
  1. 利率债和信用债收益率的整体走势一致。

    The movement trend of interest rate yield and credit bond yield were almost the same .

  2. 接着,这个工具可以由美国政府担保,再借12美元。这将意味着,这个新工具可以按零利率借入短债,按2.75%的利率借入十年长债。

    The vehicle could then borrow $ 12 under the government guarantee , i.e. , borrowing at zero interest rate for short-term debt and2.75 % for ten year debt .

  3. 第三章研究基准利率变动对企业债市场的影响。

    In the third chapter , it studies the base rate 's change on the corporate bond market .

  4. 意大利的经济模式陷入了困境,因为该国的经济增长前景的基础一直是政府永远能以低利率发债和用低利率新债换旧债的假设。

    This was a problem for an economic model that was predicated on the belief the country could borrow and roll over its debt at low interest rates ad infinitum .