
  • 网络risk factor;hazard
  1. 生态治理中政府部门代理人道德风险因素分析

    Analyses on Agent 's Moral Hazard Factors about Management of Eco-environment

  2. 505例乳腺叶状肿瘤局部复发临床风险因素分析

    Analysis of Clinical Hazard Factors for Local Recurrence in 505 Patients with Phyllodes Tumors of Breast

  3. 任何商业投资都包含一定的风险因素。

    Any business venture contains an element of risk .

  4. 他说:“导致人们过早死亡的一个风险因素就是我们吸入的空气,而这是个人几乎无法控制的。”

    " One of the risk factors for premature deaths is the air we breathe , over which individuals have little control , " he said .

  5. 另一方面,科学家越来越认识到衰老和生物学年龄是两码事,前者是诸如心脏病、癌症等多种疾病的主要风险因素。

    On the other hand , scientists are increasingly learning that aging and biological age are two different things , and that the former is a key risk factor for conditions such as heart disease , cancer and many more .

  6. 目前已经发现,孤独是导致患癌死亡的一个风险因素,但是人们对孤独、社交隔绝和癌症三者之间的联系知之甚少。

    Loneliness has been suggested as a risk factor for cancer mortality . However , connections between loneliness , social isolation2 , and cancer are poorly understood .

  7. 最后利用AHP方法求出各风险因素的综合风险权重。

    Finally , the comprehensive risk weight is calculated by AHP method .

  8. 急、慢性损伤为OA的重要风险因素;

    Acute / chronic trauma is the important risk factors of OA .

  9. 通过深度访谈的方法研究了SAPBusinessOne项目实施中每个步骤可能出现的风险因素,并通过专家调查的方法进行调整修正,得到20类共49项风险因素。

    By the method of depth interview to study the possible risk factors during SAP Business One implementation . The results are then adjusted by experts .

  10. 其最大的风险因素是:“如果我们不能与Facebook保持良好的合作关系,那么我们的业务就会遭殃。”

    Its top risk factor is : " if we are unable to maintain a good relationship with Facebook , our business will suffer . "

  11. 最后,本文结合大连LNG项目的风险因素,提出了风险防范和管理措施。

    At the end of , combined with the risk factors , the essay provides with the risk control and management tasks and suggestions .

  12. 本章阐述了信托制SPV的组织形式和治理结构,并详细分析了信托型SPV的风险因素。

    This section describes the management structure of SPT , and detailed analyses the risk factors in SPT .

  13. 并通过SPSS统计分析发现,这些关键风险因素跟软件项目的成败有着深刻的影响。

    Through the statistic analysis by SPSS , we draw the conclusion that these key risk factors have profound impact on the success of the software project .

  14. 此外,潜伏感染结核菌的重新激活对于其他疾病也是一个高风险因素,尤其是HIV病人以及糖尿病病人(进行抗肿瘤坏死因子治疗的病人)等免疫缺陷的个体[2]。

    The reactivation of latent TB represents high risk for other abnormalities , especially for the patient infected with human immunodeficiency viruses , or with diabetes and other disease need anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy .

  15. 本文通过共享服务中心实施过程的研究,识别出在其实施过程的主要风险因素,建立和评估风险评价指标体系,为实施SSC的企业提供风险管理措施。

    After study of SSC implementation , major risk factors of SSC implementation are identified , and a rational risk evaluation index system is established and evaluated .

  16. 结果(1)相关风险因素分析中与WMLs相关有统计学意义的变量为年龄、高血压史、卒中史、脑动脉硬化。

    Result : ( 1 ) Age , hypertension , stroke history , cerebral arteriosclerosis are significantly correlated with WMLs .

  17. 本文对投标理论研究的发展现状作出了评述,分析了软件项目投标过程中的风险因素,研究了变精度粗集(VariablePrecisionRoughSet,简称VPRS)在软件项目投标风险规避领域的适用性。

    The study reviews the research status of bidding theory , analyzes the risk categories and risk factors in software project bidding , then , discuss the applicability of the variable precision rough set ( VPRS ) model on knowledge discovery of risk avoidance in software project bidding .

  18. 接着,在文献研究的基础上,通过调查问卷的方式获得AMS项目风险因素,采用聚类分析法对风险因素聚类,并按照专家意见选取指标,从而构建风险评价指标体系。

    Then , on the basis of the literature research , this paper concludes the considerable risk factors for AMS project by the questionnaires-survey and clusters them in cluster analysis , then , builds up a index system .

  19. 以及PPD时常在向美国证券交易委员会呈报的文件中详细列出的其他风险因素,您可向PPD投资者关系部门免费索取这些文件的副本。

    These and other PPD risk factors are set forth in more detail from time to time in our SEC filings , copies of which are available free of charge upon request from PPD 's investor relations department .

  20. 在调查过程中,应用访谈和问卷的方法进行调查,然后采用统计软件SPSS中的因子分析的方法对数据进行处理,最后将多种风险因素归为六大因素:第三方的服务效率风险;

    In the investigation process , conversation and questionnaire are used , then the factor analysis method in SPSS software are applied to deal with the data , finally I converged the many kinds of risk factors into six main factors : Third party service efficiency risk ;

  21. 其次,贯穿数理化分析思想,选择了模糊层次分析(FAHP)的方法进行定性和定量相结合的分析,对风险因素的重要程度进行了排序。

    Secondly , this paper uses science analysis thought , selects the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ( FAHP ) method for qualitative and quantitative analysis , and ranks the importance of risk factors .

  22. 对2000t/a50%单氰胺水溶液生产新工艺作了技术经济分析,重点进行了不确定性分析,找出了风险因素,并得出了相应结论。

    The techno economic analysis , especially uncertainty analysis , on new technology of 2000 t / a 50 % cyanamide solution is undertaken , the risk factors are indicated , and suitable conclusions are reached .

  23. 第四章通过问卷调查和统计实证分析,识别出基于SCOR模型的供应链8个关键风险因素包含36个风险变量。

    In Chapter 4 , 8 key risk factors and 39 variables in SC are found out by empirical study , in which include 2 uncontrollable factors and 6 controllable factors . This reveals the significance of SCR fully .

  24. 核分裂和肿瘤性坏死是独立的风险因素。

    Mitotic activity and tumor necrosis were the independent prognostic factors .

  25. 产科医疗高风险因素分析与对策

    Analysis and Countermeasure of High Risk Factors in Obstetrics Medical Treatment

  26. 基于风险因素的区域水安全评价模糊模型研究

    On Fuzzy Model for Regional Water Security Assessment Considering Risk Factors

  27. 地质风险因素的条件概率分析

    An analysis of the conditional probability in the geological risk factors

  28. 外包风险因素分析及对会计实务的启示

    An Analysis of Outsourcing Risk Factors and Implications on Accounting Practice

  29. 这无疑给中国企业的海外直接投资造成了许多障碍与不确定性的风险因素。

    This undoubtedly causes many obstacles and uncertain factors of risks .

  30. 个人住房抵押贷款提前还款风险因素实证研究

    Empirical Study on Prepayment Risk Factors of Individual Housing Mortgage Loan