
  • 网络Risk List
  1. 每一小组列出一份风险清单并且针对清单中的每一项设计出减轻或规避风险的策略。

    Each team develops a risk list and designs mitigation strategies for each item on the list .

  2. 直到今年之前,贫富分化的问题压根儿就没有出现在风险清单之上,更遑论高居榜首。

    Until this year the issue of inequality never appeared on the risk list at all , let alone topped it .

  3. 同时通过问卷调查,利用SPSS数据分析软件,整理汇总得到风险清单,经过数据分析得出风险优先清单。

    By collecting and gathering the risk listing , and using SPSS software , the Risk preferential listing is concluded by analyzing the data .

  4. 再从风险清单中选出主要的风险因素,加以讨论。

    Then the main risk factors listed are to be discussed .

  5. 但是专家将供水危机列在高影响力风险清单第二的位置。

    But experts rated a water supply crisis as second on the list of high-impact risks .

  6. 结合三峡电厂重大风险清单制定其管理方案,对生产过程中的几个关键技术问题进行初步研究。

    Combining with the vital risk list , we establish the management method and study the key technical problems of production process .

  7. 最后采用专家评分法和矩阵分析法,对风险清单中的风险因素进行评估,确定其发生可能性和影响程度,计算各项风险的风险值并确定风险等级。

    Then applying the method of Experts Scoring and Matrix Analysis , this paper assesses risk likelihood and impact , calculates risk value and determines the level of risk .

  8. 反对转基因作物的人士一般相信任何风险清单的总体评估表明,将转基因农作物用于食品或动物饲料使用,目前风险太大。

    Those opposed to GM crops generally believe that any overall assessment of the list of risks indicates that GM crops are currently far too risky to be used for food or animal feed .

  9. 本文采用初始风险清单与问卷调查相结合的方法从综合管理、资源消耗、能源消耗、环境污染四个方面进行风险识别,建立绿色风险层次结构。

    This paper identifies risk factors from four aspects : comprehensive management , resource consumption , energy consumption and environmental pollution in a method which combines the initial list of risks and questionnaire survey , and establishes a hierarchy of green risk factors .

  10. 然后,作者通过专家调查法对风险因素初始清单进行筛选得出重要风险因素,继而利用网络层次分析方法对重要风险因素进行评价,以确定每个因素的权重并对其进行排序。

    In order to improve the operability of the study , author simplified the risk factors by Delphi method and then computed the weight of each factors ranking by the method of ANP .

  11. 文章的第三部分为问题分析,利用风险管理理论并结合风险清单表法对数据运用标准差计算进行分析,总结了XX银行大连分行信用证欺诈的主要原因。

    On the third part , it uses risk management theory in conjunction with the risk table list to analysis it , to sum up the the causes of the letter of credit fraud to XX Bank Dalian branch .

  12. 首先通过问卷调查法进行风险识别,得出项目风险清单;然后通过评分矩阵法进行了风险分析,确定了风险的优先级别;最后针对优先级较高风险进行了应对措施分析。

    Firstly , the lists of project risks are obtained by identifying risk questionnaire . Then , the priority level of risk is determined by using score matrix risk analysis . Finally , response measures are analyzed for higher risk priority .

  13. 首先,对产业成长期的项目投资风险加以识别,确定项目面临的风险清单,建立产业成长期项目投资风险评价体系。

    Firstly , to distinguish the project investment risks in the industrial growth period and establish the project investment risk appraisal system .

  14. 使用文献研究、案例研究以及专家调研等方法,对巴基斯坦地区油气工程可能遇到的特殊风险因素进行了识别和分析,确定了风险清单。

    Secondly , the special risk factors in Pakistan oil projects were identified by literature research , cases study and expert interviews and the risk factors list was set up .

  15. 我们甚至可以添加条件,其中定义了不能接受的风险级别,并且规定只检索处于过高风险中的支行清单。

    We can even add the condition that defines the unacceptable risk level and retrieve only the list of branches that are at risk .

  16. 针对自助终端建设和运营中面临的风险隐患,将超过60%的专家提出的风险列入风险识别清单,进行重点关注。

    More than 60 % of the experts proposed a list of risks included in risk identification , to focus on .

  17. 风险识别阶段采用专家法、头脑风暴法来识别风险,列出风险清单。

    The risk recognition stage uses the expert method , the brainstorming method to distinguish the risk , lists the risk detailed list .

  18. 首先,通过对水电投资项目的不确定性分析、系统分析、多角度分析和风险因素识别,运用项目生命周期理论,确定了水电投资项目风险因素清单,建立了水电投资项目风险评价指标体系。

    First , by using of uncertain analysis method , system analysis method , multi-angle analysis method and risk factors identification to Hydropower investment project , it defined a list of risk factors and designed a risk evaluation index system of Hydropower investment project .

  19. 经过对该项目风险评价指标体系的构建、问卷设计、数据采集及预处理,运用层次分析法对风险清单中的各种风险因素进行权重计算,得出权重排序。

    After the construction of the projects ' risk evaluation index system , questionnaire design , data acquisition and preprocessing , we obtain the weight sorting by using AHP to weight the various risk factors during the list .

  20. 本研究建议国内工程咨询机构、大型施工企业在风险识别方面要做更多的基础性工作,结合日常工程项目实施过程编制建设工程的风险清单或风险手册。

    This research suggestion domestic project elements of consultation , the large-scale construction enterprise needs to do more foundational work in the risk recognition aspect , combing the daily engineering project implementation process establishment construction project risk detailed list or the risk handbook .

  21. 本文是将风险管理理论应用到具体工程中的一次尝试,论文通过对张钢搬迁建设项目的风险识别、评估,确定了本项目各个建设阶段风险事件清单,并对重要风险提出相应的应对措施。

    This paper is an attempt of applying the risk management theory into the specific projects , it identify the various construction phases of this project the list of risk events , through the construction project risk identification , assessment , and bring forward corresponding measures for the important risks .

  22. 本文根据这一风险管理步骤对乐昌峡水利枢纽工程进行控制分析。从工程风险源的角度进行识别,选用适宜的方法辨识出的工程风险因素,并列入风险清单。

    Based on these risk management processes , this thesis is designated to conduct a control analysis of Le Chang Valley Hydro-junction project , selecting appropriate methods of identification in order to identify risk factors from the point of the causes of project risk .