
  • 网络Risk prevention and control;risk countermeasure and control
  1. 我国高等学校财务风险防范控制研究

    The Research on Financial Risk Control in Chinese Institutions of Higher Learning

  2. 建筑机械租赁风险防范控制

    Protection Control for Rental Risk of Building Machinery

  3. 在企业项目融资中,对融资方案的选择、项目融资的可行性分析和风险防范控制极为重要。

    In the enterprise project financing , financing scheme for the choice of project financing , the feasibility analysis and risk prevention control is very important .

  4. 商业银行金融创新中的风险防范与控制策略

    Risk aversion and control strategy for commercial banks in financial innovation

  5. 我国农村超市融资风险防范与控制研究

    Research on the Prevention and Control of Financing Risk in Chinese Rural Supermarkets

  6. 山东省烟花爆竹行业风险防范与控制研究

    Research on the Risks Guarding and Controling of Shandong Province Fireworks Firecracker Industry

  7. 动态联盟中道德风险防范与控制机制研究

    Study on Mechanism of Precaution and Control Against the Moral Hazard in Dynamic Alliance

  8. 信用担保机构的风险防范与控制

    On Control the Risk of Credit Guaranty Organizations

  9. 论文把财务风险防范/控制策略作为企业财务风险研究的落脚点。

    The research on the tactic of risk prevention and control is the aim of financial risk analysis .

  10. 最后以新的财务角度研究供应链违约风险防范和控制。

    Finally , the new financial perspective the supply chain to prevent and control the risk of default .

  11. 因此,住房按揭中银行的风险及其防范控制成为一个重要的研究课题。

    Therefore , the controlling risks of bank in the residential & commercial mortgages become an important research topic .

  12. 分析信息共享对违约风险的防范控制作用;

    First , the function of information share among enterprises in SC to prevent and control default risk is analyzed .

  13. 分散投资风险是防范控制资金使用风险的主要途径之一,能使企业把资金投向收益高、回收快、风险小的项目上去,对企业的生存和发展至关重要。

    One of the precautions is to decentralize the investment risk , which is important for the development of an enterprise .

  14. 然后提出了各种风险防范与控制的对策,达到控制风险,减少损失的最终目标。

    Then put forward a variety of risk prevention and control measures to control risks , reduce losses of the ultimate goal .

  15. 本文第二章介绍了会计师事务所的审计风险防范和控制架构。

    For the second chapter of my dissertation , I introduced the structure of audit risk prevention and control for accountancy firms .

  16. 工程项目风险防范和控制是工程项目管理的重要研究课题,构建工程项目的风险预警系统具有重要意义。

    Risk control of engineering project is an important research issue in the study of engineering project management , also in constructing risk precaution system .

  17. 个人投资经营贷款风险防范和控制初探&以中国银行湖南省分行为例

    Discussion on the risk prevention and controlling of personal business and investment loan & taking Hunan branch of the bank of China as an example

  18. 信用担保体系的基本框架由信用担保运作模式与组织模式、信用担保资金来源与运用、信用担保管理制度以及担保风险防范与控制机制等环节组成。

    The basic structures of the credit guarantee system include : Operating mechanism and organizational model ; source and use of guarantee funds ; management institution ;

  19. 由于经营规模较小、资本和技术构成较低等因素,中小企业财务风险防范和控制能力不容乐观。

    Because of small scale , poor capital and technology and other factors , the ability of SMEs , preventing and controlling financial risk , is not so optimistic .

  20. 文章最后以武警广西总队审计处为研究对象进行了审计风险防范与控制的实证研究。

    The Armed Police Force in Guangxi Audit Department is as a living research object for guarding against the audit risk with control at the final of this article .

  21. 1987年纽约股灾以后,加强证券市场风险防范和控制成为国际金融界的主要议题。

    After the 1989 's ' Black Monday ' in New York Stock Exchange , global financial organizations began to pay their attention on the strategies of market risk management .

  22. 将信贷风险防范和控制前移,使信贷风险的管理贯穿于信贷业务的整个过程。

    Thereby , they can take precautions against and move before controlling by risk credit and make the management of the risk ran through the whole course in the credit line .

  23. 从实践中发现结论与实际基本相符,这说明了此评判方法的可行性,并在一定程度上可以为电子银行风险防范与控制提供参考。

    We find that the conclusions accord with the practice , which shows that the evaluation model is feasible , and it can provide some reference for E-banking risk prevention and risk-control in a certain extent .

  24. 针对电子银行风险防范与控制,提出可能的解决办法,希望能够为我国电子银行在防范与控制风险方面提供有效的帮助。

    Third , according to the E-banking risk prevention and risk-control , some possible solutions are proposed , and we hope this model can provide effective help for our country electronic banking in preventing and controlling risks .

  25. 本文拟应用信息经济学分析方法,结合财务管理理论与方法,研究我国商业银行在信息不对称状况下信贷资金的风险防范和控制问题。

    This thesis used the analysis method of informational economics , combining with the finance management theory and method , to study about the security of credit financing in commercial bank on the state of informational asymmetry .

  26. 对于外包商,应制定风险防范和控制措施,降低审计风,不能对一家企业同时开展内审业务和法定审计业务,建议我国相关部门从法律法规上对内审外包业务的独立性予以明确要求。

    The accounting company should develop risk prevention and control measures to reduce audit risk , while we proposed laws and regulations from the relevant departments of China on the independence of internal audit outsourcing to be explicitly requested .

  27. 对其实施动态营销风险防范和控制机制的效果做了细致分析,最后给出了改进和优化措施,以期对房地产企业的可持续发展有所裨益。

    This paper analyzes the implementation effect of dynamic prevention and control mechanism for real estate marketing risks , and gives some improvement and optimization countermeasures for dynamic prevention and control mechanism . It maybe helpful for sustainable development to real estate enterprises .

  28. 第三部分,着重介绍国外公用事业市场化的风险防范与控制理念,并总结其启示,包括英国、美国、韩国和印度等国的公用事业市场化风险控制经验。

    The third part , emphatically introduces the guard and the control idea of the overseas public utilities market risk , and summarizes its enlightenment , including public utilities market risk control experience in England , US , South Korea and India and so on .

  29. 本文通过概括电子银行的发展历史,分析传统银行日益凸现矛盾的原因以及面临的挑战,总结出各自的优缺点,从而引出电子银行的风险防范与控制问题。

    Based on the summary of the development of the electronic banking history , we summarize its advantages and disadvantages , and analyze the reasons of the protruding contradiction and challenges of traditional bank , then propose the electronic banking risk prevention and risk-control problem .

  30. 最终提出了中小企业风险防范与控制的具体措施,即在预防不可控风险的基础上,从中小企业整体的角度出发防范与控制中小企业的可控风险。

    Finally , the paper put forward the specific measures to keep away the risks of Small and medium-sized enterprise , which are to guard against the uncontrollable risks . Consequently , enterprise could keep away the controllable risks from the point of view of the overall business .