
  • 网络risk-taker;Risk Lover;Risk Seekers;risk preference
  1. 在信息不对称的信贷市场中,贷款利率和担保要求对于不同风险偏好的借款者会产生逆向选择效应,并且可能会引发道德风险。

    In an asymmetric information credit market , interest rate and collateral requirements have adverse selection effect to different risk preference , and may cause moral hazard .

  2. 此外,女性决策者在更短的时间内凭直觉决策,并且其风险偏好高于男性决策者。

    When it comes to female decision makers , they usually make intuitive decisions in shorter time , and show higher risk preference than male decision makers .

  3. 对于关注发布后的数据库的精度和信息损失的数据拥有者,本文设计了基于模型的隐藏策略;对于具有不同风险偏好的数据库拥有者,本文设计了基于启发式算法的隐藏策略。

    For the data owners who care the accuracy of the database and the loss of information after releasing the database , the paper design a model-based hidden strategy . For the data owners who have different risk preferences , this paper design a heuristic algorithm-based hidden strategy .

  4. 从效用的内涵及其基本特性入手,利用效用曲线将决策者分为三类,即风险规避者、风险偏好者和风险中性者(即风险理性人);

    Based on the meaning of utility and its basic features , the paper takes advantage of utility curves to classify decision-makers into three categories , i.e. , risk evader , risk liker and risk rational person .

  5. 本文建立了一定置信水平下最小收益最大准则下的组合投资决策模型,该模型不仅适用于风险规避者,也适用于风险偏好者。

    The portfolio selection model to maximize the minimal return rate under a certain confident level is studied .

  6. 金融衍生工具是金融创新的产物,其作用就在于将投资风险从风险厌恶者转移到风险偏好者手中,提高每个交易者的效用。

    Resulting from financial innovation , financial derivates can offset the investment risks from those who dislike risks to those who favor risks and thus improve the utility of each participant .