
  • 网络risk accumulation;accumulation of risk
  1. 为此,笔者分析了利用GIS辅助巨灾保险风险管理的优越性,并就GIS在巨灾保险的信息管理、风险累积预测和风险管理专家系统中所起的作用和发挥的功能分别进行了探讨。

    The advantage of applying GIS to risk management of giant disasters was analyzed . GIS technology was introduced , and the application of GIS to the information management , the prediction of risk accumulation , and the expert system of risk management were probed into .

  2. 垄断使风险累积,反垄断令金融更安全;

    Monopoly insur financial safety and keep economic order and so on .

  3. 近年来,由潜在的金融风险累积而爆发的金融危机在世界各国频频发生。

    In recent years , financial crisis outbreak from the accumulated potential financial risks occurred frequently in many countries .

  4. 非效率投资会阻碍企业的成长,损害企业价值,同时会给宏观经济带来不利影响,造成系统性风险累积。

    Hindering the growth and impairing value of the enterprises , inefficient investment will bring negative influence to the macro-economy .

  5. 金融风险累积到一定程度如果不将其化解掉,最终将演变为金融危机。

    Accumulated financial risk , which is not solved , to a certain degree will eventually lead to a financial crisis .

  6. 本文首次提出了可以综合表征高温事件几率极大值和持续日数的热害风险累积值的概念。

    In order to considering both the maximum probability of high temperature and the length high temperature events duration , the risk of heat injury accumulation was first proposed .

  7. 尽管监管层官员和银行业高管纷纷站出来发出警告,比如针对大量资金流向新资产导致风险累积,但各银行仍在继续放贷。

    While regulators and sundry bank executives keep popping up to warn about , for example , the risks piling up in financing new assets , the banks keep lending .

  8. 奥巴马将提议,授权美联储解决威胁整个系统的风险累积问题,核心机构和金融市场将作为美联储的关注重点。

    Mr Obama will propose giving the Fed powers to address the build-up of risks that threaten the system as a whole , with a focus on core institutions and financial markets .

  9. 这种双垄断的结果是缺乏激励约束的低效的金融结构和因缺乏竞争造成的逆向选择和道德风险累积的金融市场。

    The results of the double monopoly are the low efficient financial structures which lack the stimulating regulation and the conversing selected and ethical risks accumulated markets , which are caused by the lack of competition .

  10. 知情人士表示,高盛高管不仅担心对冲基金的风险累积,而且还担心其它实体,比如即将从银行手中抢走相当大部分衍生品业务的清算机构。

    People close to the situation said Goldman executives were concerned about the build-up of risk not just among hedge funds but also other entities , such as the clearing houses set to take much of the derivatives business from banks .

  11. 考虑到房屋空置率与房贷风险累积银行的原因,解决四大银行不良资产问题必须以住房抵押贷款证券化作为资产证券化的突破口。

    Considering the reasons for the housing vacancy rate and housing loan risks of the bank , we should take the Mortgage-backed Security ( MBS ) as the breakthrough point of the ABS to solve the non-performing assets problem of the four major banks .

  12. 金融风险的累积速度加快,金融危机、经济危机频频爆发。

    Faster accumulation of financial risks , financial crisis , economic crisis broke out frequently .

  13. 灾害风险的累积是悄然无声的。

    The risk of disaster quietly accumulates .

  14. 第二,负二项分布在描述某些风险的累积索赔额时具有复合泊松分布的形式;

    Next , it has a form of compound Poisson distribution when claim amount is Logrithmic .

  15. 随着市场内部风险不断累积,爆发系统性危机也就成为必然的事件。

    Internal risk as the market continue to accumulate , the outbreak of a systemic crisis has become an inevitable event .

  16. 究其所以,就是因为中国股市实行的单向交易模式使得风险不断累积,最后集中爆发而形成的。

    It is because of the increasing caculation of risk derived from the one-way trade pattern operated in the China stock market .

