
  • 网络wal-mart;Wal-Mart Stores;Wal-Mart Stores, Inc;wmt;Wal-MartStoresInc
  1. 本文运用企业X再造理论与日本丰田汽车公司的准时化生产方式(JIT)分析超级市场的供应链,并以零售业巨头沃尔玛公司为例,进一步阐明了超级市场供应链的X再造。

    By utilizing the theory of X-Engineering the Corporation and the YIT producing methods , we understand something about X-Engineering the supply chains of the supermarket . Wal-Mart serves as a example here .

  2. 时年30岁的李正打算辞去他在沃尔玛公司(Wal-Mart)担任的物流、战略和规划事务高级经理一职,去攻读一个MBA学位。

    Lee , then 30 , was about to leave Wal-Mart ( WMT ) , where he was a senior manager of logistics , strategy , and planning , to get his MBA degree .

  3. 《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)上周末报道称,沃尔玛公司(Walmart)涉嫌掩盖一项内部调查,该调查证明其墨西哥分公司向该国官员行贿。

    Over the weekend , the New York Times reported that Walmart allegedly covered up an internal investigation proving its Mexican subsidiary bribed officials in the country .

  4. 2001年,我曾对一些同事表示,沃尔玛公司(Wal-Mart)应该收购亚马逊公司(Amazon),以获得在线零售的优势(当时亚马逊的股价约为5美元)。

    In 2001 , I suggested to some colleagues that Wal-Mart WMT 0.29 % should acquire Amazon to gain an edge in online retail ( Amazon stock was about $ 5 a share at the time ) .

  5. 在零售商中排名第八的沃尔玛公司的软件工程师以12万2110美元的平均基本工资——仅次于甲骨文公司的12万2905美元——高于来自Facebook,eBay,亚马逊和微软的工程师的平均工资。

    The retailer ranked eighth , with a reported average base salary of $ 122110 - just behind Oracle 's $ 122905 , but ahead of the average salaries reported by engineers from Facebook , eBay , Amazon or Microsoft .

  6. 消息传出后,沃尔玛公司股票波动不大。(朱红隽)

    Wal-Mart stock was little changed on the news .

  7. 构造基于核心业务流程的战略能力&沃尔玛公司的成功因素探析

    Constructing Strategical Ability Based on Core Business Process

  8. 沃尔玛公司由山姆?沃尔顿先生于1962年在美国阿肯色州成立。

    Wal-Mart Stores , Inc. was founded by Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962 .

  9. 满足从摇篮到坟墓的所有需求,沃尔玛公司销售的东西从婴儿服装到订婚戒指,无所不有。

    Catering for cradle-to-grave needs , Wal-Mart already sells everything from baby wear to engagement rings .

  10. 沃尔玛公司表示,提供转账服务可以为顾客节省50%的费用。

    To do money transfer service it says it will cut fees for customers by 50 % .

  11. 他认为沃尔玛公司没有为女员工支付节育方面的费用,这样就每月减少了约500万美元的支出。

    He said the company saves about $ 5 million a month by denying birth control coverage .

  12. 在低价零售产业中,长期以来为沃尔玛公司带来竞争优势的关键资源有哪些?

    What , historically , have been Wal-Mart 's key sources of competitive advantage in discount retailing ?

  13. 他原先供职的雇主非常吝啬,所以离开那里加入沃尔玛公司之后,他对这种慷慨行为深感震惊。

    Arend , who was stunned at such generosity after the stingy employer he left to join Wal-Mart .

  14. 已故沃尔玛公司创办人山姆·沃尔顿的五位家族成员同时排在了第四名的位置。

    Five relatives of the late Sam Walton , founder of Wal-Mart Stores Inc. , tied for fourth .

  15. 很多大的兼职公司如彭尼公司,联邦快递以及沃尔玛公司都接受网上兼职申请。

    Many major employers of part-time workers , like JC Penney , FedEx and Walmart , accept online applications .

  16. 在过去十年里,沃尔玛公司远远不是唯一一家身陷贿赂指控的大型公司。

    Wal-Mart would be far from the only large company ensnared by bribery charges under FPCA in the past decade .

