
  • 网络risk;risk assessment;RBI;Hira;riskassessment
  1. 除了农业研究所自身的研究工作,美国农业部还赞助生物技术风险评估研究项目,提供竞争性奖励基金。

    In addition to ars 's in-house research , usda funds a competitively awarded grants program for research on biotechnology risk assessment .

  2. 基于GIS的松花江干流暴雨洪涝灾害风险评估

    GIS-based Risk Assessment on Rain and Flood Disasters of Songhua River

  3. 他们都被这场蔓延的危机围困,重新加强互相的风险评估。

    They got caught in social contagions and reinforced each other 's risk assessments .

  4. 一种基于AHP和模糊理论的风险评估方法

    A Risk Assessment Method Based on AHP and Fuzzy Theory

  5. VaR方法在银行贷款风险评估中的应用

    The Application of VaR Method to Risk Evaluation of Bank Loans

  6. MIS项目的综合风险评估模型

    The Integrated Risk Evaluation Model for the MIS Project

  7. DCS雷害的风险评估

    Risk Evaluation of Lightning Stroke Harm for DCS

  8. 基于移动代理的P2P网络安全风险评估

    Risk assessment for P2P network vulnerabilities

  9. 系统研究了购电商(ElectricityPurchaser,EP)的购电分配及风险评估问题。

    This paper researches electricity purchasing strategy and risk assessment for Electricity Purchaser ( EP ) .

  10. SPS措施必须根据科学原理,以风险评估为基础。

    The SPS measures must be scientific and based on risk analysis .

  11. 本文通过对多Agent系统特性的分析,结合网络安全风险评估机制,建立了一种基于多Agent的网络安全风险评估系统模型。

    This paper analyzes the characters of Multi-Agent system and concept of network security risk assessment , and offers a system model of network security risk assessment based on multi-agent .

  12. 提出了基于FMEA方法的风险评估模型。

    A risk evaluation model is proposed based on FMEA analysis .

  13. 运用遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术来进行中国陕西省北部地区的土壤水蚀风险评估。

    The remote sensing and GIS are applied to evaluate the soil water erosion risk in the northern part of Shaanxi Province , China .

  14. 分析型CRM的主要功能有客户保持,交叉营销,市场划分和风险评估。

    The main functions of analytical CRM consist of customer retain , cross marketing , market segmentation , and risk evaluation .

  15. 在系统安全上,主要对Internet和Intranet接入进行了重点分析和风险评估等。

    In the systematic security , mainly turned on to Internet and Intranet has carried on the key analysis including with the risk assessment and so on .

  16. 通过算例分析了VaR在基础设施项目融资风险评估中的计算方法、如何进行动态风险评估和可能存在的不足之处;

    Through example , it discusses the computing method and how to assessing dynamic risk in the Project Financing , and the possible weakness .

  17. DNV安全评价软件进行定量风险评估的运用

    Application of DNV Safety Evaluation Software to Hazard Evaluation in Quantity

  18. 基于语言OWA算子的潜艇研制立项风险评估

    Risk Evaluation Based on Linguistic OWA Operator for Submarine Developing and Project Approval

  19. 本文提出并设计了单域BGP路由预测工具,允许网络操作员可以零风险评估各种BGP配置组合,根据本工具的预测结果更好地优化域间流量。

    We present and design a tool for predicting BGP route in a single AS . The tool permit network operators assess different BGP configurations .

  20. 基于样本的DEA方法在择优排序,风险评估,分析有效单元性质,预测组合有效性等方面具有积极的作用。

    The sample DEA has an active function on giving an order of units , risk evaluation , analyzing of DEA efficient units and forecasting the combination efficiency of some units .

  21. BS7799是国际上得到广泛应用的风险评估标准。

    BS 7799 is an international widespread applicable risk assessment standard .

  22. 本文以NIST信息安全风险评估的九个步骤为参照框架,详细比较研究了NIST与OCTAVE安全风险评估过程的异同。

    Refer to the nine steps of NIST 's information security risk assessment guide , this article compared two methods between NIST and OCTAVE in detail .

  23. BS7799风险评估的评估方法设计

    Design for BS 7799 Risk Assessment Method

  24. 最后根据汉江流域的历史洪水资料和洪水风险评估结果,用水力学的HEC-RAS软件对该级别的洪水进行了洪水灾害严重程度的仿真。

    Finally , we give a hydraulic simulation based on HEC-RAS and history flood and the flood risk assessment results of Hanjiang River .

  25. 为了研究内部控制与企业价值的关系,本文构建了中国上市公司内部控制综合评价指数(ICI),包括控制环境、风险评估、控制活动、信息与沟通、监督评价五个方面。

    In order to study the relationship between internal control and enterprise value , this text constructs the ICI of China public company , it includes environment control , risk appraisal , activity control , information and communication , and monitoring .

  26. 目的探讨新生儿危重病例评分(NCIS)与新生儿临床危险指数(CRIB)评分对极低出生体重儿死亡风险评估的价值。

    Objectives To investigate the value of neonatal critical illness scores ( NCIS ) and clinical risk index for babies ( CRIB ) in predicting the death risk in very low birth weight infants .

  27. 该模型包括地理性风险评估、动物的健康状况、组织来源、组织感染性水平、加工工艺对BSE病原的清除水平及产品的终用途等内容。

    The model consisted of geographically BSE risk ( GBR ) levels , animal health conditions , tissue origins , tissue infective levels , BSE infectivity inactivation or clearance levels in the production processes and the use of end-products .

  28. 对策,进度,风险评估,基本物理学。

    Strategy , Schedule , and Risk Assessment , Basic Physics .

  29. 应对灾变的电力安全风险评估与应急处置体系

    Coping with Catastrophe Power Security Risk Assessment and Emergency Disposal System

  30. 疟疾卫生检疫风险评估指标体系的建立及其应用

    Constitution and Application of Health Quarantine Risk Assessment System for Malaria