
diàn zǐ shù jù jiāo huàn
  • Electronic data interchange;electronic data switching
  1. 基于Web的电子数据交换系统WEDI

    EDI System W EDI Based on Web

  2. 基于XML技术的电子数据交换

    Electronic Data Change ( EDI ) Based on XML

  3. 浅谈电子数据交换(EDI)

    A Brief Introduction to Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI )

  4. 电子数据交换(EDI)&原理、实现和网络组织结构

    Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI )── Principle , Implementation , and Network Architecture

  5. 该业务流程应该验证电子数据交换(electronicdatainterchange,EDI)请求,并向提供者发回索赔状态。

    The business process should validate the electronic data interchange ( EDI ) requests and send the status of the claim back to the provider .

  6. 利用电子邮件通过互联网络实现电子数据交换(EDI)应用

    Transfer Electric Data Through E mail of Internet

  7. 我最先从事EDI(电子数据交换(ElectronicDataInterchange))方面的工作,它是最老的电子商业形式之一,然后逐渐转到在线商店和XMLWeb服务。

    I started working with EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ), one of the oldest forms of e-commerce , and graduated to online shops and XML Web services .

  8. 电子数据交换EDI,也叫无纸贸易,目前已在国际经贸领域迅速普及。

    EDI , or paperless trade , is now popular in international economic and trade circle .

  9. 最开始是所谓的电子数据交换(ElectronicDataInterchange,EDI)技术,然后是在线商店,现在我正在研究XML和Web服务。

    I originally worked on a technology known as Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ), graduated to online shops , and am now working on XML and Web services .

  10. 电子数据交换(EDI)系统安全技术

    Safety Techniques of EDI System

  11. 电子数据交换技术(EDI)的广泛应用,大幅度提高了企业数据传输与交易的效率。

    Efficiencies of data transmission and trade in enterprises have a substantial increase because of broad use of EDI .

  12. 电子数据交换(EDI)是国内最早利用信息技术,为供应链管理。

    Electronic data interchange ( EDI ) was one of the earliest uses of information technology for supply chain management .

  13. 实际上,早在二十多年前就出现了基于VAN(增值网络)的EDI(电子数据交换)系统。

    Actually , about twenty years ago , EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) system based on VAN ( Value-Added Network ) was present .

  14. 运输行业,如铁路和运输公司,提出了一个新的计算机之间的电子数据交换概念,它后来发展成为ElectronicDataInterchange(EDI)。

    The transport industry , such as railroad and shipping companies , introduced a new concept of electronic data interchange among computers , which later evolved into Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ) .

  15. 通过EDI中心,此平台具备了开放的外部系统接口,采用国际标准的电子数据交换格式与其他系统对话。

    With EDI center , this platform has the ability to talk to external systems using international electronics data interchange standard format .

  16. 电子数据交换(EDI)是一种软件之间业务消息从计算机到计算机的直接传输,它使用了一个标准的消息格式。

    Electronic data interchange ( EDI ) is the direct computer-to-computer transfer of business information between applications using a standard message format .

  17. 接着本文探讨了供应链管理的核心信息技术,主要论述了自动识别技术、电子数据交换(EDI)技术、Internet技术和电子商务;

    In the second place , the thesis discusses the core information technologies that consist of automatic discrimination , Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ), Internet technology and Electronic Commerce ( EC ) .

  18. 例如,在电子数据交换(ElectronicDataInterchange,EDI)中,不存在真正的服务接口概念,因为EDI系统通常有一个单个的全球的消息收件箱和发件箱。

    In Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ), for example , there is no real notion of a service interface , since EDI systems usually have a single global inbox and outbox for messages .

  19. 电子数据交换(EDI)技术是实现B2B电子商务的关键技术之一,应用XML和Internet技术的新型EDI克服了传统EDI的许多不足;

    Electronic Data Interchange ( EDI ) technology is one of the keys to implement B2B electronic commerce , EDI using XML and Internet technology overcomes many shortcomings of the traditional EDI .

  20. WSDL是这种思想的一种实现,因为名称空间提供了无限的灵活性,而这恰恰是用于电子数据交换的可移植格式所需要的。

    WSDL is an implementation of this idea , since namespaces provide an infinite degree of flexibility and this is exactly what is required in a portable format for electronic data interchange .

  21. 根据电子数据交换系统(EDI)的引入,阐述了电子商务在对外经济贸易应用上的重要性,并介绍了几种实施方法。

    This thesis briefly introduces some aspects of the Electronic Data Interchange system ( EDI ) drawn into the electronic commerce used in the foreign economics and trade .

  22. 电子数据交换(EDI)产生于20世纪60年代,是新型的信息交换方式,是一种集计算机应用、通信网络和标准化技术于一体的新的信息交换方式。

    EDI is a new type information exchange style . It has been used since 1960 . Computer applications , communications network and standardization technology are employed in it .

  23. 本文在深入研究铁路货物运输业务流程的基础上,采用电子数据交换(EDI)技术,探讨了铁路货物追踪查询实现的可行性方案。

    Based on the lucubration of the process of railway freight transportation , the thesis adopts EDI technique and discusses the feasible schemes for the inquires of cargo track .

  24. 本文介绍了电子数据交换(EDI)的概念、原理以及在消息处理系统(MHS)通信平台上的实现过程;

    In this paper , first the author introduces the concept and principle of EDI ( Electronic Data In-terchange ) and EDI implementation in MHS .

  25. 在网络设计方面采用了基于Internet的EDI(电子数据交换)技术,使各维修及检测企业上传给行业管理部门的数据在传输、录入方式等环节完全实现了电子化。

    Introducing the edi ( electronic data interchange ) technology based on Internet in the network design , as a result , the data transmitted between the administrative department and the maintenance enterprises is completely realized Informationization in receiving way .

  26. 在此基础上,进一步分析了电子数据交换(edi)开发工具amtrix的结构及各个部分的关系。

    This paper also introduces the structure of amtrix , an example of EDI development tools , and the relation among its parts .

  27. 先对电子数据交换(EDI)的工作原理进行了简单的回顾,进而介绍了多个EDI系统之间的通讯方式和各种通讯方式的比较,并着重介绍了第三方网络的选择依据。

    This article introduces the working principle of EDI , the communication way among EDI systems and comparison of various communication ways . The choice ground of the third - party networks is stressed .

  28. 这需要建立在CA安全认证的基础上,并且要实现与商家、金融机构以及交易中介等跨地域跨平台的电子数据交换。

    The core of e-government construction is to provide security , reliable and handy financial services , which needs establishing on the basis of CA safety certificate , and should implement electronic data exchanging with business agents 、 financial groups crossing territories and system platforms .

  29. 结合内河大宗散货电子数据交换(EDI)系统,介绍了平面文件与电子数据交换(EDI)报文的制定和转换程序的开发。

    Finally , connected with the EDI system of freshwater bulk cargo , it describes how to develop the flat file , EDI message and the converting program and how to config it for AMTrix .

  30. 文章描述了电子数据交换(EDI)与电子商务的关系,探讨了电子数据交换(EDI)系统的结构、特点以及单证的处理过程。

    This paper introduces the relation between e - commerce and EDI , at the same time it discusses the structure , characteristic of the system of EDI and the process of the EDI message .