
  • 网络Risk Owner
  1. 我们的研究表明,风险管理责任到人是另一个关键问题:专职官员(一般职务为首席风险官)负责必不可少。

    Our research indicates that ownership of risk management is another key issue ; having a dedicated executive in place – often called the chief risk officer ( CRO ) – is essential to mastering this problem .

  2. 赔偿责任限制制度的意义在于:船方得以明了从事石油运输的风险,责任保险人或保证人得以确定保险或保证金额,赔偿基金得以明确摊款或税款数额。

    The significance of the limitation of maritime liability is shipowners can understand the risk of petroleum transportation , liability insurer or guarantor can learn certain insurance or security amount , compensation funds may clarify the amount of contributions or tax .

  3. 与此同时,境外投资的出资公司作为国有资本境外投资风险控制的第一责任人和主要责任的承担者,应成为风险控制的核心和实践主体。

    At the same time , as the first responsible person , the funding company of overseas investment should become the core and the subject of risk control .

  4. 实行全面风险管理,风险管理的重点是人,调整了风险管理架构后,可以明确员工的风险职责,责任到人,利于从基层推广风险管理。

    Implementation of a comprehensive risk management , risk management , focused on people , adjust the risk management framework , you can clear the risk of employee duties , responsibilities to the people , benefit from the grassroots to promote risk management .