
  1. 西方的利率决定理论和信贷配给理论在我国或缺乏生存环境或遭遇变异,推动贷款定价理论发展的金融市场又不发达。

    It is difficult for western theories of interest decision or credit rationing to utilize in our country .

  2. 从利率决定理论发展的角度而言,新古典综合利率理论无疑是一次重大的进步。

    New Classical-Keynesian interest rate theory is an important progress to the development of interest rate determination theory .

  3. 马克思利率决定理论是我国进行利率市场化改革的指导思想,而利率走廊理论是我国深化利率市场化改革的重要途径。

    Marxism 's interest rate decision theory is our guideline of reformation of interest rate liberalization in China , while interest corridor theory is an important way of deepening the reform .

  4. 然后结合西方经济学的利率决定理论探讨影响利率的一些因素。

    And then with the interest rate decision from the Marxist theory , the combination of Western economics theory of interest rate decisions , some of the factors that influence interest rates were explored .

  5. 首先,笔者简述中小股份制商业银行贷款定价的相关理论:信贷配给理论、不完全市场竞争理论、利率决定理论。

    First of all , the author Outlines the related pricing theory of The Small and Medium-sized Joint-stock Commercial Bank of China : theory of interest rate decision , theory of credit rationing , theory of imperfect competition in the market .

  6. 根据对古往今来不同流派的利率决定理论所进行的分类、总结、归纳与评价,笔者认为利率决定理论的研究与发展可以总结为三个主要的层次:第一个层次是实体经济层面的利率决定研究。

    According to the classification , summarization and evaluation , the writer argues that the history of the study and development of the interest rate determination can be distinguished into three levels : the first level is the study on the real economy .

  7. 其次,针对中小企业信贷融资难,介绍了西方经济学的利率决定理论和马克思的利率决定理论以及不对称信息经济理论。由于信息不对称,会导致银行贷款的逆向选择和道德风险。

    Further in this article , pointing to M & SSE 's difficulty of credit financing , several theories have been introduced including the interest rate decision theory of western economics , Marxism 's interest rate decision theory and asymmetrical information economics theory .

  8. 第一章从传统的利率决定理论入手,说明利率是在市场中形成并由市场供求力量决定的。

    In the first chapter , initially with support of traditional economic theories about decision of the interest rat , the writer shows that it is in the market that the interest rate is determined by the market power of supply and demand .

  9. 古典利率理论、新古典利率理论、凯恩斯以及新古典综合派利率决定理论的长期争论,分别从不同侧面讨论了利率到底是由什么决定的?这一根本问题。

    The fundamental problem has been discussed from different aspects in the classical interest rate theory , neoclassical interest rate theory , Keynesian Liquidity preference theory and the neoclassical synthesis interest rate theory .