
  • 网络Risk assessment framework;framework for evaluating risk
  1. 大坝防洪安全风险评估框架及其应用

    Risk assessment for hydrological safety of dam : a framework and its application

  2. 在ALE信息安全风险评估模型框架下,提出资产价值取决于实际工作量,采用WBS对公路工程项目按建设周期进行分解,对每个子工作项目进行专家评分,得到每种资产的安全价值三属性评分。

    Information security risk assessment in the ALE framework , the asset value depends on the actual workload : using WBS decomposition of the highway engineering project according to the construction period , the expert score for each work item , security value of each asset three attribute score .

  3. 对地铁工程风险评估体系框架的研究

    Study on the System Frame of Risk Evaluation in Subway Engineering

  4. 财产保险火灾风险评估标准框架研究

    Study on Standard Frame of Fire Risk Assessment for Property Insurance

  5. 企业信息安全风险评估的框架研究

    A Research on Information Security Risk Evaluation Framework of Enterprise

  6. 最后本文从整体上提出了电子商务网络信息的安全进行全面的诱因分析和风险评估的框架。

    Finally in the paper we in the whole put forward the frame-work of the precipitating factor analysis and risk evaluation of E-commerce network information safety .

  7. 最后通过一个综合案例分析,对高科技风险企业价值评估框架进行了实证和总结。

    The framework is finally practiced and verified in a case study of a Chinese high-tech venture in Chapter 5 and 6 .

  8. 包括美国和英国在内的许多发达国家都在利用一种多层次的基于风险的评估技术框架来鉴定和管理污染场地。

    Many developed countries including the USA and UK utilize a multi-tiered risk-based framework and relevant guidance to manage and regulate contaminated sites .

  9. 风险问题工作组制定了业务风险评估框架和风险管理框架。

    The Risk Working Group has developed an operational risk assessment framework and a risk governance framework .

  10. 介绍了信息系统风险评估中常用到的一些基本概念,使对风险评估框架有个整体把握,为后面章节的展开打下基础。

    And the chapter introduces some basic concepts that often be used in information system risk assessment , which make us have an integrity comprehension on the risk assessment framework , and does foundation for behind chapters . 3 .

  11. 首先运用抽象方法研究了私人风险向公共风险的转化机制以及公共风险的形成机制,并以此提出了财政风险的评估框架。

    Firstly it researches on the transformation mechanism from private risks to public risks and the generating mechanism of the public risks in abstract method , and brings forward the frame which can evaluate the fiscal risks .

  12. 商业银行的风险管理应建立呆帐准备金、资本充足率、存款保险制度三道防线,在商业银行内部需要建立以VaR为基础的风险评估框架模型,使资本和风险匹配更加精确。

    Three lines of defenses should be set up in the bank risk-management , which are loss loan provisioning , capital adequacy and deposit insurance . A risk evaluation frame in the bank based on VaR should be founded to match the capital and risk more accurately .

  13. CORAS框架是一个信息安全风险评估平台,它融合了多种互补的风险分析技术,有一套完整的评估体系和对应的评估工具,本文对CORAS风险评估框架开展了分析。

    The CORAS framework is a platform of Information System Security Assessment , which is a complete assessment system that includes multiple alternative risk analysis techniques .