
  • 网络Risk Map;risk mapping
  1. 定性方法为绘制风险地图,定量方法为记分卡法,并对如何实施这两种方法分别做了介绍。

    One is to draw a risk map , which is a qualitative method , while the other is a quantitative method-score card .

  2. 史周三时对中国日报说:风险地图有助于决策者设计可靠的赈灾及保护计划。

    " The risk map will help decision-makers draw up solid plans for disaster relief and prevention ," Shi told China Daily on Wednesday .

  3. 广州、福州和宁波的天气因素被用于交叉相关分析,根据天气和登革热疫情的时间关系,构建了我国登革热流行的气象风险地图。

    DF outbreaks in Guangzhou , Fuzhou and Ningbo were selected to investigate the lag effect of weather factors on the outbreaks with the cross correlation analysis .

  4. 但是如今,研究人员已经见证了整个合并过程,他们将能够据此预测未来的事件,优化风险地图,规划更好的疏散路线。

    But now that researchers have witnessed a bona fide merger , they 'll be able to predict future events , improve hazard maps , and devise better evacuation routes .

  5. 但是新闻中却充斥着这辆车如何光鲜亮丽,遭遇如何扣人心弦的信息,甚至把它刻画成一个人物(非抽象的)。如此报道,毫无价值。新闻给大脑一张全然错误的风险地图,让我们偏离了重点。

    But the car is flashy , it 's dramatic , it 's a person ( non-abstract ) , and it 's news that 's cheap to produce.News leads us to walk around with the completely wrong risk map in our heads.So terrorism is over-rated .

  6. 洪水风险图是直观反映某一区域洪水风险信息的专题地图,是重要的非工程减灾措施之一,能够为防洪决策提供科学有效的依据。

    Flood risk map is a special map , which can reflect the regional flood risk information visually , is an important non-structural mitigation measure and can provide the scientific and effective basis for the flood control and decision .