
  • 网络risk reduction
  1. 它对经济的促进作用、对金融风险的抑制作用是相当明显的。

    It is very clear that SIF can stimulate the economy and control the financial risks effectively .

  2. 现在,泡沫风险得到抑制,而美联储也仍在刺激市场。

    Now , the risk of a bubble is reduced , while the Fed is still stimulating markets .

  3. 第二章研究由于消费者行为的不确定性而导致的风险及其抑制措施;

    The second chapter researches the risk caused by the uncertainty of consumer 's behavior and the controlling measures ;

  4. 亚洲金融监管者向美国同行发出警告称,美国提出的改革全球衍生品市场的提议,有可能造成系统性风险并抑制交易。

    US proposals to revamp global derivatives markets threaten to create systemic risks and dampen trading , Asian financial regulators have warned their US peers .

  5. 房价过高将会导致诸多的负面影响:增加还贷风险、抑制居民在其它领域的消费、加大贫富两极分化、增加空置率和降低城市竞争力等等。

    High housing price will cause much disadvantage : adding the risk of returning loan , restraining the residenters ' consuming in other field , increasing the poor and rich polarize , adding the empty rate and reducing the city competitive power , etc.

  6. 为了进一步的减少心血管疾病风险,推荐抑制炎症反应过程。

    To further reduce cardiovascular risk , aggressive suppression of the inflammatory process is recommended .

  7. 研究表明,前馈反馈最优控制策略是一种对需求风险具有明显抑制作用的鲁棒性控制策略。

    The results show that FFOC strategy is the robust control strategy to suppress the demand risk disruption .

  8. 本文研究在全球化和银行危机频发的背景下,如何对银行的风险行为进行抑制,以防范金融危机。

    The thesis study that how to conduct the risk of bank inhibition in the context of globalization .

  9. 过去十年,机构投资者在该行业的兴起,已经导致基金经理开始降低风险,进而抑制了回报率。

    Over the past decade the rise of institutional investors in the sector has led managers to reduce risk , damping returns .

  10. 随着我国相关法律、法规不断完善,货币市场基金的风险得到了抑制,但收益也相应降低。

    With the improvement of Chinese laws and regulations , the risks of the MMF are suppressed with the return also decreased .

  11. 因此,在中国经济与国际市场日益融合的严峻形势下,研究企业的竞争风险,探索抑制竞争风险的对策,变得尤为迫切和必要。

    Hence , confronting the integration of Chinese economy and international market , it becomes urgent and necessary to carry out researches on competition risks of companies , and the corresponding solutions to inhibit these risks .

  12. 但竞争与风险并存,如何抑制竞争风险,将损失的可能性降到最低,这是每个竞争主体在市场竞争中追求的目标。

    However , competition is always accompanied by risks . Therefore , to inhibit these risks and minimize the possible loss are the aims pursued by every actor in market economy .

  13. 文章认为低的销售收入利税率有利于增加企业风险,有利于抑制通货膨胀,促进经济稳定增长。

    The author believes that the adopting of low profit and duty rates of disappearance has the advantage of that it helps to increase the market risk , to suppress inflation and to promote the steady growth of economy .

  14. 同时,本文也提出了商业银行在参与融资租赁业务面对风险时的应对措施主要可以从分散和转移风险、抑制和规避风险以及补偿风险等三种方式入手,为商业银行妥善处理风险提出建议。

    This article also points out that in order to response to risk , the commercial banks mainly can do by spread and transfer , suppress and avoid and compensate risk , which is a suggestion for the commercial banks to properly handle the risk .

  15. 在房地产项目风险管理中,应进行科学的风险分析,风险预防及风险抑制。

    Risk management in real estate projects , should be carried out scientific risk analysis , risk prevention and risk mitigation .

  16. 保险企业整体风险评估与风险管理的基本策略为,以风险控制和内部风险抑制为基础,以风险融资为主体。

    Meanwhile basic strategies of insurance enterprise-wide risk management can be described as " based on risk control and risk aversion , focusing on risk financing " .

  17. 论文为提高我国风险投资项目风险防范能力,从风险规避、风险的补偿和转嫁、风险分散、风险抑制四个方面提出了风险防范策略。

    For enhancing our country venture capital project risk guard ability , from the four aspects of the risk avoidance , the risk transfer , the risk decentralization , the risk control , the paper proposes the risk guard strategy .

  18. 第四章主要是对制度变迁与中国证券公司风险行为进行实证。在前面的理论分析和研究设计的基础上,考察制度环境和公司治理对于这种风险行为的抑制作用。

    In the foundation of theoretical analysis and research design made , do research on the action which system environment and governance on risk behavior .