
  • 网络risk reserve;provisions of risk
  1. 以风险资本与价差风险水平的对应关系为核心,以电力市场衍生合同和企业自身的价差风险准备金为风险控制手段,建立价差风险管理体系的初步框架。

    Taking the relationship between the risk capital and the risk level as the core , and the derivative contracts of electricity market and the price difference risk reserves as the risk control measures , the preliminary frame of the price difference risk management system is constructed .

  2. 基金风险准备金制度形同虚设

    Fund risk reserve policy exits in the name only

  3. 风险准备金应当单独核算,专户存储。

    The provisions for risks shall be separately calculated and specialized deposited .

  4. 把利息中除10%的风险准备金外的剩余部分购买商业保险。

    Make purchases of commercial insurance using the remaining part of interest except for the10 % provision of risk .

  5. 操作风险准备金的计提,是以比较准确的评估商业银行所面临的操作风险大小为基础。

    Provision for operational risk reserve is based on the more accurate assessment of operational risk that commercial bank faces .

  6. 风险准备金是指由交易所设立,用于为维护期货市场正常运转提供财务担保和弥补因交易所不可预见风险带来亏损的资金。

    The provisions for risk shall be established by the exchange and used for providing the financial guarantee and making up for the losses due to the unpredictable risks of the exchange in order to maintain the normal operation of futures markets .

  7. 第一百二十八条证券公司从每年的税后利润中提取交易风险准备金,用于弥补证券交易的损失,其提取的具体比例由国务院证券监督管理机构规定。

    Article 128 . Securities companies shall withhold from their yearly after ? Tax earnings a securities transaction risk reserve to cover losses incurred from securities transactions . The specific ratio of withholding shall be regulated by the State Council securities regulatory body .

  8. 在增加投资收益方面,加强同银行的合作,拓展投资渠道,如协议银行存款和委托贷款,利用机构投资优势,建立风险准备金制度。

    In increasing the profit , we should enhance the cooperation with banks , increase investment outlet such as the bank negotiation deposit and the entrust loan , make full use of the capital market and the advantage of organization , establish the risk reserve system .

  9. 后来的《巴塞尔协议ii》(baselii)对这一点进行了修改,理论上授予银行一定的自由裁量权来增加针对主权风险的准备金。

    This was subsequently modified in Basel II , to give banks some theoretical discretion to raise reserves against sovereign risk .

  10. 最终,全球对“无风险”准备金的贪得无厌将适得其反,“无风险”变成有风险。

    In the end , the world 's insatiable demand for the " risk-free " reserve asset will make that asset anything but risk-free .

  11. 第三章对非寿险公司准备金评估中的概念和方法进行分析,从而给出定价风险和准备金不足风险以及保险风险的定义。

    Chapter 3 analyze concepts and methodologies about the reserve valuation for Property and Casualty ( P / C ) insurers to define pricing risk and reserving risk .

  12. 内部评级结果被应用到信用限额、预警体系、产品定价、风险报告、准备金计提、经济资本、组合管理等各项日常业务管理中。

    The internal rating result is applicable to the management of various daily business , which includes credit limit , warning system , product evaluation , risk suggestion , set-up reserve , economic capital and combinational management .

  13. 传统方法中的损失准备金是通过分别计算各种类型的风险的损失准备金,然后对这些风险损失准备金进行简单求和。

    In order to achieve the balance between risk management and profitability , the traditional way is to calculate a simply summation after get the loss reserve of each type of risk . This method implies that losses of different risks are completely positive related .

  14. 对于保险公司的风险评估,从准备金的计算方法到偿付能力的标准都一直处于不断发展变化之中。

    Risk assessment for insurance companies , from the valuation of the reserve to the solvency standards have been in continuous development .

  15. 因此,一些大型银行的高管正在讨论是否有必要更进一步,针对不同形式的主权风险计提更多的准备金就像它们目前针对企业和新兴市场风险计提的准备金一样。

    Thus , the top managers of some large banks are now discussing whether they need to go further and start making more provisions for different forms of sovereign risk , in the same way that they now make reserves for corporate , or emerging market risks .

  16. 目前,在风险补偿机制上,担保机构无力提取足够的风险准备金,各级政府的基金补偿制度未得到全面有效的建立。

    In risk compensation mechanism , guarantee organization is unable to draw enough risk reserve capital , and fund compensation system of all levels governments have not be founded effectively .

  17. 现有股指期货交易中的风险防范制度主要有:保证金制度;价格限制相关制度;持仓限额制度和大户报告制度;强制平仓制度;结算联保制度和风险准备金制度;风险警示制度。

    Currently , the stock index futures in the risk prevention system are : deposit system ; price limit related systems ; position limits system and large reporting system ; forced open system ; settlement system and the risk of UNPROFOR reserve system ; risk warning system .

  18. 作为最后一道防线,ES风险预测变量能对风险进行很好的测度,因此,通过对异常波动的时间损益序列进行压力测试及其它置信水平更高的风险度量来确定准备金预留将显得尤为重要。

    As the last ditch , ES will do well in measure for forecasting risk . Consequently , it is important to conduct press test and other high confidence measure with time losses series of unusual fluctuations , from we can get accuracy in reserving risk capital .