hydropower company to constitute the risk-constrained optimal regulation schedule .

  19. 第一,得到了经济学中的激励约束理论的启发,本文运用增强人力资本专用性的方法解决了强化造价工程师执业风险约束的问题。

    At first , it develops the controlling methods to the professional risks from the human capital theory by the illumination of incentive-restraint mechanism .

  20. 在明晰产权基础上,建立退耕还林工程经营者内在信用责任制度,形成信誉与风险约束。

    On the base of property right confirmation , the credit-responsibility system of workers was established in order to producing credits and restricting risks .

  21. 从投资管理来看,风险约束机制尚未建立,新的符合社会主义市场经济体制的宏观调控体系尚未形成;

    On investment management , the risk limited system is not established and the new macro-control system suitable for socialist market is not formed .

  22. 政府隐性担保对商业银行次级债券的风险约束功能的弱化次优抵押贷款相关的债务担保证券发行量急剧下降。

    The Government s Recessive Guarantee and the Subordinated Debt s Market Discipline to Commercial Banks Risk-Taking ; The issuance of subprime-related CDOs has plunged .

  23. 本文选择了免疫算法作为基本算法求解模型,并使用蒙特卡罗方法对风险约束进行转化。

    This article chooses the immune algorithm as the basic method to resolve the problem and uses Monte Carlo simulation to transform the risk restriction .

  24. 因此,建立一套咨询企业风险约束机制是确保咨询活动成功的前提与保障。

    Therefore , setting up a risk control mechanism in the consulting company is the prerequisite and guarantee to ensuring the success of the consulting activity .

  25. 国有企业投资现状:过于分散,不利于产业结构的升级,投资决策权不完全,投资风险约束机制不健全。

    SOE investment Status : too scattered , is not conducive to the upgrading of the industrial structure , investment decisions are not complete , investment risk-control mechanism is not sound .

  26. 针对采用分段报价策略和按发电公司报价结算的电力市场,提出了构造计及风险约束的发电公司最优报价策略的模型框架。

    A methodological framework is presented for developing risk-constrained optimal bidding strategies for generation companies participating in an electricity market in which step-wise bidding functions and pay-as-bid settlement protocols are utilized .

  27. 并建立基金筹集的激励机制、制衡机制、投资风险约束机制和以失业保障促进再就业机制。

    Meanwhile , it is important to establish an incentive mechanism , a power-balancing mechanism , a restrictive mechanism for investment risks , and a mechanism of unemployment insurance to increase re-employment .

  28. 中国证券市场的发展使中国证券公司发展的空间得到了普遍拓展,又使中国证券公司风险约束机制面临着一轮全面而深刻的调整。

    The development of China s securities market wholly extends the scale of the development of the securities company , also will fully and profoundly adjust the restraint mechanism of the securities company .

  29. 本文在对全过程造价咨询服务体系的构建的论述过程中主要从法制框架、管理体制和风险约束体制三方面进行分析。

    The paper tries to analyze three aspects including the legal frame , management system and risk-restricted system in the researching process of the whole process of constructing a cost consultation service system .

  30. 研究了反映与烃源岩生烃相关的地质参数的不确定性及在一定勘探风险约束下确定生烃量的概率统计方法。

    In order to evaluate the reliability computing hydrocarbon generating quantity of source rock , we researched and applied a probability statistics method which may reflect the uncertainty of geology parameters and the exploration risks .