
  • 网络risk rate;risk ratio;Hazard Rate
  1. 时变效应对大坝防洪风险率的影响研究

    Influence of time-varying effect on flood control risk rate for dams

  2. 以交易次数为模拟单位,具体模拟了100次在线交易过程中感知信用风险率的变化趋势。

    Get the trend of Perceived trust risk rate in 100 transactions with transaction for the simulation unit .

  3. 基于Monte-Carlo方法的施工截流风险率估计方法研究

    Risk estimation of river closure based on the Monte_Carlo method

  4. 采用ANSYS中PDS模块即随机有限元预测隧道变形量及发生卡机的风险率。

    PDS module in ANSYS namely Stochastic FEM , is adopted to predict tunnel deformation and the probability of TBM jamming .

  5. 采用Monte-Carlo方法对模型进行随机抽样,通过统计分析,获得截流风险率的估计值。模型的适用范围。

    Then Monte_Carlo method is applied to model sampling . Risk probability of river closure is acquired by sufficient times of sampling .

  6. 建立了作为Markov链的非线性构形状态转移过程的转移速率与屈服应变风险率函数之间的关系。

    The relationship among the transition rates of the s tructural NCS evolution process , a Markov chain , and the hazard rates function o f the yielding strain is built up .

  7. 对平衡风险率函数re(x)的极限性质与分布F的尾部特性之间的相互关系提出一问题,并进一步给出一个命题,最后用一例子进行了全面的说明。

    In this paper we raise a question about the relationship of the rate of balanced risk and the tailed characteristics of the distribution , then we assign a topic , lastly we illustrate thoroughly by an example .

  8. 该研究试图确定老年CKD患者MDC、生存率和需住院治疗风险率之间的相关性。

    This study sought to determine the association among MDC , survival , and risk for hospitalization among elderly outpatients with CKD .

  9. 在分析大量水文气象资料的基础上,提出了时间风险率确定条件下降雨量极值随降水历时变化的幂律模型,找到了用业务自记资料估计1min降雨量极值的方法。

    The method estimating 1-minute rainfall extremes according to operational autographic data is given in the paper .

  10. 在随机右删失数据情形下,对风险率函数给出了一种类似于完全样本下由Rosenblatt提出的估计。

    A new estimator of the hazard rate function is given in this note under random right censored data , which is similar to that defined by Rosenblatt under complete sample .

  11. 随机删失数据下几种风险率函数估计的渐近性质

    Asymptotic properties of some hazard rate function estimators under censored data

  12. 江河防洪系统年超标洪水风险率模型研究

    Study on the annual flood risk model of flood protection system

  13. 三峡工程提前三期截流水文及施工风险率

    Risks in Hydrology and Construction for Third-Phase River Closure in Advance

  14. 水利工程风险率及β指标的研究

    Research of risk analysis of water conservancy projects and related indexes

  15. 关于期货交易风险率的研究及其应用

    Study on Risk Rate and It 's Application in Futures Trading

  16. 关于平衡风险率函数刻画重尾族的一个注记

    A note on the rate of balanced risk depicting heavy-tailed clan

  17. 洪水风险率分析的更新过程模型及其应用

    The renewal process model and its application for flood risk analysis

  18. 水文事件的频率、重现期和风险率之间的关系

    Relations among frequency , return period and risk rate of hydrologic events

  19. 施工导流超标洪水风险率估计的水文模拟方法

    Estimation of over level flood risk of construction diversion using hydrologic simulation

  20. 风险率函数基于右删失数据的估计

    Estimation about hazard rate function under random right censored data

  21. 要不断创新,采取多种途径降低银行风险率;

    Innovating constantly , adopting multiple channels to reduce bank risk rate ;

  22. 基于灰色-随机风险率方法的湖泊水质分析

    Analysis of lake water quality based on grey-stochastic risk method

  23. 截流风险率模型中两种计算法分析

    Two computing methods analysis in the model of the cut-off risk ratio

  24. 基于模糊事件概率理论的水质风险率计算方法

    Method for risk analysis of water quality based on fuzzy probabilistic theory

  25. 一个水质风险率计算的随机模型

    A stochastic model for the risk rate of concentrations exceeding the threshold

  26. 信息扩散理论在农业旱灾风险率分析中的应用

    Application of Information Diffusion Theory in Agricultural Drought Disaster Risk Rate Analysis

  27. 水库汛期调度的最大洪灾风险率研究

    Study on the maximum flood hazard risk rate in reservoir flood season operation

  28. 任何卒中的年风险率为3.2%。

    The annual risk for any stroke was3.2 % .

  29. 不过水围堰超标洪水风险率计算

    Risk of over-level flood for non - overflow cofferdam

  30. 施工导流系统设计风险率模型研究

    Research on Overall Risk Model of Diversion System