
  1. 利用潜在生态风险指数法获得了Cr、Cu和Zn在两个湖泊中的单因子污染物均处于低微生态风险程度。

    The ecological risk of single pollutant such as Cr , Cu and Zn in the two lakes was low level .

  2. 潜在生态风险指数法评价显示,研究区大约80%的区域处于强与很强的危害程度,造成研究区重金属潜在危害的主要元素是Cd和As。

    Results from ecological risk index method indicated that about 80 % of the studied area reached severe and very severe harm degree and Cd and As were the main elements of potential harm .

  3. 文章介绍了相对风险指数法和DOW火灾、爆炸危险指数法的风险指数的确定,给出了风险指数与风险大小的对应关系。

    Article has introduced relatively risk index law and DOW fire and explosive dangerous index law risk index , has given the corresponding relation of risk index and risk size .

  4. 火灾风险指数法在潜艇机舱火灾风险评估中的应用

    Application of the fire risk exponent method in fire risk evaluation of submarine ′ s engine room

  5. 利用地积累指数法和潜在生态风险指数法,对泉州市山美水库流域沉积物中重金属污染进行评价。

    Using the geoaccumulation index and the potential ecological risk index , the heavy metal pollution of Shanmei Reservoir of Quanzhou is evaluated .

  6. 以开封市化肥河污灌区为例,采用潜在生态风险指数法对土壤重金属污染进行了生态风险评价。

    The ecological risks of soil heavy metals in the sewage irrigated area of the Huafei River in Kaifeng City were discussed with the method of potential ecological risk index invented by Hakanson .

  7. 根据火灾风险指数法的基本原理,结合潜艇机舱火灾安全的决策水平,计算潜艇机舱火灾风险指数,评估潜艇机舱火灾的安全等级,提出降低潜艇机舱火灾风险的建议。

    In light of the decision-making level of fire safety for the engine room of submarine , this paper evaluates the fire safety rank by means of the method of fire risk exponent , and gives some suggestions to lower the fire risk in the submarine ′ s engine room .

  8. 第一,采用故障树分析(FTA),实现了对燃气管网系统的完整的危险辨识,第二,采用管道风险指数评价法完成风险评价的定量分析。

    Firstly , using the FTA ( fault tree analysis ) to implement a systemically risk identification of urban gas pipeline . Second , restructuring the pipeline risk index system to improve the analysis and assessment of risk more efficiency and applicable for gas pipeline system .

  9. 危险品道路运输风险分级指数法研究

    Study on the risk rank indices of hazardous materials transportation

  10. 矿井火灾风险指数评价法

    Index method of mine fire risk assessment

  11. 风险评估指数法在某技改项目职业病危害预评价中的应用

    Application of The Risk Assessment Code in Pre-evaluation of Occupational Hazards in A Technical Transformation Project

  12. 探讨了基于风险评估指数法进行的舰船装备故障风险分析在维修管理工作中的几点应用。

    At last the use of risk analysis of fault in equipment of naval ship is discussed based on risk assessment code .

  13. 文章使用风险评估指数法对舰船装备故障的风险进行了分析,给出了风险评估指数矩阵,划分了舰船装备故障的高、中、低风险区;

    Through the risk assessment code , the risk of fault in equipment of naval ship is analyzed ; the risk assessment code matrix is given and the high , middling and low risk region of fault are plotted .

  14. 因此,本文构建起系统的、逻辑严密的方法分析北京市房地产行业的投资风险,即指数合成法,并用该方法分析北京市房地产行业的投资风险即房地产泡沫问题。

    Therefore , the paper constructs the logic and systematic method in analyzing Beijing 's real estate bubble-synthetic indexes and analyzing the state of Beijing 's real estate bubble using the method .

  15. 本文介绍了风险分解结构、风险评价指数法、风险矩阵和Borda序值法等工具和方法的运用。

    In this thesis , the application of such the tools and methods as risk breakdown structure , risk assessment code , risk matrix and Borda method are introduced .

  16. 风险评估采用风险评价指数矩阵法。

    Risk assessment was completed using the risk assessment matrix .

  17. 构建了由加权综合评价法和层次熵分析法组成的风险计算方法-综合风险指数法,根据综合风险指数将风险划分为五个等级。

    Risk calculation method was constructed which constituted by the weighted comprehensive evaluation method , the level of entropy analysis and comprehensive risk index method , and according to the comprehensive risk index the risk is divided into five levels .

  18. 其次,论文从风险评估内容的角度对风险评估指数法(RAC)作了相应改进,将风险的可控性因子作为衡量风险大小的一个重要指标,并结合德尔菲法来对风险进行评估。

    Secondly , from the perspective of risk assessment content , the dissertation improved the risk assessment code ( RAC ) that add the controllable factor of risks as an important indicator to measure the size of the risk , and combined with the Delphi method to assess risks .

  19. 在风险评价环节,论文采用了风险评价指数法RAC,在评分过程中邀请风险管理专家和工程项目管理经验丰富的管理人员进行评分,根据评分结果划分风险因素所属类别。

    In risk assessment , paper used Risk Assessment Code , invited the experts and experienced manager to score . According to the score , paper divided the risk factors to five categories .

  20. 在风险评价方法方面,讨论了风险评价指数法(RAC)实施的步骤,研究了RAC等级确定的原则,提出了用加权指数法来确定风险评价矩阵的方法;

    The author discusses the procedure of RAC and some issues that should be attention-giving , study the guidelines to set RAC degrade , brings forward the means to set risk code using weighted index .

  21. 在风险管理方面,以项目WBS为基础,先应用风险评价指数法(RAC)对项目进行了风险的分析、评估和跟踪控制,然后用风险防范的方法解决风险;

    In the aspect of risk management , based on WBS , RAC is used to analyze , evaluate , track and control the risk , and the way of keeping the risk away to solve the risk .

  22. 本文以区域小型水库溃坝为研究对象,在现有水库大坝风险分析的基础上,总结小型水库坝体特点并结合小型水库历史溃坝统计资料,利用风险指数法,对小型水库进行溃坝风险分析。

    On the basis of risk analysis , summarized the characteristics of small dam break , combined with a small reservoir of statistical information on the small reservoir dam break , analyzed the risk of the small dam break and focused on the break for each risk of dams .