
fēnɡ xiǎn zī jīn
  • risk fund
  1. 泰达国际创业中心累计孵化企业达XX家,投入风险资金折合数百万美元。

    The TEDA International Incubator has totally incubated XX startup companies and funded millions of US dollars into venture capital .

  2. 在其他地方,O2O模式已经遭受过审视,尤其是在美国,许多组成“零工经济”(gigeconomy)基础的应用都在风险资金枯竭后失败。

    The O2O model has been subjected to scrutiny elsewhere , especially in the US , where many apps that form the basis of the " gig economy " have failed after venture funding dried up .

  3. 凭借7400万美元风险资金的支持,Vidyo已经开发出能够支持多达20个屏幕的远程呈现系统,而不是普通的三屏或四屏解决方案。

    With $ 74 million in venture backing , vidyo has developed a telepresence system that will allow up to 20 screens instead of the usual three - or four-screen solution .

  4. 我国高新技术企业风险资金来源及融通问题研究

    Research on Risk Financing Problems of New High-Tech Corporation in China

  5. 风险资金分散投资模型及其求解

    A model and its solution for investment diversification of venture capital

  6. 风险资金的规模不大是制约我国风险投资发展的重要因素。

    A model and its solution for investment diversification of venture capital ;

  7. 利用国际风险资金开办企业

    Invest in a start-up Business with international venture capital

  8. 这将要求来自于财政部以及通过贷款减记方式提供的风险资金。

    It will demand risk capital from Treasury and via haircuts on loans .

  9. 该领域正在吸引风险资金的涌入。

    The field is attracting some venture-capital money .

  10. 风险资金可选择转让退出方式。

    The risk capital can be selected the way of stock transferring or withdrawing .

  11. 科技型企业呼唤风险资金

    Venture Capital for Business

  12. 企业家通常寻求风险资金。风险资金通常来自富有的个人或投资公司,用来建立新的公司。

    Entrepreneurs often seek capital . This is money from wealthy individuals or investment companies of building new businesses .

  13. 科技成果评估和风险资金支持两个要素构成了驱动系统。

    And the technological achievement evaluation and the risk funds support the two factors to form a driving system .

  14. 搜狐网站创立于1996年,是中国第一个成功运用风险资金创办的互联网公司。

    SOHU , which established in 1996 , is the first Internet company in China by using the invest fund successfully .

  15. 为了尽可能地吸引创业风险资金,要鼓励境内外各种投资主体在紫竹科学园区开展风险投资业务,为不同类型、不同渠道的资金敞开大门。

    In order to attract more risk funds , all kinds of risk investments from home and abroad should be encouraged .

  16. 在获得预期收益后,风险资金可选择股份转让、股份回购两种退出方式。

    When the prospective income is acquired , the venture capital can drop our in two ways : share transfer and share redemption .

  17. 我听说,许多公司和大学在过去的几年里,已经向网络大学至少投资3亿美元的风险资金。

    I heard companies and colleges have invested at least US $ 300 million in the last few years on the Internet College gamble .

  18. 设想如果有充足的风险资金进入,将会大大促进科技园内高科技企业的发展与创新。

    Imagine that it is entered if there are sufficient risk funds , will promote thedevelopment and innovation of the high-tech enterprise in the Science-tech garden greatly .

  19. 可是在那些吸引了大量风险资金的领域,还有足够的需求再容纳两家、三家甚至很多家企业吗?

    WSJ : But is there enough demand out there for two or three or more players in these categories that are getting a lot of venture money ?

  20. 从资金的供给角度对信贷资金、风险资金、私人借款、资本市场、自有资金等不同融资渠道的资金进行调查研究。

    From the perspective of capital supply , it did researches in the various financial channels of lending capital , venture capital , private loans , capital market and self-owned capital .

  21. 这并不是因为当时人们缺乏经验,而是缺乏风险资金,而这正是我们目前所看到的,他说。

    It was not that people were unsophisticated , it was just that there was a dearth of risk capital and that is exactly what we are seeing now , he says .

  22. 印韩两国的经常账户赤字及以往对投资流动的依赖,使它们成为比较显眼的受害者,而随着风险资金的消失,其它亚洲货币也在节节下挫。

    The two countries ' current account deficits and erstwhile reliance on portfolio flows make them stand-out casualties , but other Asian currencies are also losing ground as risk capital goes to ground .

  23. 想在中国寻找好项目的风险资金比比皆是,要抓住这些资金,有谁能比既拥有成功的创业背景又拥有计算机学位的海龟更适合呢?

    There is no shortage of venture capital looking for good Chinese investments : who better to capture it than a sea turtle with a proved background as an entrepreneur and a degree in computer science ?

  24. 由于网约车是一个赢家通吃的市场(拥有最多司机和乘客的公司具有优势),因此许多公司把自己的风险资金投入面向乘客的高额补贴。

    Because ride hailing is a winner-take-all market - one in which the company with the most drivers and riderspassengers gains the advantage - many companies have been pouring their venture funding into deep subsidies for passengersusers .

  25. 文章还从风险资金来源结构、资金投资的地域分布结构和投资阶段分布结构三个方面探讨了供给模型的适用性。

    Every factor has its index system . Then it tests the applicability of the supply model from three aspects , which are venture capital 's structure of capital source , investment zone distribution and phase distribution .

  26. 安德森是她90岁寡居母亲可撤消信托的受托人,她设置了小额支票账户和信用卡账户作为母亲可以动用的零花钱。安德森将这笔钱称作“风险资金”。

    Ms. Anderson , trustee of her widowed , 90-year-old mother 's revocable trust , set up small checking and credit-card accounts that her mom can tap for incidentals -- 'at-risk money , ' Ms. Anderson calls it .

  27. 促使风险投资资金来源多元化;

    Diversification of funding resources for risk investment ;

  28. 造成我国风险投资资金不足的主要原因在于资金结构单一。

    The main reason cause lack of venture capital funds lies in the single fund structure .

  29. 虽然我从来没有得到风险投资资金,但我曾被很多风险投资商帮助过。

    I have never gotten VC funding , but I have had many VCs help me .

  30. 风险投资资金能否退出、以何种方式退出,直接影响到了风险投资的投资回报。

    Venture capital can exit out the manner in which a direct impact on venture capital investments .