
  • 网络Risk analysis;FMEA;risk;Risk Analyst;analysis
  1. 结合GIS技术的洪水调度及风险分析

    Flood Regulation and Risk Analysis Based on GIS Technology

  2. ERP实施风险分析与管理

    Risk Analysis and Management In the Phase of Implementation of ERP

  3. 污水处理BOT项目风险分析及对策

    The analysis and policy of the project of wastewater treatment by BOT

  4. 因此企业在实施ERP项目之前应该进行相应的风险分析,以便做出正确的决策。

    Therefore , before the enterprises implement ERP project , corresponding risk analyses should be made so as to ensure correct decision .

  5. BT项目风险分析

    Bt project risk analysis

  6. 我国QFII制度的法律缺陷与运作风险分析

    Analysis of the Legal Defect and Operating Risk of QFII Institution in China

  7. 将概率影响图理论引入到船舶综合安全评估中,解决FSA中的定量风险分析问题;

    Introduce probabilistic influence diagram into FSA to settle the quantitative risk analysis in FSA ;

  8. 并介绍了OSA在进口动物风险分析决策支持系统中的应用。

    Finally we analyse a real System-inport animal danger analysis decision support System by using OSA .

  9. HAZOP风险分析方法

    HAZOP Risk Analysis Method

  10. 提出了基于可变精度粗糙集(VPRS)的风险分析方法。

    The risk analysis method based on variable precision rough set ( VPRS ) was proposed .

  11. 分析了银行风险分析的一般理论和银行风险转移机制,并着重对我国现有金融体制下信贷风险的形成机理和银行不良资产结构变化的Markov过程进行了研究。

    The general theory about risk analysis and risk shift mechanism is also introduced . Especially , the formation mechanism of excess credit risk and the Markov process of structure transform of bad assets are discussed in detail .

  12. 通过风险分析,认为SDS病菌是大豆生产上的毁灭性病害,经济影响大,符合检疫性有害生物的地理和管理标准及经济影响标准,是我国应关注的检疫性有害生物。

    The results of the pest risk analysis showed that SDS is a destructive soybean disease with significant economic impact to China and satisfies the quarantine pest definition in geographical , management and economic criterions .

  13. 提出了防洪风险分析中一个Poisson标值点过程模型,并运用Poisson点过程理论,给出了综合风险率的计算模型。

    A poisson marked point process model in risk analysis of flood control is put forward . And based on the theory of Poisson point process , a calculation model of synthetic risk rate is given .

  14. 如IPM研究中的风险分析,生态系统管理决策,农业生态区域规划等课题,对天气模型都有现实的或潜在的需要。

    Risk analysis in IPM programs , decision making in ecosystems management , ecologically planning of agricultural areas , are all need weather simulators really for the present or potentially for the future .

  15. 为此采用FSA5个标准步序,针对这种影响进行了安全评估,探讨了人为因素风险分析和FSA从理论到实践应用的可行性。

    So the safety assessment aiming at these effects has been carried out by using the five standard procedures of FSA , and the feasibility of putting the theory into practice is explored , which is about human factor risk analysis and FSA .

  16. 解释结构模型,独立发电企业,风险分析。

    Interpretative Structure Modeling , Independent Power Enterprise , Risk Analysis .

  17. 热加工食品中丙烯酰胺的形成机理和风险分析

    Formation Mechanism and Risk Assessments of Acrylamide Generated in Heated Foodstuffs

  18. 干旱期水库供水风险分析的多目标规划方法

    Multi-objective planning method for reservoir water-supply risk analysis during drought periods

  19. 区域供水系统供水短缺的风险分析

    Risk analysis of the shortage of cascade reservoirs water supply system

  20. 港口物流园区建设风险分析与评估

    Risks Analysis and Evaluation of Harbor Logistics Park ′ s Construction

  21. 网络安全风险分析与投资决策初探

    The Preliminary Research of Network Security Risk Analysis and Investment Decision-making

  22. 决策者行为风险分析模型研究

    Study on the Model of Decision Maker ′ s Risk Analysis

  23. 梨火疫病菌在中国的潜在分布及入侵风险分析

    Potential Distribution of Erwinia amylovora in China and Invasion Risk Assessment

  24. 人力资本投资收益与风险分析

    The Analysis of Income and Risk from the Human Capital Investment

  25. 第一部分是地震和海啸灾害风险分析。

    The first part is about earthquake and tsunami disaster risk analysis .

  26. 大型体育赛事运作风险分析及其防范

    Large scale sports game operation risk analysis and its prevention

  27. 工程造价估算及其风险分析模型研究

    Models of Cost Estimate and Risk Analysis on Project Management

  28. 组合证券的投资风险分析和选择

    The Analysis and Selection of Investment Risks of Portfolio Stock

  29. 岩土工程风险分析及应用综述

    Summary about risk analysis of geotechnical engineering and its application

  30. 工程造价风险分析中的组合分布模型

    A combination distribution model for risk analysis of project cost