
  • 网络Venture capital system;System of Venture Investment
  1. 加入WTO给中国生物医药带来的冲击及我国生物医药产业化面临的机遇与挑战;完善的风险投资体系对于促进我国乃至整个生物医药产业发展的现实意义。

    The impact with the entry of WTO brought about to Chinese bio-medicine industry and the opportunities and challenges that industrialization of our bio-medicine will face , the real significance that perfect risk investment system will promote the development of our country and even the whole bio-medicine industry .

  2. 目前我国风险投资体系存在的主要问题及改革建议

    The Present Problems of Venture Investment System and Reform Suggestions

  3. 城市创新系统与风险投资体系互动运作研究

    Study on interdynamic operation between city innovation system and venture capital system

  4. 建立中国风险投资体系的构想及有关政策建议

    The Suggestion and Conception of Building up the Risk Investment System in China

  5. 风险投资体系构成的系统性研究

    Study on the Systematicness of Risk Investment System

  6. 西部高新企业的发展与风险投资体系的构建

    Development of High-and-new Technical Enterprises in Western China and Construction of Risk Investment System

  7. 论我国高新技术产业的风险投资体系

    Venture Capital System of High-tech Industrialization in China

  8. 健全中国风险投资体系的研究

    Research About Perfect Venture Investment System in China

  9. 我国产业风险投资体系的参与者及其定位问题研究

    Study on the Participants of Industrial Venture Investment System and Its Location in China

  10. 建立风险投资体系加快发展我省高新技术产业

    Establishing Risk Investment System and Speeding up High and New Industrial Technology of Hunan Province

  11. 六是进一步完善风险投资体系;

    Further perfecting risk investment system ;

  12. 我国产业风险投资体系目前存在着参与者角色与定位不明晰的问题。

    There exists ambiguous location problem in China ′ s industrial venture investment system at present .

  13. 因此建立风险投资体系是推动我国高新技术产业发展的客观需要。

    Therefore establishment the system of venture capital is the objective needs to promote our country of high-tech industrial development .

  14. 建立风险投资体系的实质是在现有的投融资体系中营造一个为高新科技企业服务的金融循环系统。

    The essence of the venture capital system is to build a financial recycling system to serve the hi-tech enterprises .

  15. 风险投资体系中,风险资本家与风险企业家之间形成委托代理关系。

    There is a kind of principal-agent relationship between the venture capitalist and the venture entrepreneur in the venture investment system .

  16. 构建海洋高技术产业风险投资体系是我国海洋高技术产业化的现实选择。

    It is a practical choice to establish marine high-tech industry venture capital system for marine high-tech industrialization in our country .

  17. 可以借鉴西方发达国家经验,引入建立风险投资体系,以扶植高新技术企业的发展。

    We can learn from the Western experience of developed countries to introduce the risk investment system to foster these companies .

  18. 科技部将组织对华投资项目发布和洽谈活动;推进风险投资体系的建设。

    Our ministry will initiate the project promotion and conduct the business talks , and will give impetus to the construction of venture capital system .

  19. 我国目前缺乏支持高技术产业发展的资本市场和成熟的风险投资体系,对高技术产业发展的资金支持更多地还是依靠财政拨款和银行贷款来完成。

    Our high-tech industry development is lack of supporting by capital market and mature venture capital . It is mainly provided funds by budget allocations and bank loans .

  20. 因此,本文将着力研究和对比分析美国与日本的风险投资体系的特征,以期对发展和完善我国风险投资体系找出一些可供借鉴的对策。

    Therefore , this article the strength research and the contrast will analyze American and Japan 's venture capital system characteristic , that to countermeasure our country venture capital mechanism .

  21. 一是建立健全直接融资体系。如完善风险投资体系、建立中国二板市场、发行中小企业债券。

    One is establishing and perfecting direct financing systems , such as perfecting the venture investment system , establishing " the Second-board Market ", issuing stock about Small Medium Enterprise .

  22. 整个风险投资体系分为融资、投资和退出三个阶段,其中退出阶段是至关重要的阶段。

    The exit stage is the most important one in the whole venture capital system , which can be divided into three stages : fund-raising , investing , and exit .

  23. 可见,在区内建立风险投资体系,开辟良好的融资渠道已普遍成为世界高科技园区技术创新的一项重要支持战略。

    It is obvious , establish the system of risk investment in district , open up good financing channel become world Hi-Tech garden one of technological innovation important to support strategy generally already .

  24. 理论和实践表明,技术产权交易这一创新交易模式具备高效资源配置、理性投资、价值发现、完善风险投资体系等功能。

    Theory and practice show that technology & property exchange market has many functions such as high efficient resource allocation , rational investment , price finding , improvement of the venture capital system etc. .

  25. 因此,本文希望在这方面做一些补充,着重针对高科技园区的风险投资体系建设及风险评价问题展开讨论。

    So this text is it make some supplement , is it organize discussion to Hi-Tech risk investment system construction and issue of appraisal of risk of garden to focus on in this respect to hope .

  26. 早在1997年,科技部在研究建立中国风险投资体系时就提出了建立二板市场的构想。

    Early in 1997 , the Scientific Department of China has set out the idea of the establishing of the Second Board at the same time of the study for establishing of the Risk Investment System in China .

  27. 在发达国家,非正式权益资本市场,风险投资体系和二板市场的发展,在很大程度上缓解了中小企业的权益资本融资缺口。

    Currently , in informal interests-and-right capital market of developed countries , the development of risk investment system and " second park market " has , to great degree , alleviated the " gap of interests-and-right capital financing " .

  28. 最后提出了提升福建省电子及通信设备产业集群竞争力的对策:构筑高科技型人才高地、提高技术创新能力、优化产业链结构、树立良好的区域品牌形象和强化风险投资体系建设。

    In the end , the thesis puts forward relevant strategies which include building the base for science and technology talents 、 enhancing technological innovation capability 、 optimizing industrial chains configuration 、 establishing excellent regional brand and strengthening venture capital system .

  29. 构建和完善清洁技术产业风险投资体系,促进清洁技术产业核心竞争力的提高,从而推动我国清洁技术产业风险投资的发展,这正是本文选题的基本思路。

    Build and improve the venture capital system in clean technology industry , promote clean technology industry to improve core competitiveness , thus promoting the development of venture capital and clean technology industry , which is the basic idea of this topic .

  30. 提出健全体制、优化园区环境、完善形象工程、创立品牌、健全风险投资体系、加大信息网络建设、提升传统产业等应对措施。

    Therefore , we should consummate the system , optimize the environment of the park , improve the image project , found the brand , build the adventure investment system , enlarge the construction of the information net and upgrade the traditional industry .