
fánɡ wū zū lìn hé tonɡ
  • tenancy contract;contract for lease of houses;house rental agreement
  1. 第五部分是本文的意义部分,笔者以房地产权属登记、公司登记和房屋租赁合同登记等三个领域的行政登记为例,探讨了本文划分不同类型的行政登记的理论与实践意义。

    With the administrative registration in the ascription of the property right registration of real estate , company registration and tenancy contract registration of buildings as examples , it discusses the theoretical and practical meaning of the classification of administrative registration .

  2. Word和Excel在房屋租赁合同管理中的应用

    The Application of Word and Excel in the Management of the House Rent Contracts

  3. 房屋租赁合同:这套出租房面积究竟是多少?

    Housing rental contracts : the rental housing area is ?

  4. 公司房屋租赁合同及房产证复印件;

    The prove file of leasing office and the title deed ( copy ) .

  5. 房屋租赁合同中承租人优先购买权研究

    The Study of the Pre-emptive Rights of House Leasing Contract Baltic Air Charter Party 19621962

  6. 房屋租赁合同;

    The house lease contract ;

  7. 根据本条例的规定对房屋租赁合同进行登记和管理;

    To register and administrate the house lease contracts in accordance with the provisions of these regulations ;

  8. 最后,本文对房屋租赁合同被认定无效后因装饰装修物引起的损失赔偿问题进行探讨。

    Finally , this paper discussed this issue that to rent a contract is invalid after decoration materials caused loss compensation .

  9. 你可以将房东、租户、自己组织在一起对房屋租赁合同进行更改。

    You can be together landlord , tenement , him organization to rent a contract to undertake changing to the building .

  10. 本文论述了我国关于房屋租赁合同中的登记备案制度的内涵及实质,并阐述了该制度对房屋租赁合同效力的影响。

    This paper describes the system of registration in the contract of house-renting in China , and illustrates its influence on the force of the contract .

  11. 此外,按照法律,而且也加强各地的房屋租赁合同登记管理和规范发展住房租赁市场。

    In addition , in accordance with the law but also to strengthen all over the house leasing contract registration management and standardize the development of housing rental market .

  12. 房产权转移后,房屋租赁合同继续生效,新、旧房产主应联名以书面通知承租人。

    After building property rights have been transferred , building leases shall remain in force . The new and former owners of the building property shall jointly notify the lessee in writing .

  13. 房产权转移、房产预售(预购)、房产抵押和房屋租赁合同的订立,应经深圳市公证处公证。

    The formation of contracts for the transfer of building property rights , the sale ( purchase ) of building property in advance , the mortgage of building property and the lease of buildings shall be notarized by the Shenzhen Municipal Notarial Office .

  14. 房屋租赁双方当事人在合同关系中享有权利,也承担相应的义务,一方履行义务就是另一方权利的实现。

    The parties of housing renting should take their rights and obligation through the contract .

  15. 房屋租赁登记备案制度是国家为了管理租赁市场而规定的要求房屋租赁当事人将房屋租赁合同向房产管理部门登记备案,由房管部门对租赁合同进行审查的制度。

    House tenancy register records system is built for managing the rental market , which regulates house lease parties have the responsibility to rent rental contract to house property management authority to review .

  16. 我国现行立法未能将房屋买卖与房屋租赁两类不动产的性质作明确区分,将登记备案亦规定为房屋租赁合同的生效要件。

    The prevailing laws in our county do not distinguish the nature of the house sales from house lease or take the registration as the requisite of effect of the contract .