
  • 网络risk accidents;Peril
  1. 聚酯切片项目风险事故的环境影响分析与评价

    Environmental Impact Analysis and Assessment of Risk Accidents of Polyester Slicing Projects

  2. 某些因素在一定时间内发生始料未及的变动称为国际贸易的风险事故。

    Some factors change suddenly during certain period of time , which is called international trade risk accidents .

  3. 风险事故中,误操作导致的风险占风险事件总数的比例很大。

    A large number of risk events are caused by misuse failure .

  4. 液化石油气储罐销爆过程安全风险事故树分析

    Fault Tree Analysis of Potential Safety Risk in Explosion Elimination Processing of LPG Tanks

  5. 保险公司承担着用保险资金来偿付被保险人因风险事故发生造成的经济损失的责任。

    Insurance company has the responsibility of covering policy holders ' loss by insurance capital .

  6. 首先,运用事故树方法建立项目承包各阶段的风险事故树;

    Firstly , the risk fault tree of each phase is built by the fault tree method .

  7. 随着生产力的迅速提高和高新技术的发展,风险事故所导致的损失也越来越大。

    As productivity develops and the hi_tech improves , the risk loss is also more and more worse .

  8. 伴随着我国旅游市场的繁荣,旅游风险事故的发生率明显上升。

    With the prosperity of the tourist market in China , tourist risk accident rate has obviously risen .

  9. 人们对于各类风险事故对环境造成的危害越来越关注。

    People pay more and more attention to the harm to environment brought by all kinds of risk accidents .

  10. 指出洪港水厂必须建立、落实相应的应急措施,规避及减缓此类风险事故造成的重大危害。

    Emergency measures should be put forward and adopted to alleviate and avoid the harms caused by risk accidents .

  11. 根据联合国“阿佩尔计划”(APELL),环境风险事故管理的一个重要方法是建立面向地区的应急救援系统。

    By U.N.APELL-plan , it is an important management method of environmental risk accidents to build regional emergency rescue system .

  12. 城市重大环境风险事故应急救援系统的设计&以大连市为例

    Design of rescue system of city ′ s major environmental risk accidents : taking Dalian City as a case study

  13. 近年来,食品风险事故的频繁发生使食品安全问题日益突出。

    In recent years , the frequent occurrence of food risk accidents makes food safety issue become more and more prominent .

  14. 环境风险事故的发生,会通过环境介质对人类社会及自然环境产生破坏、损害和毁灭性的后果。

    The occurrence of environmental risk accident will bring human society and natural environment destruction , damage and devastating consequences through the environmental media .

  15. 二是风险事故发生之后,将损失控制在最低限度,即采取控制风险的措施。

    The other is to reduce the lose to the absolute minimum , after the risk has happened , measures are adopted to control the risk .

  16. 在海上运输业被越来越多的国家所重视的今天,海上污染风险事故发生的可能性也在不断增大。

    At sea transportation is more and more paid great attention in China today . Marine pollution risk the possibility of accident happening also in growing larger .

  17. 从危害度和危险度两个方面对脱硝系统中的液氨环境风险事故进行分析,并提出风险防范措施和应急预案,为同类项目的液氨环境风险评价提供参考。

    This paper analyzes the environmental risk assessment of liquid ammonia from the emergency degree and endangers degree and also puts forward measures against emergency protection and urgent response .

  18. 人类发展进入现代工业社会以后,各种风险事故呈现出多样化、复杂化的趋势,对社会的不利影响也愈发明显。

    After entering into the modern industrial society , there has been a trend for different kinds of accidents diversified and complicated and an increasingly obvious harmful impact on society .

  19. 在人类的长期航海实践中,形成了由多数人分摊海上不可预测风险事故导致损失的方式&海上保险。

    In the long-term practice of navigation , people formed a method to share the loss caused by the unpredictable accidents among the majority . The method is marine insurance .

  20. 开发了公路桥梁风险事故管理系统,为桥梁风险评估工作提供基础性的依据,并对收集的事故信息进行了简单的分析统计,该系统在本文中主要用于辅助完成风险识别工作。

    Highway bridge risk accidents management system ( BAMS ) was developed to provide the necessary basis for bridges risk assessment , accidents information collected in the system are simply analyzed .

  21. 近年来,国际上频繁发生的操作风险事故使商业银行蒙受了巨额损失,引起了银行监管部门的高度重视。

    In recent years , the operation risk accident frequently makes the commercial banks suffer huge losses in the world that have caused the great attention of the bank 's supervision department .

  22. 针对油气钻井起升系统作业安全影响因素和安全评价中的问题,分析了油气钻井起升系统作业的危险源及风险事故类型;

    Aiming at some problems of safety assessment and influence factor of oil ﹠ gas drilling hoisting system process . The thesis analyses oil ﹠ gas drilling hoisting system hazard and accident style .

  23. 随着我国经济和对外贸易的同步快速增长,国际贸易风险事故也日益增多,已经成为困扰众多外贸企业的一大难题。

    With the economic growth and foreign trade development , international trade risk accidents in international trade have increased . These have become a big problem which obsesses most foreign trade enterprises in China .

  24. 收集和整理国内近20年来87例山岭公路隧道施工风险事故资料。

    Then set up a risk assessment pattern of mountain highway tunnel construction . ( 2 ) Collect and collate the domestic 87 cases of the past 20 years mountain highway tunnel construction accident data .

  25. 虽然现代城市轨道建设成就显著,但是地铁工程本身的特点决定了在地铁施工的过程中容易发生风险事故。

    Although the achievements of the modern urban rail construction is prominent , the own characteristics of the subway engineering decide that it is prone to the risk of accidents in the process of the subway construction .

  26. 由股票市场风险事故给股票市场带来的直接影响是:证券资产迅速贬值(股灾),各经济主体(投资者、筹资者、国家)蒙受损失。

    The direct influences brought to stock market by the risk accidents are : the securities assets rapid depreciating ( burst of calamity ), every economic entity suffering losses ( the investors , fund-raisers and the country ) .

  27. 在将于周四发表的报告中,这些组织根据各公司对其供应链工厂污染和职业健康风险事故的询问的应对方式,列出了一份29家跨国科技公司的名单,苹果在其中排名垫底。

    In a report to be published on Thursday , the groups rank Apple last in a list of 29 multinational technology companies based on how each company dealt with inquiries about pollution and occupational health hazard incidents at factories in their supply chain .

  28. 由於寿险公司承担著人身风险事故发生后赔偿或给付保险金的责任,其经营状况不仅关系自身利益,还会影响千家万户。

    Due to life insurance companies have to take the responsibility of the risk of claims or insurance payments after the life risk of accidents happened . Their operational condition would not only have relationship with their own benefits but also have influence with thousands of policyholders .

  29. 食品安全风险和事故的出现,是已到来的风险社会的一部分。

    The food safety risk and accident appear , is already coming risk part of society .

  30. 卫生部门称这是台湾第一起因移植手术致患者感染艾滋风险的事故。

    The department said it was the first-ever known case of recipients being exposed to the risk of contracting AIDS because of organ transplants .