
  • 网络risk characteristics;Risk Profile
  1. 一个研究是指利用多种GARCH族模型来研究沪深300指数的风险特性。

    One study refers to using a variety of GARCH family models to study the risk characteristics of CSI 300 Index .

  2. 并根据地下商业街的火灾风险特性,考虑物质质量损失率和耐火极限,结合FTA分析,构造单体火灾风险函数。

    According to the fire risk characteristics of underground commercial streets , combined with FTA , a function model of single fire risk is convinced , with consideration of the rate of mass loss and fire resistant limitation .

  3. 混合策略Nash均衡的风险特性及其影响研究

    Study on Risks of Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium and Its Effects

  4. 最后通过对具有典型企业风险特性的两个上市公司进行分析和处理,验证提出的基于D-S证据理论的知识融合方法的有效性。

    The data of two listed companies was used to show the validity of the presented method .

  5. PAT是投资团队的一部分,它通过提供投资组合构建以及风险特性等信息对PAG和首席信息官予以支持。

    The PAT is part of the investment team , and supports the Portfolio Analysis Group and the CIO by providing information on portfolio construction and risk profiles .

  6. 之前的研究往往专注于探讨CPPI策略的收益问题,忽略其风险特性。

    Previous researches usually focus on the return of CPPI and overlook its risk features .

  7. 对REITs产品与相似产品,与股票及债券的收益风险特性的比较分析表明,REITs产品具有不可替代的独特优势,在我国有发展REITs产品的必要性。

    The product of REITs and resemble product , compared with the income risk characteristic of stock and bond analysis show that the REITs product has the only advantage of not substitute .

  8. 针对复杂产品设计问题和方法学,扩展了复杂产品的定义。提出了金融产品为复杂非实体产品(ComplexNon-entityProduct,CNP)的概念,其质量由产品的风险特性决定。

    Based on the complex product design research achievements and methodologies , the complex product definition of the finances was extensively probed , the Complex Non-entity Product ( CNP ) concept was given , and the product qualities were equally defined by the product risk .

  9. 转基因作物环境风险特性及其安全管理研究

    Environmental Risk Characteristics and Regulation of Transgenic Crops in China

  10. 行政决策的风险特性分析

    Analysis of Risks in Administrative Decision - making

  11. 金融租赁风险特性及其管理研究&基于行为金融理论

    Study on Risk Characteristic of Financial Leasing and its Management & Based on Behavioral Finance

  12. 作为金融中介组织,商业银行自有资本占比低,这一特点决定了其本身具有较强的内在风险特性。

    Commercial bank capital is in low ratio , which determines the strong inherent risk peculiarity .

  13. 二板市场的高收益、高风险特性,决定了它与主板市场在信息披露方面存在着较大的差异。

    There is some sharp difference between the Second Board Market and the Main Board Market in information disclosure .

  14. 金融衍生品交易的高收益和高风险特性,决定了内部控制和风险管理的重要性。

    It is the higher profits and risk in financial derivative securities exchange that decides the importance of inner control and risk control .

  15. 如同第四种资产,我们将利用这个资产的特性:,即无风险特性。

    It 's like a fourth asset but we 're using a special feature of this asset : that it has no risk .

  16. 因此,回避中小企业固有的高风险特性、同时获取更多的经营收益成为商业银行必须妥善解决的课题。

    How to avoid enterprises high risks as well as get more operational income is a problem that commercial banks should properly solve .

  17. 由于市场经济固有的高风险特性,使得风险管理在企业和投资项目的运作中扮演着非常重要的角色。

    Along with the high inherent risks associated with market economy , risk management is playing an important role in operation of enterprises or projects .

  18. 由于村镇银行市场定位的独特性及其客户群体独特的风险特性,村镇银行的贷款业务也会存在潜在风险。

    Due to the town of market orientation uniqueness and bank customer group unique risk characteristics , town of loan business bank also may have potential risks .

  19. 投资组合模型不仅可以应用于投资组合的构建过程中,而且还可以作为一种工具对后续的绩效进行共同性、风险特性以及适用性等方面的监控。

    Models are used not only in the portfolio construction process , but also as a tool for subsequent performance monitoring in terms of commonality , risk profile and appropriateness .

  20. 企业可以通过分析外包风险特性和确定相关指标来建立相应的风险等级评价模型和预警系统,对外包的风险进行实时监控,并根据预先的风险防范计划采取相应的防范措施。

    The enterprise establishes the risk grade assessing model and forewarning system by analysis of risk character and selecting the guideline to monitor timely the risk , and adopts the corresponding protecting measurement .

  21. 分析人力资源的风险特性、构成因素,借助模糊综合评判法建构出完整的人力资源风险预警模型,并针对实际采用该模型进行人力资源的风险评估和预警。

    In this paper , based on the analysis of risk characteristics and the factors of human resource , an early-warning model of human resource management risk is founded for fuzzy comprehensive assessment in practice .

  22. 首先通过问卷调查分析了建设项目成本的构成及其风险特性,并进一步分析了其原因所在及发展趋势,给以下的风险量化模型莫定基础;

    This paper first summarizes the project cost structure and its risk characteristics according to questionnaires , then analyzes its reasons and research indirection in future , which gives the bases of risk quantity models .

  23. 研究了债券的价格行为特征。尤其探讨了作为企业债的一些风险特性对债券价格的影响。

    Also , the price behaviour characteristics of the pricing of the bonds are studied , especially the characteristics of some risks that affect the price of the bonds while the convertible bonds work as corporate bonds .

  24. 在结构安排上,首先剖析了资本市场的风险特性,探索了社保基金的投资规律,在此基础上确立了社保基金投资风险管理的目标和原则。

    Referred to the structure , this study analyzes characters of social security funds investment risk management , explores the law of social security funds investment , and , establishes the goals and principles of social security funds investment risk management .

  25. 本文从事故发生可能性、后果严重性、损失时间特性及可控性四个方面分析了工业企业损失风险特性,根据对损失影响程度进行分级。

    This paper analyzes the loss risk characteristics of the industrial enterprise from the accident happened possibility , the consequences severity and lost time characteristics and controllability , and divided it into five levels according to impacting extent to the loss .

  26. 经理人的风险规避特性不同于BS期权定价模型的风险中性假设,因此,经理股票期权的公司成本和经理人价值不同,股票期权的激励测度应是经理人价值对于股票价格的微分。

    Risk-averse executive is different from the risk-neutrality assumption of the basis of Black-Scholes option price theory . So the company cost is different from the executive value , and the executive incentive from stock options should be the derivative of the executive value with respect to the stock price .

  27. 具有风险偏爱特性的供应链优化与协调模型

    Optimization and Coordination Model of Supply Chains with a Tendency to Risks

  28. 论特许经营模式资本组合与分散经营风险之特性

    On the Characteristics of the Risks between Operation Model 's Capital Composite and Deconcentration Operation

  29. 探讨了一类具有风险规避特性的零售商加盟的供应链协作契约机制设计问题。

    This paper studies the incentive mechanism of supply chain coordination with a risk-averse retailer .

  30. 可转换公司债券以其独特的风险收益特性逐渐为投、融资者所接受并得到了广泛的欢迎。

    Due to its unique risk-return attributes , convertible bonds are welcomed by both issuers and investors .