
  • 网络risk unit;Exposure unit;per risk;Unit Of Exposure
  1. 保险作为集合同质风险单位以分摊损失的一种经济制度,其目的是补偿风险事故所造成的损失,以确保经济生活的安定。

    Insurance serves as an economy system gathered the same unit of risk to share the loss . The purpose is to compensate for loss caused by accident to ensure the stable of economic lives .

  2. 博物馆作为高风险等级单位,在做好人防、物防工作的同时,安全技术防范措施也同样不可或缺。

    The museum in high-risk level units , do at the same time the work of civil air defence , thing , safety technology preventive measures also indispensable .

  3. 男生比女生更愿意选择收入高、有自我发展机会,但风险较高的单位,而女生则比较愿意选择稳定、轻松,风险低的工作。

    Male students more opt for the opportunities with high-income , high-risk and potential growth ;

  4. 威廉是一名基金经理,专责管理多只属低风险投资的单位信托基金。

    William is a fund manager who manages a number of Asian unit trusts comprising of low stake .

  5. 根据马科维茨的定义,有效组合是指其单位收益的风险最小或单位风险的收益率最大。

    Optimizing portfolio is that the least risk in an unit return or the most return in an unit risk on the basic definition of Markowitz .

  6. 特别是保险企业,它是经营风险的经济单位,保险公司专门承保社会各风险单位的各类可保风险,收取保费并支付保险金。

    Especially to insurance companies , they manage risks through professionally insuring many kinds of insuring risks in society , charging and paying indemnity for a loss .

  7. 由于海上平台空间有限、工艺设备多,交互式作业风险应该得到建设单位的高度重视。

    The interactive operation risks shall draw high attention from the owner due to limited offshore platform space and more process equipment .

  8. 以风险分配原理讨论单位犯罪中其他有关责任人员的期待可能性问题;

    The feasibility to apply penalty to " other relevant persons liable " in a unit crime by the rule of risk distribution ;

  9. 地勘财务风险指地勘单位财务活动中因各种不确定因素影响,使地勘单位的财务收益与预期收益发生偏离,从而使地勘单位有蒙受经济损失的机会和可能。

    Finance risk in geological prospecting enterprises means the influence of various unknown factors on their finance income and it causes them economic losses .

  10. 本文主要利用Schweizer[3]引入的不完全市场的局部风险最小理论确定单位关联人寿保险合同的局部风险最小对冲策略。

    In this paper , the theory of local risk minimization for incomplete markets introduced by Schweizer ( 1991 ) is used to determine locally risk minimizing hedging strategies for unit linked life insurance contracts .

  11. 其主要目的,通过对单位内部审计风险系统的探讨,改进单位内部审计工作,规避单位内部审计风险,提高单位内部审计工作的效率和质量。

    The main purpose of this article is to improve the internal audit work and promote its efficiency and quality in unit through probing into the risk system of internal audit in unit .

  12. 工程建设是一项风险事业,不仅承包高面临诸多风险,监理单位同样面临着许多风险。

    Project construction is a risky business for contractors as well as supervision units .

  13. 在框架中首先把软件集成项目风险分为四个大类:软件开发风险、集成环境风险、项目实施风险和建设单位组织关系风险,在每个大类中又细分了多个小类。

    In the framework the integrated software project risk is divided into four major categories : software development risk , integrated environmental risk , the project deployment risk and the relationship risk of the construction unit of the organization , in each category is subdivided by multiple small classes .