
  • 网络Risk level;risk scale
  1. 基于化工园区整体风险量分析的安全规划研究

    Study on Safety Planning for Chemical Industrial Park Base on Gross Risk Quantity

  2. 研究了独立关系对于计算风险量、简化分析、减少计算量的意义,给出了根据独立关系识别独立模式与独立幕景风险影响图的图层准则。

    This paper expounded the importance about recognizing the independent relationships between each risk factor node when to construct the influence diagram at the beginning .

  3. 开发方法以及应用于特定应用程序组件的资源类型的选择应该部分依赖于组件带给项目的风险量。

    The choice of a development method and the types of resources that you apply to a specific application component should depend partly on the amount of risk that component contributes to the project .

  4. 由于风险量的大小取决于风险概率和损失幅度,考虑到地铁的风险事故是小样本事件,采用传统的概率统计方法,存在波动性大的情况。

    Because the size of risk depends on the risk probability and loss severity , considering the subway accident is a small sample of events , using the traditional probability statistical method will have a volatile situation .

  5. 最近邻预测问题中条件风险估计量的完全收敛性

    The Complete Convergency of the Conditional Risk Estimates in NN Prediction

  6. 合并用药组也可获致较多的相关危害风险降低量;

    Relative hazard reductions favored the combination of aspirin plus extended-release dipyridamole .

  7. 基于管理风险偏好量表的管理风险偏好实证研究&以大型国有企业管理人员为例

    The Empirical Study of Managerial Risk Preference Based on Managerial Risk Preference Scale

  8. 在较弱的矩条件下最近邻预测问题中条件风险估计量的收敛速度

    The Convergence Rates of the Conditional Risk Estimates in NN Prediction under Weaker Assumptions about the Existence of Moments

  9. 利用再保险市场的风险分配量和风险价格的解析表达式,讨论关于保险机理、免赔额保险、风险价格和保险基金等实际问题。

    The present paper deals with several practical questions on insurance mechanism , deductible insurance , risk price and insurance reserve , etc.

  10. 并通过对结构损伤损失、人员伤亡损失、施工延误损失、通行延误损失等几种常见桥梁风险损失量测模型中关键参数的研究,基本建立了损失定量量测的实用方法。

    Basic loss estimate methods and their key parameters of structural loss , human hurt and death , construction delay , traffic delay are given in detail , including some case studies .

  11. 本文用下方风险法度量风险,并考虑市场摩擦因素,构造分形分布下具有不同特征指数α的证券组合模型。

    In this paper , the downside risk method is used to measure the securities risk and the market friction factor is considered , while the portfolio has different characteristic parameters in fractal distribution .

  12. 通过对RD项目执行不同阶段中风险和相关量之间的关系进行分析,说明项目生命周期早期阶段的风险管理对于整个项目成败至关重要。

    The relationship between risk and correlation in various stages of RD projects shows that the risk management in the early stages of the project life cycle is essential for the success of the entire project .

  13. 研究人员发现风险随着消耗量的增加而增加。

    Risks rise in line with the level of consumption , the researchers found .

  14. 目的警察职业风险自评量表的构建与研究。

    Objective To establish the Policemen-professional-risk Questionnaire .

  15. 风险随投资量变化的证券组合收益率最优化模型

    The Model of Maximizing the Rate of Return on a Portfolio Under Risk Changing with the investment

  16. 随着这种狂热达到顶点,投资于美国互联网公司的风险资本资金量已经跃升至繁荣以来前所未见的水平。

    With the mania in full swing , the amount of venture capital money finding its way into US internet companies has jumped to levels not seen since the boom .

  17. 根据已勘探圈闭综合地质条件及其资源量经济下限,标定圈闭地质风险和资源量的下限,缩小勘探目标。

    The minimum risk and resources can be calibrated by the minimum economic resource volume and the synthetical geologic conditions of an explored trap , and then exploration target could be narrowed down .

  18. 应用层次分析法综合分析圈闭成藏地质条件,利用蒙特卡罗法对圈闭资源量进行模拟,可以得到不同圈闭成藏的相对地质风险和资源量。

    Relative geological risk and resource volume of different trap formed reservoirs may be obtained by synthetically analyzing their geologic conditions using analytical hierarchy process and by simulating resource volume using Monte Carlo method .

  19. 期货套期保值VaR风险的最优期货量算法设计

    Futures-based hedge risk VaR optimal design algorithm futures volume

  20. 两类风险过程总理赔量的Bower的Gamma函数近似

    Gamma Function Approximation of Bower of Aggregate Claim Distribution for Two Different Risk Processes

  21. 美国金融稳定监管委员会表示,他们也担心最近高风险债券的发行量增加,特别是将杠杆贷款打包出售给投资者的CDO。

    The FSOC says they are also worried about the recent increase of issuance of riskier bonds in particular collateralized debt obligations , which are deals that package up leveraged loans and sell them off to investors .

  22. 本文在介绍了现代信用风险的工程化度量趋势和技术的基础上,针对我国金融机构的现状,研究了在巴塞尔协议的IRB框架下实施信用风险工程化度量的对策。

    After the introduction to the tendency and technology of engineering measurement in modern credit risk , this paper , according to the current status of China 's financial institutions , studies the measures to conduct en-gineering measurement of credit risk under IRB as per the New Basel Capital Accord .

  23. 保单驱动索赔离散风险模型的精算量分布

    Distributions of Actuarial Variables of Discrete Risk Model with Policies Driving Claims

  24. 其中施工阶段的残余风险可利用监控量测进行管理和控制。

    The residual risk management and control of construction phase can be solved with observation .

  25. 在K&NN判别和预测中条件风险函数的估计量的强收敛性

    The strong convergence of the estimates for the conditional risk functions in k-NN discrimination and prediction

  26. 金融危机期间,由于各个公司投资的减少,政治风险保险的需求量有所下滑。

    The demand for political-risk insurance slumped during the financial crisis , as companies made fewer investments .

  27. 剂量反应关系是直线的,这意味着肺癌风险与氡接触量的增加成正比上升。

    The dose-response relation is linear – i.e.the risk of lung cancer increases proportionally with increasing radon exposure .

  28. 本文提出了一种在地质风险分析和资源量预测的基础上进行勘探风险分析的方法。

    This paper gives a technique of risk analysis in hydrocarbon exploration based on geological risk analysis and resource calculation .

  29. 针对目前投资估算中存在的不确定性因素,运用蒙特卡洛法进行了风险分析,从量上研究了不确定性因素对投资估算的影响。

    Focused on the uncertainties existing in investment estimation , Monte Carlo risk analysis method is applied to describe their effects on investment estimation .

  30. 银行经营面临两难的选择,或者为获取更多利润而增加授信量,或者为防止风险而减少业务量。

    The CBs face a dilemma choice of increase credit amount to earn more profits or decrease business to prevent risk loss in operating field .