
  • 网络Risk treatment;risk management;Risk handling
  1. 注:风险管理活动一般包括风险评估、风险处理、风险接受和风险沟通。

    Note : risk management typically includes risk assessment , risk treatment , risk acceptance and risk communication .

  2. 根据输水工程的具体情况,全面分析了项目在建设及运营过程中存在的风险因素,并提出了相应的风险处理措施。

    According to practical cases of water transport project , the risk factor in the process of construction and function of the project was roundly analyzed , and the corresponding risk treatment was provided .

  3. 矿业权评估中的风险处理技术

    The Technology of Risk Treating in Prospecting and Mining Right Assessment

  4. 中国南方稻农干旱风险处理策略

    The Rice Farmer Coping Strategies to the Drought Risk in Southern China

  5. 因此加强冶金工程项目风险处理的研究显得非常必要。

    Therefore , strengthening the metallurgical projects on risk management is very necessary .

  6. 将企业风险处理纳入会计范畴;

    Integration of business risks into accounting category ;

  7. 警务风险处理的理论基础是多米诺骨牌理论和能量释放理论。

    Its theoretical foundation is the Theory of Domino and the Theory of Energy Release .

  8. 农户的风险处理策略对保障家庭经济稳定起到了重要作用。

    Rural households ' risk coping mechanisms played important role in protecting them from suffering .

  9. 从宏观层面上分析了我国南方水稻干早风险处理策略。

    Important problem , analyses of our country southern rice drought risk mechanism from macroscopical aspect .

  10. 农村贫困家庭健康风险处理的三级模式及政策干预框架

    Coping with Health-related Risks in Rural Impoverished Families : A Three-grade Handling Mode and Policy Intervention Framework

  11. 香港期货交易所清算系统是分级和分层次的,分层化的市场结构是保证期货市场正常运行的主要措施,按金和每日清算制度是风险处理制度的命脉。

    The market structure of administrative levels is the main measure to assure the normal operation of index futures market ;

  12. 在收集到更多的安全、有效的数据之前,对阿洛司琼治疗的风险处理方案不应改变。

    The risk management plan for alosetron should not be altered until further safety and efficacy data has been collected .

  13. 在风险处理阶段,本文重点介绍了动态联盟项目的阶段性风险、全程性风险和联盟成员间的传递性风险的管理措施和防范措施;

    In the risk processing stage , this article introduces the dynamic alliance project risk management measure and the guard measure .

  14. 按照风险处理原则,分别进行了预防,回避,减轻,转移等应对策略。最后,提出利用净现值法对风险进行动态监控,及时发现风险征兆。

    In accordance with the risk management principles , prevention , avoidance , mitigation , transfer were used as coping strategies .

  15. 主要阐述本文的研究意义、研究目标、研究方法、论文结构,以及国内外关于水稻干旱风险处理策略的研究成果等几个基本问题。

    This chapter introduces research signification , research objective , research methods , and advanced research results of foreign and native .

  16. 最后,通过风险处理、风险控制确定手机产业供应链管理的方法。

    Finally , through risk management , risk control , to determine mobile phone industry supply chain analysis and management methods .

  17. 地质灾害风险处理主要是电厂工程的基础处理及管道抗冲刷处理。

    The geological hazard risk controlling is mainly the foundation disposal of power plants projects and the resisting eroding of sea floor conduit .

  18. 警务风险处理的目标包括:安全目标、职责目标、经济目标、减少忧虑目标。

    The aims of dealing with the police practice hazards include the safety , the duty , the economy , and reducing the worries etc.

  19. 此风险处理方案通过提供风险预报、成本效益分析和对新应对方案的详细财务分析,有效减少了一些不确定因素为各企业用户造成的额外损失。

    The Quantitative Risk Solutions service helps corporations reduce loss uncertainty by providing loss forecasts , cost-benefit analysis , and detailed financial analysis on countermeasure programs .

  20. 并结合夏新电子的实例,对建立财务预警组织机构、构建财务信息收集分析机制、构建财务风险处理机制进行了案例分析。

    The paper have provided Amoi with examples of organizations in establishing financial early warning , building financial information collection and analysis mechanisms , financial risk management mechanism .

  21. 在公路工程项目风险处理中,本文根据评价结果来分析决策是否投资和如何进行有效风险管理。

    In the part of road engineering project risk handling , whether or not to invest and how to manage the risk efficiently were analyzed in this paper .

  22. 瞀务风险处理是警务风险管理的关键环节。也是警方维护自身安全、更好地发挥职能作用的前提和保障。

    To deal with these hazards is the key knot of managing them , and is also the precondition and guarantee of protecting the police themselves and functioning well .

  23. 实际上中国农村的风险处理机制多是建立在农户基础上的,这种机制在传统社会里发挥了重要作用。

    In fact , the risk coping mechanisms in Chinese rural society are based on the farm households and this kind of mechanism plays an important role in traditional societies .

  24. 如果对这些风险处理不好就会对虚拟物流联盟的运营造成阻碍,甚至导致整个联盟的解体。

    If these risk were not dealed with well , it may cause obstacles in the operation of virtual logistics alliance , and even cause disintegration of the entire alliance .

  25. 在此基础上,探讨了风险处理的基本原则与管理手段,给出了舰船研制过程中风险处理的基本思路和做法。

    At the same time , basic principles and methods in risk management are discussed , and the basic thinking and methods of risk management in developing warship equipment are given .

  26. 本文所构建的财务预警系统,包括财务预警组织体系、财务信息收集传递机制、财务预警分析机制和财务风险处理机制。

    The financial pre-warning system of this thesis includes : financial pre-warning organization system , financial information collecting and transmitting mechanism , financial pre-warning analysis mechanism and financial risk dealing mechanism .

  27. 在信用风险处理方面,新协议推荐使用技术含量极高的内部评级方法,这对于银行度量信用风险提出了更高的要求。

    In the credit risk processing aspect , the new agreement recommend using internal rating method that technology content extremely high , this set a higher request regarding the bank measure credit risk .

  28. 同时也出现了大量由于对财务风险处理不当而使得公司陷入财务困境的案例,如何有效的识别和应对财务风险显得尤为重要。

    There has also been a large number of financial distress companies which has a improper deal with financial risks . It is particularly important to identify and respond to financial risks effectively .

  29. 在尊重会议交流私密性质的同时,他们将向非执行主席与一个指定的监管者报告,讨论董事会在风险处理上做得好或不好。

    While respecting the proprietary nature of boardroom interaction , they would report to the non-executive chair and a designated regulator to discuss how well , or how poorly , the board dealt with risk .

  30. 注册会计师执业责任保险险种的开发和推广,是保险领域的巨大创新,也是对审计风险处理理论和实践的重大挑战。

    The development and extension of Professional Duty Insurance of CPA is not only an great innovation in the field of insurance , but also a significant challenge in the auditing risk handling theories and practices .