
  • 网络Risk cost;cost of risk
  1. 上月,就有人把南非兰特的下跌,归咎于他关于资本市场低估了新兴市场风险成本的讲话。

    Last month he was blamed for a drop in the value of the South African rand after commenting that capital markets were underestimating the cost of risk in emerging markets .

  2. 这样导致传统指标的评价结果难以准确反映为股东创造的价值,也未反映获得该经营成果所支付的风险成本。

    As a result , the evaluation of the results of the traditional indicators difficult to accurately reflect the value created for shareholders , but also did not reflect the results obtained by the operator to pay the cost of risk .

  3. 以错误分类的风险成本对RS-Bagging模型和MTS-Bagging模型进行比较,发现MTS-Bagging模型的综合错误率低于其他集成模型。再次,基于滑动时间窗口的财务危机集成预警研究。

    Considering the risk cost of misclassification , the error rate of MTS-Bagging model is lower than other modles in the research . Thirdly , we research on the model for financial distress prediction based on sliding time window technology .

  4. 海洋石油分散风险成本和效益的经济分析

    Economic analysis of transforming risk cost and benefit of oceanic petroleum

  5. 考虑动态风险成本的工程系统可靠度最优分配方法

    Optimal Allocation Method of Engineering System Reliability Considering Dynamic Risk Cost

  6. 风险成本:成本研究的新领域

    Risk Cost : The New Field of Study on Cost Management

  7. 其四,提出了实施全面风险成本管理目前应着力解决的问题。

    Finally it points out the Risk-cost management problem in TCM practice .

  8. 假冒名牌产品的风险成本问题

    An Analysis of Risk Cost of Fake Brands Key Products

  9. 重要商品的对外贸易风险成本初探

    Preliminary Discussion on the Venture Cost of Important Goods in International trade

  10. 税务筹划风险成本分析

    An Analysis on Risk Cost of Tax Plan

  11. 基于风险成本的建设项目风险管理方案优选研究

    Research on Optimal Selection of Construction Project Risk Management Plan Based on Risk Cost

  12. 纺织企业转产风险成本分析

    Cost of transformation risk analysis To textile enterprise

  13. 风险成本管理研究探讨

    The Research of Risk Cost Management

  14. 契约成本分成三部分,固定成本、监督成本和风险成本。

    Contract costs are divided into three parts : fixed costs , monitoring costs and risk costs .

  15. 船舶海运风险成本管理研究

    Maritime Risk Costs Management Research

  16. 风险成本管理对证券公司的经营和发展是至关重要的。

    The management of risk cost is very important for a security company to operate and develop .

  17. 政府管理的风险成本问题已经严重影响到了社会经济的发展,但始终没有引起人们的足够重视。

    The problem of risk cost of government administration has put seriously negative effects on the social economy .

  18. 方法博弈论中风险成本、风险确定性等价值的计算方法。

    Methods The evaluated methods of risk cost and the certainty equivalent utility in game theory were adopted .

  19. 发展信息产业要利用后发优势,少走弯路,减少风险成本,要利用信息技术加快改造传统产业步伐。

    We should make good use of information industry , reduce risk and transform traditional industries with information industry .

  20. 因此,信贷市场均衡是风险成本与风险收益(风险补偿)之间的均衡,信贷配给论没有抓住信贷市场均衡的特征,因而不能准确反映信贷市场均衡的本质。

    Therefore , the credit market equilibrium is the equilibrium of risk cost and risk return ( risk compensation ) .

  21. 另外,对于财务危机预警而言,发生两类错误的风险成本存在差异。

    In addition , for the financial distress prediction , the risk cost of the two type errors is different .

  22. 对企业的税务筹划面临的风险成本问题及原因进行分析,在此基础上提出了防范税务筹划风险及对策。

    The article analyzes the risk of enterprise tax plan , the reasons and the countermeasures against the risk of tax plan .

  23. 除了传统的筹资利息成本和非利息成本之外,还存在着筹资的流动性成本和利率风险成本。

    In addition to traditional interest cost and non interest cost , there are liquid cost and interest rate risk cost in funding .

  24. 研究结论认为,在单层和双重委托代理关系下,将股利政策作为一种信息传递机制,写入激励合同,可以降低风险成本和总代理成本。

    The result shows that dividend policy can reduce risk agent cost and total agent cost in single and double principal-agent theory models .

  25. 系统在水电站的学员培训、理论研究、降低风险成本方面都起到十分重要的作用。

    The system can play a very important role in the training of hydropower staff , theoretical research , and reducing risk costs .

  26. 再次,本文从风险成本最小化的宗旨出发,结合我国的实际情况,考虑一系列的风险控制和管理手段。

    Then , based on minimizing risk cost and considering actual conditions , the author studies some approaches of risk control and management .

  27. 贷款定价应该充分反映资金成本、风险成本和管理成本,不得笼统将贷款利率上浮至最高限额。

    Loan pricing should fully reflect the cost of capital , risk and administrative costs , not general lending rates to go up to the ceiling .

  28. 将产业价值链及物流库存管理中过时风险成本理论与航空运输业的特性有机结合起来,使论文更加丰满,更具说服力。

    Combine industry chain theory , outdated risk cost of inventory management with characteristics of air transport organically to make the dissertation more plentiful , more convincing .

  29. 全文的核心,是为了在社会保障基金在进行境外投资获取收益的同时,实现风险成本最小化的目标。

    The core of this dissertation is to achieve the objective of minimizing risk cost when investing social insurance fund abroad get profits at the same time .

  30. 顾客总成本包括时间成本、货币成本、风险成本、精神成本、机会成本、构成了电子商务顾客满意度的评价指标。

    The total cost of the customer includes monetary cost , risk cost , spiritual cost , opportunity cost , evaluation index to form customer satisfaction of e-commerce .