  17. 2005年,就在魁北克一家门店的工人即将达成工会组建协议之际,沃尔玛公司关掉了这家店。

    And , in 2005 , Walmart shut down a store in Quebec where workers were close to reaching a union contract .

  18. 这些企业中包括沃尔玛公司,沃尔玛2005年实施碳减排计划,并且向外宣布现在每年单运输燃料一项就可节省2亿美元。

    They include Walmart , which adopted energy-efficiency targets in2005 and claims to be saving over $ 200m a year on transport fuel alone .

  19. 玩具反斗城失去了其作为全国最大的玩具零售商沃尔玛公司10年前的职级,并没有苏醒的冠军。

    Toys R Us lost its rank as the nation 's largest toy retailer to Wal-Mart Stores Inc.a decade ago and never regained the title .

  20. 零售商沃尔玛公司继续“一切为了消费者”的战略,该公司表示将继续扩张银行业务。

    As retailer Walmart continues to strive to be all things to all consumers , the company says it 's continued to expand its banking operations .

  21. 记者:您为什么认为沃尔玛公司需要一个新的广告代理商,您希望马丁代理商能够给您的企业带来些什么呢?

    Reporter : Why do you think Wal-Mart needs a new ad agency and what do you hope that the Martin Agency does for you ' ?

  22. 沃尔玛公司当时声称,此举在工会投票前就已经安排好了,但它还是向员工们传递了一个清晰的讯息。

    The retail giant at the time said the move was planned ahead of the union vote , but it nevertheless sent workers a clear message .

  23. 沃尔玛公司在短短几十年的时间里取得了巨大的商业成就,并在公众的心中形成了良好的企业形象。

    Wal-Mart has made a huge commercial success in just a few years time , and in the minds of the public formed a good corporate image .

  24. 芭比的老朋友米姬被沃尔玛公司打入冷宫,因为米姬现在是个已婚的孕妇形象。坚决不行!沃尔玛的购物者们说,他们将一直拥护护士芭比和长发公主芭比的形象。

    Barbie 's long-time pal , Midge now married and pregnant was yanked from Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Stick to playing nurse and Rapunzel , say Wal-Mart shoppers .

  25. 结合对美国沃尔玛公司和苹果电脑公司正反两个案例的分析,论证企业文化建设决定企业的兴衰,企业文化是现代企业的精神支柱这一观点。

    With analysis of two cases of Walmart and Apple , illustrated that enterprise culture is spiritual support whose construction determines rise and fall of the enterprise .

  26. 同年,沃尔玛公司因为让一个怀孕的员工暂时停职而上了头条,这个新闻让他们的公关公司都无力拆招。

    That same year , Walmart made the sort of headlines PR firms have nightmares about by effectively suspending a woman in the middle of a dangerous pregnancy .

  27. 迈克公爵,沃尔玛公司的副主席,说它已不再接受中国供应商为无知的原料和组件。

    Mike Duke , Wal-Mart vice-chairman , said it was no longer acceptable for a Chinese vendor to plead ignorance on the origin of a raw material or component .

  28. 沃尔玛公司成功的信条是公开的准则,以最小的代价(成本费用)大批量购入商品,在适当的时间将适当数量的商品分配到各个商店。

    The public success rule of Wal-mart is that purchase good by lots with lowest cost , then distribute proper amount of goods to each store in proper time .

  29. 作为世界上最大的零售商沃尔玛公司,可以要求相当多的任何东西,因为它对供应商奖获得如此广大消费者。

    As the world 's largest retailer , Wal-Mart is able to demand pretty much whatever it wants of suppliers because it grants access to such large numbers of consumers .

  30. 沃尔玛公司和家得宝公司担心供应链可能因劳资谈判破裂而中断,如果谈判破裂那西海岸的港口将被关闭。

    Companies from Walmart to Home Depot are worried about potential disruptions in the supply chain if ongoing labour talks should break down which could lead to a shutdown on west coast ports .