
  • 网络risk effect
  1. 风险效应理论在竞技体育事业管理中的作用和意义&兼谈行为决策模型

    The Function And the Significance of the Risk Effect Theories in the Management of the Competitive Sports & Dealing With the Patterns of Behaviour Strategy

  2. 这部分重点介绍财政政策的增长效应、挤出效应和风险效应的涵义,为后面几章的分析奠定基础。

    In this chapter , we mainly introduce three kinds of effects , which are increasing effect , crowding-out effect and risk effect , and thus we lay sound basis for the following chapters .

  3. 基于事故树的调水线路水质污染风险效应

    Impact of Water Pollution Risk in Water Transfer Project Based on Fault Tree Analysis

  4. 我国金融市场组织结构的收益风险效应分析

    Analysis of the effect of risk and returns regarding organizational structures in china 's financial market

  5. 文章在总结中,指出了风险效应理论在体育产业管理中的实际意义和价值。

    This article conclusively expounds the value and the significance of the management in the sport industry .

  6. 在升值贬值时,在每个国家汇率贬值的正向效应与正向或负向的汇率风险效应同时存在。

    In each country , positive depreciation effects exist along with negative or positive exchange risk effects during depreciations or appreciations .

  7. 由于银行群体与企业群体是在企业占据信息优势条件下进行演化博弈,由此引发风险效应在银行博弈中尤为突出。

    The big bank group and business community is in business take advantage of information on the evolution and the effect of risk in the game is really exceptional .

  8. 中小企业实施虚拟组织运作可以带来市场效应、规模经济效应、技术创新效应、成本风险效应和学习效应。

    If the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises operates by dint of the Virtual Organization , it would bring about the emulation effect , scale-economy , technical innovation , and cost-venture effect .

  9. 国际资本流动在提高资源配置效率的同时,也会带来资产价格泡沫、货币替代、资本外逃、货币危机和债务危机等一系列风险效应,从而对一国银行业的稳定性造成冲击。

    International capital flow can not only improve the efficiency of resources allocation but also cause asset price bubble , currency substitution , capital outflow , currency crisis and debt crisis . They create the enormous impact on any country 's banking stability .

  10. Basel框架下ORI风险缓释效应的缺陷与修正

    The flaw of and Remedy for ORI Slow Release Effect under Basel Framework

  11. 各行业波动幅度均大于GDP波动幅度,说明行业间波动相关性各异,存在风险分散效应。

    The range of fluctuation in different industries is wider than that of fluctuations in the economy , which means that industrial fluctuation is different and leads to a risk dispersion effect .

  12. 本文创新地从系统重要性的角度研究银行风险传染效应,同时利用Copula函数进行定量分析,更好地认识到风险的传染机制,具有较强的理论及实际意义。

    This paper studies the bank contagion effect from the perspective of systemically importance innovatively and uses Copula function for quantitative analysis to better understand the mechanisms of risk contagion with strong theoretical and practical significance .

  13. 然而,由于没有合理考量风险缓释效应,新Basel框架在这方面的各种安排可能会引致一系列与其目标相冲突的陷阱,如不公平竞争问题、监管套利问题等。

    However , because the slow-release effect of risk is not reasonably considered , arrangements under new Basel framework may lead to a series of pitfalls such as unfair competition and profit-taking through supervision , running counter to its objective .

  14. 本文试图通过对ORI风险缓释效应的量化分析,在揭示这些问题的同时为最终修正这些缺陷提供一些思路,从而更好地实现Basel框架的宗旨,也为完善我国的操作风险管理实践提供参考。

    This paper attempts to quantitatively analyze the slow-release effect of ORI and provide some solutions so that the objective of Basel framework can be better realized and risk management be improved in our country .

  15. 通过对风险溢出效应的分析我们可以得到,在中国实施QFII之后到次贷危机发生前,中印股市收益之间的风险不存在双向的波动溢出效应。

    Spillover effect on the risk analysis we can get , the implementation of QFII in China after the subprime mortgage crisis , the Chinese and Indian stock markets do not exist between the risk of fluctuations in two-way spillover effect .

  16. 乡村债务的规模、结构、风险及效应分析

    A Review of Scale , Structure , Risk and Effect of Rural Debts

  17. 国家审计公告制度风险与效应研究&基于问卷调查

    Research on Risk and Effect of Audit Notice System : Based on Questionnaire

  18. 实证结果显示,外生性和内生性的银行特许权价值都有显著的风险约束效应。

    The result indicates that the exogenous and endogenous charter value had a disciplining effect on risk-taking .

  19. 货币政策的预期途径包括通货膨胀预期效应、证券市场预期效应以及风险预期效应。

    The expectation channel of monetary policy includes inflation expectation effect , securities market expectation effect and risk expectation effect .

  20. 从混合并购来看,其动因主要是寻求协同效应、产业效应和风险分散效应。

    In viewing from horizontal M & A , the main agent of merger and acquisition is pursuing scale economics effect .

  21. 混业经营体制的比较成本优势在于范围经济效应和风险分散效应,比较成本劣势在于利益冲突和风险传递。

    Comparative advantages of universal banking include economies of scope and risk diversification ; Comparative disadvantages include risk contagion and conflicts of interest .

  22. 近年来金融危机频频爆发,国与国之间较强的风险传染效应无疑加剧了商业银行面临的流动性风险。

    And because of the frequent outbreak of financial crisis and its strong contagion effect , the liquidity risk faced by China becomes worsen .

  23. 基金收益率没有显著的风险溢价效应,没有体现出高风险高回报、低风险低回报的特征。

    The return of fund has not obvious risk premium effect and has does not show the characteristic of " high risk , high return " .

  24. 证明了两种合同均可克服双重边际效应和风险规避效应,使得供需链协调。

    It shows that the above two contracts can eliminate the double marginalization and risk aversion effect , and hence the supply chain can achieve coordination .

  25. 此外,采取分散化措施能否有效地降低银行风险传染效应,这要取决于银行间市场当前所处的状态和市场结构特征。

    Furthermore , whether the decentralization measures can effectively lower the contagion effect relies on the states and structure features of the interbank market . 6 .

  26. 研究结果表明,从长期来看,银行间市场成员规模的扩张有利于降低银行间市场中的风险传染效应。

    Our results indicate that , in the long term , increasing in the member size of interbank market can help to lower the contagion effect in the market .

  27. 第五章则通过宏观经济冲击情景模拟来实证分析宏观经济因素冲击下我国银行间市场的风险传染效应。

    By enforcing the scenario simulation in the fifth chapter , we positively analysis the risk contagion effect of our interbank market under the shock of different macroeconomic factors .

  28. 证明了竞争的存在使得风险规避效应对供需链协调性的影响削弱,从而简单的批发价合同可以使得供需链协调。

    Moreover , competition weakens the effect of risk aversion on coordination of the decentralized system , hence , the supply chain can achieve coordination with a simple wholesale price contract .

  29. 金融开放后,我国银行业的客户和信贷风险替代效应、利润替代效应不可避免。

    When finance industry opens completely , the banking industry of China will inevitably face the substitution effect of customer and credit risk as well as the substitution effect of profit .

  30. 我们整合所得结果并取名为基于认知惰性的创业风险框架效应认知机制结构-框定双维模型。

    We concluded our findings and named it cognitive inertia based construction-framing double-dimension model for the cognitive mechanism of entrepreneurial risky framing effect . We discussed our results in the end of the study .