
  • 网络Teleconference;teleconferencing;CEPT
  1. 视频和电信会议可以替代许多昂贵的会议旅行。

    Video and teleconferencing can replace many expensive trips to meetings .

  2. 周一亚洲股票市场交易开始的几个小时前,七国集团(G7)财政部长和央行行长举行了一个远程电信会议。

    Just housrs ahead of Monday 's trading on Asian stock markets , finance ministers and central bank governors from the Group of Seven nations held a teleconference .

  3. 来自这些实验室的科学家正在一个虚拟网络中和在每周电信会议期间分享检测结果和关于实验室技术的信息。

    Scientists from these laboratories are sharing test results and information on laboratory techniques in a virtual network and during weekly teleconferences .

  4. 中非邮政电信管理会议

    Conference on Post and Telecommunications Administrations of Central Africa

  5. 阿拉伯国家非洲电信发展会议

    African Telecommunication Development Conference for the Arab States

  6. 非洲主管电信部长会议

    Conference of African Ministers responsible for Telecommunications

  7. 传统电信网上的会议应用,主要基于H.320或H。

    The conference application in the traditional telecom network is mainly based on H.320 or H. 323 standards .

  8. 这个新的系统将在欧洲举行的电信管理论坛会议上发布。

    The new system is being announced in Europe at the Telemanagement Forum .

  9. 欧洲电信工业协会会议

    European Conference of Associations of Telecommunications Industries

  10. 国际电信联盟无线电会议

    International Telecommunication Union Radio Conference

  11. 空间电信世界无线电行政会议

    World Administrative Radio Conference for Space Telecommunications

  12. 海上流动电信世界无线电行政会议你们的行动要无愧于你们自己。

    World Administrative Radio Conference for Maritime Mobile Telecommunications On you depend the fortunes of America .