
fēnɡ xiǎn shōu rù
  • risk premium
  1. 年薪制就是以年度为期间确定经营者的基本报酬,并根据经营成果发放风险收入的一种工资分配制度。

    Year-income system is a motivate mode based operation outcome yearly .

  2. 目前,高管薪酬主要有三种形式:基本薪酬、短期风险收入及长期风险收入。

    Executive compensation mainly has three forms : basic salary , short-term risk income and long-term risk income .

  3. 构建了一套体现经营者人力资本价值的、长期激励与短期激励相结合的、固定收入与风险收入相结合的薪酬激励机制。

    A set of human capital value embodies operators , long-term and short-term incentive , fixed income and risk income combination of salary incentive mechanism .

  4. 本文研究用高管前三名薪酬总额替代高管基本薪酬和短期风险收入,用管理层持股替代长期风险收入,两者共同表示高管薪酬。

    This paper uses top three totals executive compensation instead of basic salary and short-term risk income ; and uses managerial ownership instead of long-term risk income .

  5. 本文详细阐述了年薪制的定义,将年薪的内容划分为基本收入和风险收入,并提出了年薪模型。

    This text explains the definition of the yearly salary system in detail , divides the content of the annual pay into basic income and risky income , and proposed the annual pay model .

  6. 考虑企业的长期效益,风险收入不应在当年全部支付,应将30-50%转入风险基金延期支付。

    In the long-term interests of businesses the risk income of the very year should not be paid fully , instead 30-50 % of it should be turned into risk fund and the payment deferred .

  7. 此外对福利、股权分享等也进行了简单的描述,将长期薪酬与短期薪酬,固定薪酬与风险收入、经济性薪酬与非经济性薪酬有机融合,有效解决薪酬体系的激励与约束问题。

    Secondly , it simply describes welfare and stock right , salary and short-term salary , regular salary and risk income , economic salary and non-economic salary to solve the encouragement of the system of the salary and restraint problem effectively .

  8. 从风险和收入相匹配的原则出发,让从事独立审计工作的执业人员在真正承担高风险的同时,取得较高的个人收入。

    Regard of matching risk with revenue , the auditors should gain a fairly high pay that matches with the high risk that they really bear .

  9. 在门类众多的企业中,高新技术企业的具有高风险高收入,受外界经济、社会环境变化更敏感等特征,这也决定该类企业在营运中将更加注重财务处理和危机预防。

    High-tech enterprises with high risk and high income as well as sensitive to the external economic are supposed to pay more attention to financial management and crisis prevention .

  10. 因基础数据引起的,交易周期内的各种例外可能导致更多的操作风险、收入损失、财务责任和为了数据整合修复而付出的昂贵人工。

    Exceptions in the trade lifecycle caused by unreliable reference data lead to increased operational risk , lost revenue opportunities , financial liability and the need for expensive manual trade duplication and reconciliation processes .

  11. 本文从不利因素和加入WTO后农民减收的主要原因加以阐述,提出在转变思想观念的基础上的各项具体应对策略,以帮助农民抵御风险,增加收入。

    This paper analyzes the advantageous and disadvantageous factors brought about by China 's admission to WTO and offers some countermeasures based on concept transformation , so as to help China 's farmers to resist risks and increase their income .

  12. 因为个人所面临的最大风险,就是收入的大量流失。

    That 's because the most important risk that individuals face is the risk of major losses of income .

  13. 他们的目标将是确保投资者继续将其风险与高收入国家的风险区别看待。

    Their goal will be to ensure that investors continue to distinguish between their risks and those of these high-income countries .

  14. 研究发现,最优薪酬水平取决于独立董事的风险偏好、收入预期、工作能力和生产函数;

    Studies reveal that the best reimbursement level depends on independent directors for their risk preference , income expectation , proficiency and production function .

  15. 研究发现,相比之下,低收入国家的早产儿的死亡风险是高收入国家的早产儿的10倍。

    Babies born before 37 weeks are 10 times as likely to die in low-income countries than in high-income countries , the research found .

  16. 随着服务业竞争的加剧,如汽车租赁、酒店、航空等行业越来越多地使用超售的方法来降低风险,提高收入。

    With the intensifying competition , more and more business use the overbooking technology to lower the risks and increase the revenue at the same time .

