
  • 网络Volcker Rule
  1. 沃尔克法则2009年由美国总统奥巴马(Obama)提出,目的是降低金融系统风险。

    The Volcker rule was proposed by President Obama in 2009 as a way of mitigating risk in the financial system .

  2. 潘伟迪还告诉读者们,他支持所谓的沃尔克法则(Volckerrule),这项法则将限制银行以自有资金对股票和债券进行投机。

    Pandit also told the audience he supported the so-called Volcker rule , which would restrict banks from speculating on stocks and bonds with their own capital .

  3. 未来几个月将出台的新法规很可能会砍掉它们大块的利润&特别是争议不断的沃尔克法则(VolckerRule)。

    New regulations are set to roll out in the coming months that threaten to kill off a large chunk of their profits & most notably , the controversial Volcker rule .

  4. 最后,摩根大通和戴蒙再度指出,制定和执行限制银行高风险交易的沃尔克法则(Volckerrule)难度很大。

    Lastly , JPMorgan and Dimon prove once again that instituting and policing the Volcker rule , which is supposed to limit risky trading at the banks , will be very hard to do .

  5. 但强硬的沃尔克法则却会让这个美梦落空。

    But a strong Volcker Rule just might take the cake away .

  6. 沃尔克法则瞄准的是商业银行,而不是经纪交易商。

    The Volcker Rule is aimed at the commercial banks , not the broker dealers .

  7. 沃尔克法则首份草案周二向公众发布。

    The first draft of the proposed Volcker rule was released to the public on Tuesday .

  8. 但这两家银行都没有采取措施,真正为可能严重冲击其做市业务的沃尔克法则做好准备。

    But neither has taken steps to seriously prepare for a strong Volcker Rule where their market-making activities could be seriously impacted .

  9. 鉴于经纪交易业务对这两家银行净利润的重要程度,它们显然无法接受强硬的沃尔克法则。

    A strong Volcker Rule would clearly be unacceptable to both banks given how important the broker dealer operations are to their bottom lines .

  10. 纯经纪交易商和非银行关联公司似乎不受沃尔克法则约束,可以自由交易,政府不会有太多干预。

    Pure play broker dealers and non-bank affiliates appear to be exempt from Volcker and can trade as they like without much government interference .

  11. 尽管沃尔克法则的细节仍在讨论中,但这项法规对两家公司净利润的长期影响可能是破坏性的。

    While the specifics of the Volcker rule are still being debated , the long-term impact on the firms ' bottom line could be quite damaging .

  12. 我们将制定所谓的沃尔克法则来确保银行受到联邦储蓄保险公司等安全网的保护,不能让他们为了自己的利益参与风险交易。

    Well enact whats called the Volcker Rule to make sure banks protected by a safety net like the FDIC cant engage in risky trades for their own profit .