
  • 网络Risk Response
  1. 本文还用图表的形式表达出来东航的安全风险反应机制的一系列反应。

    The paper also express the airline security risk response mechanism of a series of reactions in the form of a graph .

  2. 自尊水平影响个体的风险反应倾向。

    The level of self-esteem has effects on individual risk propensity .

  3. 主要结论如下:1.不同参照点影响个体的风险反应倾向。

    The main results are as follows : 1.Different reference points affect individual risk propensity .

  4. 回顾与利益相关者风险反应验证效率、有效性和经济性。

    Review risk responses with the relevant stakeholders for validation of efficiency , effectiveness and economy .

  5. 批评者指责欧洲运输官员反应缓慢,后来又对飞机可能的风险反应过度。

    Critics accused European air transport officials of being slow to react , then overreacting to the possible risk to airplanes .

  6. 研究分别对单个参照点和三重参照点、以及三重参照点的不同组合方式进行比较,同时结合个体的成就动机、自尊,探讨对个体风险反应倾向的影响。

    The research compared with the single reference point and three reference points , the integrated modes of three reference points , and combined with the individual achievement motivation and self-esteem , to explore the effects to individual risk propensity .

  7. 考虑一下人们对风险的反应。

    Consider the human response to risk .

  8. 无论原因何在,当市场新年以上涨开局之后,上周出现了针对风险的反应。

    Whatever the cause , after a start to the year when markets rose , there was a reaction against risk .

  9. 协助发展了商务案例支持投资计划,在确定的商业目标中确保风险与反应。

    Assist in the development of business cases supporting the investment plan to ensure risk responses are aligned with the identified business objectives .

  10. 为了将市场风险更好地反应在投资回报中,Engle等人(1987)引入了GARCH-M模型。

    In order to allow the mean value of returns to depend upon volatility in the market , Engle , Lilien and Robins ( 1987 ) introduced the GARCH-M models .

  11. 以上三项措施确保了高风险隧道快速反应应急机制的有效运行。

    All above triple has ensured machine-made effective high risk tunnel quick response emergency operation .

  12. 研究表明,结合人格和情景两类变量探讨个体风险倾向的反应模式能够更准确地描述个体行为倾向及其认知特征。

    The study manifested to discuss the response model of the individual 's risk propensity combining two kinds of variables would describe the behavior tendency and the cognitive characteristic more accurately .

  13. 一直以来公司价值和绩效为学术界和实务界所重视,而财务风险这一反应企业经营质量的重要指标却往往被忽视。

    The scholars and firms always pay great attention to the performance and value of firms while ignoring firm risk which is an important index of reflecting the quality of a firm .

  14. EFE矩阵综合加权分析表明,DS公司对外部机遇或风险具有较强的反应能力。其次,对DS公司内部环境进行了分析。

    The EFE matrix using synthesis weighted analysis indicates that DS Corporation can respond exterior opportunities or risk strongly . Secondly , the internal environment of DS Corporation is also analyzed .

  15. 正如预料中的一样,这导致了全球其他市场出现了“规避风险”的痉挛反应。

    That led to a predictable " risk off " spasm in other world markets .

  16. 结果在丹东旅检口岸现有条件下,通过开展风险预警及快速反应工作已取得初步成效。

    Results A primary effect has been achieved on the travel quarantine spot of Dandong port in view of the risk warning and quick response system taken into effect .

  17. 加大资金投入,完善广西有害生物和有毒有害物质的风险预警及快速反应机制,确保风险预警及快速反应信息畅通。

    To put into more funds to perfect the risk pre-warning and fast response mechanism for the harmful creatures and poisonous and harmful substances , and ensure the smoothness of the risk pre-warning and fast response information .

  18. 政府管理部门及时采取相应政策措施平抑房价和防范、化解房价风险,但市场反应并没有达到明显的预期效果。

    The government administrative department has issued a series of measure to control the upward price of urban commercial residential house and prevent the risk of it , but the market reaction has not been up to the reset target .

  19. 2001年9月7日,我国正式公布《出入境检验检疫风险预警及快速反应管理规定》,对检验检疫风险预警的信息收集、风险评估、风险预警措施等方面都做了规定。

    On September 7 , 2001 , China formally announced the entry-exit inspection and quarantine risk alert and quick responding regulations on the management of inspection and quarantine , warning of the risks of information collection , risk assessment , risk alarming measures do the rules .

  20. 收益情境下的风险规避和风险寻求的反应时都显著高于损失情境下风险规避和风险寻求反应时。

    The reaction time of risk-aversion and risk-seeking in the income situation were higher than the reaction time of two kinds of risk decisions in the loss situation .

  21. 第一部分主要说明了引起市场需求变异风险的各种外部诱因的发展趋势,以及我们如何认识他们及产生的市场风险反应。

    This thesis compose of three section : The first part demonstrates all kinds of external factor and its transform that leading risk on market demand change .

  22. 第三,总流动性风险与收益之间仅在下市场存在显著的负相关关系,市场对流动性风险的反应存在严重的不对称。

    There is only a significant negative relation between return and the total liquidity risk during down market , so the relation is asymmetrical seriously .