  17. 第四、五两章讨论存在不可分散风险的随机收入时最优消费、投资、定期人寿死亡保险模型。

    The first part covers from Chapter Two to Chapter Five , mainly concerning the optimum investment , consumption and periodical insurance payable at death for life model ;

  18. 去年,在穆迪发布了一根关于高盛的报告,该报告称,高盛没有简单地把风险当成利润收入的对立面,而是当作“利润来源”。

    Describing its risk philosophy , Moody 's said Goldman saw risk not only as the counterpart to revenues or profit , but as " the source of profit " .

  19. 畜牧业经营风险对于农民收入的稳定增长,整个河北省人民生活水平的提高和社会稳定都会产生巨大的影响。

    As known to all , animal husbandry exerts enormous influences on the steady growth of farmers ' income , on the improvements of people 's living standards and the social stability .

  20. 政府很难没收投资者从国外获得的收入,而且股票也能够防范通胀风险,因为收入(和利润)应该会随着股价上涨而增长。

    Not only are international revenues hard for governments to confiscate , but equities ought to protect against inflation too , since revenues ( and profits ) should rise as prices rise .

  21. 全球化促进了企业家努力联合资源和力量,从而取得广泛的市场领域,降低风险及增加收入,创建普遍化和更强大的组织。

    Worldwide globalization facilitated entrepreneurs ' endeavor to unite resources and strengths in the view of creating universalized and more powerful organizations with wide sphere of marketing , lowered risks and increased incomes .

  22. 但是担保公司是通过吸收银行不愿承担或不敢承担的风险获得担保收入的,是经营信用、管理风险的行业,其高风险性为全世界公认。

    But the guarantee is by absorbing banks are reluctant to take or not take the risk of obtaining security income , is operating credit , risk management industry , the high-risk sexual recognized around the world .

  23. 摘要人民币升值对我国对外承包企业具有不利的影响,主要有:汇率风险导致人民币收入减少、人力成本和国内采购成本增加等。

    RMB appreciation exerts unfavorable effects on domestic enterprises oriented to foreign contracting , which include mainly the RMB income decrease and the increases of labour power cost and domestic procurement cost induced by exchange rate risk .

  24. 财政赤字风险将引起收入分配不公,降低资本的效率和减少储蓄,危害物价稳定,引起各经济主体对赤字的路径依赖并损害经济增长的质量和可持续性。

    The losses caused by risk of budget deficits are as follows : bringing unfair income distribution , reducing the efficiency of capital , cutting down saving , causing price unstability , increasing the route dependence on budget deficits , harming the quality of economic development and sustainability .

  25. 黑龙江省是农业大省,如何利用期货来应对现货市场上的价格波动成为新时期增强农产品竞争力,帮助农民规避风险、增加收入的有利途径。

    Heilongjiang Province is a major agricultural province , how to use futures to respond to the price volatility in the spot market become a favorable way to enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products , to help farmers avoid the risk and to increase revenue in the new era .

  26. 小额保险是国家致力解决三农问题的一个切入点,它不仅仅是一种保险,也是一种降低各种风险对低收入人群冲击的金融扶贫手段。

    The micro-insurance is the important point that the country try to deal with the " agriculture rural areas , and farmers " problem , is it not only insurance , but also a financial tool for poverty alleviation that lower all kinds of risks ' attack to low-income person .

  27. 健康风险冲击对农户收入的影响

    Health Shocks and Farmers ' Income Capabilities

  28. 在当前收入水平下,农民的风险规避程度随着收入的增加而增强。

    At the present income level , farmers ' degree of risk aversion will be increased as the income raising .

  29. 以沼气为纽带的沼气生态农业,除具有经济、生态、社会三大效益外,还能抵御各种农业风险,增加农民收入。

    The marsh gas eco-agriculture takes marsh gas as the key , it has significant effect in economy 、 ecology and society .

  30. 农业保险的开办,对于管理农业风险、保障农民收入和促进农村经济发展都起到积极的作用。

    Start-up agricultural insurance played a significant role that in the management of agricultural risks , protect their income and promote rural economic development .