
  • 网络Risk portfolio;Risk profile
  1. 无论他规定什么样的期限,总是会太短,因为与彩票经理一样,银行经理也能操纵银行的风险组合,使得巨额亏损在指定期间不太可能发生,尽管长期而言是不可避免的。

    Whatever time frame he mandates , it will always be too short . For , like lottery managers , bank managers can manipulate the risk profile of the bank so that large losses , although inevitable in the long run , are unlikely during the mandated period .

  2. 这样就产生了四种不同类型的风险组合方式,即高财务风险与高经营风险组合;高财务风险与低经营风险组合;低财务风险与高经营风险组合;低财务风险与低经营风险组合。

    This resulted in four combinations of different types of risk , that is , high financial risk and high business risk profile ; high financial risk and low business risk profile ; lower financial risk and high business risk profile ; lower financial risk and low risk portfolio management .

  3. 具有25年世界银行(WorldBank)工作经验的德国人约阿希姆冯阿姆斯贝格(JoachimvonAmsberg)将担任亚投行掌管政策和战略的副行长,韩国产业银行(KoreaDevelopmentBank)董事长兼首席执行官洪起泽(KyttackHong)将掌管亚投行的风险组合。

    Joachim von Amsberg , a German with 25 years experience at the World Bank , will be vice president for policy and strategy while Kyttack Hong , chairman and chief executive of Korea Development Bank , will hold the risk portfolio .

  4. 特别地,以一阶停止损失序作为过渡,说明了在Fréchet空间中相斥风险组合的停止损失再保费为最小。

    Especially , by means of the first degree stop-loss order , we show that the mutually exclusive risk portfolio in a Frechet space leads to the smallest stop-loss reinsurance premium .

  5. 资本资产定价模型(CAPM)不仅由于其简洁性和直观性,被广泛应用于风险组合绩效评估、证券定价等诸多方面;

    The Capital Asset Pricing Model ( CAPM ) not only is widely used in evaluating the performance of portfolios estimating the cost of securities , and so on , because of its concision and intuitiveness ;

  6. 该方案的主要内容如下:将进入不良资产进行分组,然后利用KMV资产组合模型对各组资产进行组合,求得一定预期收益率水平下的资产池最小风险组合;

    The detail of the design of pool is : the given non-performing asset is first categorized and then each group of asset is combined according to KMV Portfolio model . The minimum risk combination of asset pool under certain expected yield will be obtained .

  7. 供应链多风险组合的综合评估及风险管理

    Evaluation of Multi-Risk Combination of Supply Chains and Its Risk Management

  8. 而董事会规模与董事会会议次数与高风险组合显著正相关。

    The number of board size and board meetings with high-risk portfolio showed a significant positive correlation .

  9. 岗位职责:开发各类风险组合模型及风险度量分析方法和工具,维护、更新全行各类风险组合模型工具;

    Description : Developing different kinds of risk combination models and risk measuring tools , maintain , update risk combination models ;

  10. 结果表明,第一大股东持股比例、股权制衡度以及高层管理人员薪酬与高风险组合呈显著负相关关系。

    The results showed that the proportion of the largest shareholder , equity balance degree and the remuneration of senior executives and high-risk portfolio were significantly negatively correlated .

  11. 在夏普比率下的再保险最优化模型的讨论中,依据基本的优化思想,采用定量与定性分析相结合的方法,得出保险风险组合与财务风险组合下的最优化结论。

    During the discussion of reinsurance optimization under sharpe 's ratio , it derives the conclusions of optimization with the combination of insurance risk and financial risk through quantitative and qualitative analysis .

  12. 虽然信用风险组合模型已经取得了重大进展。大型商业银行和具有巨额信用暴露的其他金融机构越来越多地依靠该模型指导信用风险管理。

    As the models of portfolio credit risk have improved , many large scaled banks and other financial institutions which have substantive credit exposures use models to instruct them to manage credit risk .

  13. 商业银行信用风险组合管理的关键问题是组合信用风险相关性、传染性、集中性,这是当前信用风险组合模型研究热点和重点。

    The key issues in credit risk management of commercial bank are default correlation , default contagion and default concentration of credit portfolio , which are the most popular and important research issues in credit risk modeling .

  14. 在此基础上,归纳总结了跨国公司在经营中可能遇到的四种典型风险组合,通过对各风险组合下每种融资方式成本收益的比较,就应采取何种应收账款融资方式提出建议。

    On this basis , the author summarized four typical risk combinations the multinational companies may met during operating , and by comparing the cost and income of each mode under different risk combinations to get the appropriate choice .

  15. 在Chen(1975)、Michel(1987)等人工作的基础上,对依赖风险保单组合的总索赔额分布的复合泊松近似的误差限做进一步推广,并给出一个数值解释的例子。

    Based on the works of Chen ( 1975 ) and Michel ( 1987 ), this paper developed their results that error bounds for the approximation distribution of the aggregate claims of portfolio with dependent risks , then gave a numerical example .

  16. 最小风险证券组合的结构分析和迭代算法

    Structural Properties of Optimal Portfolios and Iterative Algorithm for Risk Minimization

  17. 基于不同风险偏好组合的供应链协作方式的研究

    Research on Supply Chain Coordination under Various Risk Attitude Portfolios

  18. 考虑最优消费的动态风险投资组合决策模型

    A Model of the Risk Investment with the Optimality Consumption

  19. 风险线性组合的序讨论

    Study on the Risk Linear Combinations with the Stop_Loss Order

  20. 具有随机特征的风险投资组合问题分析

    Research on a Risk Investment Portfolio with Stochastic Character

  21. 动态的无风险资产组合

    A Dynamic Process for Replicate Risk - Free Asset

  22. 风险资产组合均值-VaR前沿研究

    A Study on Mean-VaR Frontier of Risky Assets Portfolio

  23. 卖空机制影响风险资产组合。

    The short-selling mechanism affects the optimal portfolio .

  24. 一种新的风险投资组合模型构建方法

    A new method to build the model to measure the risk of venture investment

  25. 多期风险资产组合的有效前沿

    The Efficient Frontier of Risk Portfolio in Multi-periods

  26. 施工企业可根据自身特点选定不同的风险对策组合。

    Construction enterprise can choose different combination of risk countermeasures according to its own characteristics .

  27. 政府债券是可靠的投资,因为它们是高收益和低风险的组合。

    Government bonds are a sound investment because they combine good profits and high security .

  28. 用主成分的差异系数作为风险投入组合的指标;

    The difference coefficient of principal component as the optimal selection index are put forward .

  29. 浅议高风险筹资组合

    On the Combination of Risking Raising Funds

  30. 基于遗传算法的企业风险管理组合模型的分析

    A Model for the Analysis of the Enterprises Risk Management Combination Based on Genetic Algorithms