  17. 但由于金融控股公司内部日益复杂的股权关系、关联交易、利益冲突和不断创新的金融衍生产品,这都使金融控股公司风险不断累积。

    Because of more complex equity relationship , related transaction , interest conflicts and more creatively financial derivatives , these all make the risks of financial holding company increasing .

  18. 这两者是有内在紧密联系的有机整体,两者的脱节将造成我国宏观经济政策有效性降低,进而带来风险的累积。

    The two are closely inter-related and the detachment of them will lead to the decreasing effectiveness of the macro-economic policies of our country and further cause amounting risks .

  19. 虽然这或许能让中国再次实现7.5%的官方增长目标,但中国所付出的代价将是金融风险进一步累积。

    While this may allow the country to once again meet its official growth target of 7.5 % , it will have been achieved at the expense of an ever greater build-up of financial risk .

  20. 而对于整个宏观金融格局而言,则会造成金融风险的累积,甚至加速金融危机的爆发,加剧金融危机的危害。

    As for the whole financial structure in terms of macro , it could result in the accumulation of financial risks , and even speed up the outbreak of financial crisis or exacerbate the financial crises .

  21. 目前由美国次贷危机所引发的全球金融危机迫使我们必须深刻反省我国宏观金融风险的累积程度及金融危机发生的潜在可能性。

    At present , the global financial crisis arose from the US sub-prime lending crisis forces us to reflect deeply on the cumulative extent of macro-financial risks and the potentiality of financial crisis in our country .

  22. 不仅如此,如果投资型业务占比过高,潜在风险将不断累积,不利于保险业的长期稳健发展。

    Not only that , if the high proportion of investment business , the potential risk will continue to accumulate , is not conducive to the development of the insurance industry in long-term .

  23. 风险的频度、累积性及与Hurst指数关系的研究

    On the Frequency & Additivity of Risk and Its Relation with Hurst Exponent

  24. 因此,创建一个全面的数据库显然是不错的方法,有望帮助监管机构和投资者发现金融风险在何处累积。

    So creating a holistic data base is a self-evidently good step as it could help regulators and investors to see where financial risks are building up .

  25. 融道德风险成为金融风险不断累积,金融泡沫不断累积,最后酿成金融信用风险和金融危机最重要的源头之一。

    In brief , the inclusive impacts caused by the moral risk will amass more financial risk , more bubbles , and then detonate financial credit risk , and the financial crisis in the end .

  26. 商业银行是经营风险的企业,其风险一旦累积到一定量并被公开则金融风险具有强烈的传导性。

    Banks are enterprises running risks , once financial risk accumulates to a certain degree and is known , finance risk has strong trend to spread .

  27. 财政风险长期处于缺乏风险管理的状态,导致了风险的累积。

    State Painting The lack of management over financial risk has led to the accumulation of risk .

  28. 利用FDI(外商直接投资)相对于利用外债和各种短期国际资本来说,产生经济主权风险的概率较小,但随着FDI规模的扩大,风险会随之累积。

    Compared with foreign loans and short-term international capital flows , Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) poses less risk on the sovereignty of the host country .

  29. 接着论述了我国商业银行信用风险管理的现状,主要论述了我国商业银行信用风险产生和累积的原因以及信用风险管理存在的问题。

    Secondly , it outlines the current situation of Chinese merchant banks ' credit risk management and discusses factors which lead to the serious credit risk in Chinese merchant banks and existing problems which need to be solved in the credit risk management .

  30. 我国的财政风险处于发散的状态,呈不断扩大的趋势,原因在于制度缺陷导致的风险大锅饭,破坏了收益与风险对称的基本规则,从而形成了一种风险累积和集中的机制。

    The author also points out that fiscal risk in China spreads widely due to institutional flaws where the basic rule for the symmetry of return and risk has already been destroyed and various risks are thus generated and centralized .