
  • 网络e-Government Planning
  1. 本文首先分析了目前电子政务规划中存在的缺点与不足,接着介绍了软系统方法的思想。

    This research firstly analyzes the shortages of current E-government Planing and introduce theory of Soft system methodology .

  2. 据有关部门统计,全国各级政府和部门的电子政务规划和方案的投资金额合计已达数千亿元。

    According to the statistics from some relevant departments , the total investment reaches a sum of a hundred billion in the EGA plans and schemes of the governments and departments at all levels .

  3. 政府职能部门电子政务战略规划研究

    Study on the Electronics Governmental Strategic Programming of the Government Working Talent Section

  4. 电子政务项目规划研究

    Study on Project Programming of Electronic Government Affair

  5. 最后,本研究构建了电子政务需求规划的动态管理模型,从而为政府部门的电子政务规划管理提供科学的决策依据。

    Finally , a demand planning dynamic management model is constructed so as to provide scientific decision foundation for e-government management of government department .

  6. 在此基础上,构建了电子政务需求规划动态管理模型。

    So demand planning dynamic management model is set up , which is based on the analysis of demand intensity and demand scale layout .

  7. 按照国务院电子政务建设规划,云南省国税局将在2011年前后实施金税工程三期建设。

    In accordance with state council e-government construction planning , Yunnan IRS expected to begin implement phase ⅲ golden tax project comprehensively after 2011 .

  8. 沈阳市电子政务一体化平台规划研究

    The Research on Unified Platform Program of Shenyang E-Government

  9. 电子政务建设是规划部门改革传统办公方式,提高行政效率,提升管理质量的有效途径。

    E - government construction is an effective way for planning department to reform traditional office mode , improve administration efficiency and management quality .

  10. 而对于服务方式的选择,则主要与企业员工的受教育程度、企业的规模以及企业所在地区的经济发达水平有关。第六,研究了电子政务的需求规划管理。

    For service mode choice , it is related to education level of employee , business scale and economic level . Sixthly , demand planning management is studied .

  11. 然后,针对问题提出了沈阳市电子政务一体化平台规划的具体内容,包括指导思想、建设原则、具体建设内容以及运营管理的方式,该部分为本文的核心内容。

    Thirdly , the specific program is proposed to solve those problems . It involves instructional ideas , constructive rules , specific contents and operational method . This part is the core of the whole article .

  12. 从业务参考模型、信息参考模型到数据参考模型的数据平台的设计过程,是林业电子政务的信息资源规划过程,该过程独立于应用软件系统设计。

    Design process of data platform from BRM , IRM to the DRM is a forestry e-Gov information resource planning process . The process is independent from the application software system design .

  13. 例如国家发布了《2006&2020年信息化发展战略》,在九大战略重点中把电子政务放在第二位;制定了十一五电子政务整体规划,发布了中国电子政务的总体框架等。

    For example , our state issued Strategies of information development in 2006-2020 , E-government held second place in the 9 major strategies of our country . " The 11th 5-Year-Plan " overall planning and frameworks of E-government were planned and issued .