
  • 网络risk perception
  1. 风险观念的测量仅依赖一个可靠性无法证实的条款。

    The risk perception measure relied on a single item whose reliability cannot be confirmed .

  2. 我们去年看到的,并不是对欧元的投机性袭击这是欧洲大陆政客们向我们灌输的观点而是对风险观念改变的一种完美、正常的回应。

    What we saw last year was not a speculative attack on the euro , as continental European politicians would have us believe , but a perfectly normal response to a change in risk perception .

  3. 论风险观念视野下的科技观

    Discussion the View of the Science & Technology in the Context of the Risk Ideas

  4. 道德意识的缺乏使得经理人在管理证券公司过程中毫无风险观念。

    Facing The lack of moral consciousness makes the managers of securities companies in the management of the process without risk perceptions .

  5. 目的加强医院的财务管理,树立风险观念,合理投资,不断增加业务收入、降低运行成本。提高经营管理水平。

    Objective To enhance hospital 's financial management , establish risk concept , invest rationally to increase business income , lower operational costs and improve management standard .

  6. 首先,我们要抛弃绝对安全的神话,破除存在于核能领域的有关风险观念的禁忌。

    First , we need to overcome the myth of absolute safety and shatter the taboo that surrounds the very concept of risks in the nuclear energy business .

  7. 我们还发现了产品和市场环境因素对风险观念的影响,通过他们对可能性和程度的观念影响他们能够更容易被理解。

    We also find that product and market situational factors impact perceptions of risk , but they are best understood through their impact on perceptions of probability and magnitude .

  8. 首先,我们要抛弃“绝对安全”的神话,破除存在于核能领域的有关风险观念的禁忌。

    First , we need to overcome the myth of " absolute safety " and shatter the taboo that surrounds the very concept of risks in the nuclear energy business .

  9. 商业保险在西方的运行以商品经济制度和正式的组织制度为基础,有效的法律规范为保证,以注重经济保障功能、风险观念、团体主义和个人主义、制度信任等基本价值观为支撑。

    Institutions including commodity economy and formal organization , formal norm including effective law , and basic values including stress on economical security , risk conception , organized idea and individualism , system trust , offer the run of commercial insurance in the Western with cultural foundation .

  10. 信用审核及树立科学的风险管理观念;

    Secondly , set up scientific conception of risk management ;

  11. 第五是提高员工素质,树立财务风险规避观念。

    The fifth is to improve the quality of staffs and establish the dodging concept of financial risks .

  12. 其次,从技术史维度考察了不同时代的技术体系特征,以及与此相关的技术风险及其观念演变。

    Secondly , this dissertation makes an investigation of the characteristic of technical system in different times from the history of technology , and relative technical risk and its conceptual evolution .

  13. 按照《新资本协议》的要求,中国商业银行在风险管理观念、组织体系、信息系统和数据库等方面还存在比较大的差距。

    In contrast to the new accord , operational risk management in our commercial banks has problems in many aspects , especially concept , management structure , information system and data base and so on .

  14. 审计风险导向观念将贯彻于审计实务的全过程,这对注册会计师审计理念、审计程序及审计责任将产生深远影响,代表了现代审计发展的最新趋势。

    The new auditing concept affects the whole procedure of the auditing practice , and it attaches major effects to the auditing concept , auditing procedure and responsibility of the CPA . It is the trend of the development of the modern auditing .

  15. 而导致以上问题出现的原因,最根本的就是企业税务风险管理观念滞后,同时,企业法人治理结构不规范和企业内部人员素质偏低,也是造成我国企业税务风险管理存在问题的原因。

    Problems caused by the above reasons , the most fundamental concept of tax risk management is the business behind , while the non-standard corporate governance structure and the low quality of internal staff , also contributed to the existence of corporate tax risk management problem .

  16. 财务管理的核心是资金管理,财务活动中要树立风险理财观念、市场观念和对市场的超前意识,为企业决策提供可信的依据。

    The core of the financial management is the funds management , in the course of the financial activities , should establish the risk financing conception , the market conception and the excessive consciousness for the market , and provide reliable basis for the decision making of the enterprise .

  17. 介绍了知识经济对财务管理环境、财务管理内容及对象、财务管理观念的影响,指出在知识经济时代,要树立知识化理财观念、风险理财观念、信息理财观念。

    This paper introduces the influences of the knowledge-based economy on the environment , contents , targets , and conception of the financial management , and points out that must establish the knowledgeable financing conception , risk financing conception and information financing conception in the times of the knowledge-based economy .

  18. 风险社会对观念和制度提出了新的挑战,一些道德和法律问题愈演愈烈,而现行的道德体系和法律体系无法应对这样的高风险。

    Risk society makes new challenges to the ethical and legal issues . And it became more and more serious . And current ethical system and legal system can not cope with such high risk .

  19. 风险与可靠度观念于山坡地防灾之应用

    Application of risk and reliability analysis on hillslope

  20. 所以要治理风险就需要立法观念进行转变。

    So risk management requires legislative concept change .

  21. 另一方面,要规范和约束各利益主体的行为,以可持续发展理念为指导,提高风险防范意识和观念。

    On the other hand , regulate and restrain the behavior of all stakeholders , the concept of sustainable development , and improve the sense of risk prevention .

  22. 利用银行贷款已成为高校筹集资金的重要渠道,加强风险意识和效益观念是利用银行贷款应注意的基本问题。

    Since the utilization of bank loan has been a main source of raising money for colleges and universities , we must be aware of such issues as ventures and benefits that may accompany the application of the loan .

  23. 银行业是高风险行业,增强风险观念,强化风险管理始终是银行业经营管理的永恒话题。

    Banking being a trade of great risks , to have a keen sense of risks and to strengthen the management of risks have always remained an everlasting topic in the management of commercial banks .

  24. 本文从导向的特征及企业管理导向应具备的条件入手,通过对企业管理导向具体形式的分析,认为,自始至终导向企业管理的只有风险,即战略风险观念。

    This paper tries to discuss the characteristics and the necessary conditions of the business management guiding and tends to show that strategic risk idea , by analysing the specific forms of the business management guiding , is the only way to realize the target of the business .

  25. 参与体育教学活动的体育教师对其教学活动的风险判断应该建立在合理适度的风险认知观念上,从而可以减少体育教学活动中的意外伤害事故的发生。

    P.E. teachers in teaching activities of the physical education teachers teaching activities of the risk judgment should be based on reasonable moderate risk perception concept , which can reduce the exercise teaching activities of the accident harm accident .

  26. 在此基础上查找出风险问题存在的根源,分别体现在风险控制观念方面、内控机制健全性和有效性方面、权力和责任方面以及内审监管职能方面,并对风险问题进行了深入的分析。

    On this basis , the risk to find out the root causes of problems were reflected in the concept of risk control , the integrity and effectiveness of internal control mechanism , the powers and responsibilities of internal audit and regulatory functions , and conducted in-depth risk analysis .

  27. 结果显示风险中断的可能性和程度对购买者的供应中断风险的整体观念都很重要。

    Our results show that both the probability and the magnitude of supply disruption are important to buyers'overall perceptions of supply disruption risk .

  28. 国外对审计风险管理的研究着重在于改进和完善风险导向审计的技术与方法,把审计风险要素划分为重大错报风险和检查风险,体现战略分析经营环节分析会计报表剩余风险分析的基本观念。

    Foreign researches focus on perfecting the risk-based auditing technology and method . The modern model of audit risk makes up of material misstatement risk and check risk , which indicates the basic idea on " Strategy Analyze Business Process Analyze Surplus Risk Analysis of Accounting Statements " .