
  • 网络risk concentration;Risk-focused;risk pooling
  1. 对金融集团风险集中法律监管的务实性思考

    Practical Thought on Legal Supervision of Risk Concentration from Financial Conglomerates

  2. 利用风险集中原理,合理使用安全投入资金;

    Employing principle of risk concentration to arrange invested funds for safety rationally ;

  3. 同样,在经济扩张时期,一个单独的机构可以接受的风险集中,如果在大量的机构中同时存在,就是十分危险的。

    Similarly , risk concentrations that might be acceptable at a single institution in a period of economic expansion could be dangerous if they existed at a large number of institutions simultaneously .

  4. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)全球利率策略联席主管吉姆•卡伦(JimCaron)指出:如此之大的风险集中在了同一个领域。

    So much risk was concentrated in the same area , said Jim Caron , co-head of global interest rate strategy at Morgan Stanley .

  5. 银行倒闭祸在风险集中

    Concentration of Risk Is the Key Reason of Banks Failing

  6. 城建贷款:风险集中化在潜行

    Loans for Urban Construction : Centralized Hazard Prowls About

  7. 在哪里出现了风险集中、交易拥挤以及单边押注的情形?

    Where are you seeing concentrations in risk , crowded trades or one-way bets ?

  8. 多数基金管理公司向投资者提交报告时,都会提到风险集中度和杠杆率。

    Risk concentration and leverage are the topics most managers are reporting to their investors .

  9. 本文第一部分为商业银行风险集中的理论分析。

    The first portion of this paper is " theory analyzing of risk concentration " .

  10. 外资银行资产风险集中度监管比较研究及启示

    A Comparative Research and Enlightenment on the Supervision of Foreign Banks ' Asset Risk Granularity

  11. 在长期行情低迷的2000年-2006年间,积攒的问题和风险集中显现出来。

    The cumulate problems and risks appeared intensively In the long-term market downturn between 2000 and 2006 .

  12. 在此基础上,总结了防范、化解风险集中的方法和手段。

    With these foundation , I summarize the method and measure for preventing and relieving the concentration of risk .

  13. 所以建立和健全风险集中的监控机制便成为我国商业银行风险监管的当务之急。

    So the establishing and perfecting of the mechanism of controlling risk concentration became the urgent affair in the risk management of banks .

  14. 在巴塞尔新资本协议第二支柱框架下评估资本充足率时,要求商业银行应认真地考虑本行的信贷风险集中程度。

    Commercial banks should seriously consider the credit concentration risk when banks assess capital adequacy in the second pillar of Basel ⅱ framework .

  15. 但是,随着证券市场的发展也暴露出了许多问题,证券公司的风险集中爆发。

    But the securites market development also results in many problems , for instance , the risk of securities companies were breaking out intensively .

  16. 在负债方面,区外的银行以及企业交易对手正在前所未有地盘点各主权国家和银行的风险集中度。

    On the liability side , banks outside the bloc and corporate counterparties are scrutinising risk concentrations by sovereigns and banks as never before .

  17. 在一个运行装置中,相对大的百分比风险集中于小的百分比设备上。

    In an operating plant , a relatively large percentage of the risk is usually associated with a small percentage of the equipment items .

  18. 但是在代建制模式下,项目管理风险集中转移到代建单位,相关法律、制度的缺失又使代建风险进一步加剧。

    But in agent-construction system , the management risks nearly transfer to the agency all together . And short of pertinent law and system aggravates this further .

  19. 对策部分还包括信贷组合管理的三种管理手段,即集团风险集中度管理,集团风险限额管理和集团风险意外损失管理。

    The counter-measures also include three credit portfolio management tools , i.e. , group concentration risk management , group risk exposure management and group unexpected loss management .

  20. 这种变化将把新风险集中于结算所,因为它将创建可能成为单点故障的具有系统重要性的机构。

    That shift is set to concentrate new risks in the clearing houses , since it will create systemically important institutions that could become single points of failure .

  21. 作为一个专门从事风险集中与分散的特殊的行业,它有着比银行、证券等其他金融行业更高的抗风险要求。

    As a special industry that specializes in risk centralization and decentralization , insurance has higher anti-risk requirements comparing with other finance industries , such as banking and securities .

  22. 同时,由于政府融资平台融资数额急剧扩大、操作手续不规范、风险集中度高引起了国内外金融市场的高度关注。

    At the same time , because the government has expanded financing platform financing a large mount , operating procedures and concentration of the high risk of financial market .

  23. 因此,信用违约互换是在不影响与客户关系的前提下有效降低风险集中度的工具,从根本上改变了传统的信用风险管理模式。

    Therefore , the credit default swap is an effective tool reducing risk concentration without affecting the relationships with customers and it has fundamentally changed the traditional credit risk management .

  24. 养老保险正是利用大数法则将分散的风险集中起来实现风险共担、互济互助,从而实现安全网作用的。

    Pension insurance , using the law of large numbers , gets the dispersed risk together to achieve risk-sharing , mutual economic and assistance in order to achieve the safety net .

  25. 本章就着力分析作为金融风险集中爆发结果的金融危机对大企业发展的影响以及如何在危机条件下促进大企业发展。

    This chapter will focus on the financial crisis analysis , as the result of financial risk breaking out , and discuss how to promote the development of large enterprise under the situation of financial crisis .

  26. 如今,在面临解决股权分置问题这一证券市场最重大制度性变革和系统性风险集中释放之时,他们的合法权益更是受到了空前的威胁。

    Now , their legitimate rights and interests are subject to an unprecedented threat in the face of systemic risk on the release of the equity securities market hours Purchase this issue and the most significant institutional change .

  27. 商业银行风险集中是由银行资产、负债或收益的集中所致,其产生的原因很多,主要是一定条件下银行追逐高利润的必然选择。

    Risk concentration comes from the concentration of asset , debt or income . Many things bring on the concentration of risk , the important one is for the purpose of chasing after high gain by bank in the given condition .

  28. 房地产行业是资金密集型行业,资金需求量大、风险集中、投资回报高和投资回收期长等特点使得资金瓶颈始终是制约房地产企业发展的重要因素。

    Real estate is a capital-density industry , it demand large volume of money , risk-centralizing , high investment return and long callback term , which make capital bottleneck be always an important factor of restricting the development of median-small real estate enterprise .

  29. 鉴于欧元区的传奇经历,当市场遇上弹力之一“风险集中”时期,欧洲股市表现活跃并不奇怪,但是到目前为止整个欧洲的股票表现却低于今年摩根士丹利世界指数。

    Given the euro-zone saga , it is not surprising that European equities do well when the markets are having one of their bouncier , " risk on " days . But overall European stocks have underperformed the MSCI World index so far this year .

  30. 由于上市银行的关联交易十分普遍,虽然其本身具有降低经营成本的优点,同时也带来了可能加深上市银行风险集中、甚至引发金融危机的问题。

    The affiliated transaction is quite popular among the listed banks . Although one of the advantages of affiliated transaction is it reduces the business cost . Simultaneously it enhances the congestion of risks of listed banks and it may also trigger the financial crisis more seriously .