
  • 网络Profitability forecast;Profit forecast
  1. 松下电器(Panasonic)昨日将营运利润预测大幅下调40%。就在一个月前,该公司还表示,要判断经济放缓的影响仍为时过早。

    Panasonic slashed its operating profit forecast by 40 per cent yesterday , only a month after saying that it was too soon to judge the effects of the economic slowdown .

  2. 下个月的利润预测是多少?

    A : What is our profit forecast for next month ?

  3. 国防承包商洛克希德马丁(LockheedMartin)也上调了全年利润预测。

    Lockheed Martin , the defence contractor , also raised its full-year projection .

  4. 巴宝莉(Burberry)去年在中国买下当地特许经营伙伴的全部股权后,目前正在中国实现创纪录的销售,这家豪华时尚品牌因此发布了乐观的全年利润预测。

    Burberry is reaping record sales in China after buying out its local franchise partner last year , leading the luxury fashion brand to issue an upbeat forecast for full-year profits .

  5. 随机弹性及利润预测应用研究

    The Applied Research on Stochastic Elasticity Theory and Profit Forecast

  6. 第四步是进行现金流转和利润预测。

    Step four is to do some cash flow and profit forecasting .

  7. 政策性补贴商品的目标利润预测分析

    Projected Target Profit Analysis of the Policy-related Subsidiary Goods

  8. 计算机成本利润预测系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design on Computer Cost Profit Forecasting System

  9. 期望利润预测的矩阵公式及其应用

    The Matrix Formula for Expectation Returns Forecast and Application

  10. 公司又未达到其利润预测。

    The company has missed its profit forecast again .

  11. 预算和利润预测都同样是推断出来的。

    Budgets and profit forecasts were equally speculative .

  12. 这个利润预测比我想象的要好,总算松了一口气!

    Man : This profit forecast is better than I thought it would be . What a relief !

  13. 通过对几种常用产品销售利润预测方法的分析。

    According to analyzing the methods of forecasting the sales profit of some kinds of products in cmmon use .

  14. 最后,本文根据以上结论,对如何提高金融分析师利润预测的有效性提出了几点政策建议。

    Lastly , according to the above conclusions , some policy suggestions to improve the effectiveness of financial analysts ' earnings forecasts are offered .

  15. 英代尔公司,半导体制造者降低了它的利润预测它的第一的四分之一,为不足为记忆晶片在价格中责备一个险峻的放。

    The Intel corporation , the semiconductor maker , lowered its profit forecast for its first quarter , blaming a steep drop in prices for memory chips for the shortfall .

  16. 尽管美国经济放缓,同时油价反弹至每桶60美元以上,但该协会仍然上调了今年的净利润预测。

    The higher net profit forecast for this year has come despite the slowdown in the US economy and the rise in oil prices back above $ 60 a barrel .

  17. 鲍尔斯称,非常清楚的是,基金经理不相信分析师的利润预测&净有83%的受访者认为对来年的利润估计过高。

    Mr Bowers said it was crystal clear fund managers did not believe analysts ' profit forecasts with a net 83 per cent describing earnings estimates for the coming year as too high .

  18. 灵敏度分析方法目前主要被运用于利润预测分析,而很少被运用到长期投资项目评估特别是对经营现金净流量的预测中。

    Sensitivity analysis is most often used in prediction of profits . By contrast , it 's rarely used in project appraisal of long-term investment , particularly in the prediction of net cash flow ( NCF ) from operating activities .

  19. 上周五,嘉年华提高了2015年利润预测,原因是游轮预定情况好于预期。该公司预计,2015年乘游轮出境的中国游客数量将首次达到100万人次,而该公司将为其中几乎一半的游客提供服务。

    Carnival , which on Friday raised its 2015 profit forecast on the strength of better than expected advance bookings , expects the overall number of outbound cruise passengers from China to hit the 1 million market for the first time in 2015 , and serve almost half of those .

  20. 国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTransportAssociation)今年3月将其对全球航空公司2012年净利润的预测从此前估计的35亿美元下调至30亿美元。

    The International Air Transport Association in March cut its forecast for airlines '2012 net profit to a combined US $ 3 billion , off from US $ 3.5 billion in an earlier estimate .

  21. 然后通过销售收入对经济利润进行预测,并应用经济利润价值评估模型对企业价值进行评估;

    Then it foretells the economic profit through sales revenue , and assesses the enterprise value by applying economic profit value evaluation model .

  22. 它有利于企业目标利润的预测和实际利润的完成,变被动为主动,实现企业利润最大化。

    It helps enterprises to realize their target profit forcast and actual profits , helps to change these two realizing processes from passiveness into positiveness and maximizes enterprises profits .

  23. 这说明在对下一年度净利润的预测中净利润的解释能力是最强的,并且还发现非营业利润几乎没有解释能力。

    This shows that in the prediction of the next annual net profit of net profit in the explanation ability is the strongest , and also found non-operating profit almost no ability to explain .

  24. 实践证明,运用量本分析进行经营决策是科学可靠的,是实现目标利润、预测产量控制成本的行之有效的方法。

    The evidence shows that the application of CVP analysis to formulate the policy-making of management is scientific and reliable , which is an effective method for attaining objective profit and forecasting output control cost .

  25. 所有其他银行都提出了包括资产出售、风险加权资产重新计算、利润留存预测和所谓的负债管理的综合措施。其中负债管理是指回购市价低于面值的债务,它会立即产生资本利得。

    All other banks have come up with a combination of asset sales , risk-weighting recalculations , profit retention projections and so-called liability management exercises , involving the buying back of debt that is trading below par values , a process that triggers an immediate capital gain .

  26. CLV是对客户未来利润的有效预测,因此CLV的计算是制定正确客户战略中不可或缺的一步。

    CLV can predict future margin of customer effectively , so the computation of CLV is an indispensable step in making right customer strategies .

  27. 股票投资中的利润与风险预测

    Forecasting of Income and Risk of Stock Investment

  28. 就拿股价来说:每一个股价都是对该公司未来利润的微观预测。

    Take those share prices : each one is a miniature forecast of future profits for the company in question .

  29. 这家公司上周四公布的收入和利润都低于预测值,股价也因此下跌。

    It announced revenue and earnings that were lower than expectations on Thursday and its stock fell as a result .

  30. 公司应通过调整品种结构对年度利润进行事先预测和过程的控制。运用变动成本法理论按成本习性建立营销价格体系。

    2 , While readjusting the varieties of products , PCG should practice forecast of annual profit and control of the production process to establish marketing price system through cost behavior analysis of varying ;