
  • 网络Telemarketing;Telephone Marketing;tele marketing;Call Center;TMK
  1. 基于移动增值业务的电话营销系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of the telemarketing based on mobile value-added service

  2. 确定电话营销策略这一问题在本次会议上不予讨论。

    Deciding telemarketing strategies is not on the table .

  3. Greene建议你将面试当成一次电话营销。

    Greene recommends that you think of an interview as a sales call .

  4. 作为较早开展信用卡电话营销的银行之一,Z银行针对目标客户展开了精准的数据库营销,在近几年实现了高速发展,弥补了直销渠道在获取及经营目标客户方面的不足。

    As one of the earliest commercial bank in credit card telemarketing , Z bank launched accurate database marketing to the target customers , and made rapid development in recent years , making up for the lack of direct sales channels .

  5. 特别是保险行业当中,电话营销尤为广泛。

    Telemarketing is particularly extensive in the insurance industry .

  6. 数据库对用户进行细分后,最佳实现数据库营销的也是电话营销。

    Database after the user segment , the best of database marketing is telemarketing .

  7. 电话营销比较优势及创新发展对策

    Comparative Advantages of Tele-marketing and Innovative Development Measures

  8. 文章第二部分分析电话营销中客户个人信息利益的属性。

    The second part analyzes what is the nature about customer information in telemarketing .

  9. 目前,银行通过积极的电话营销及其它促销方式,提供信用卡和贷款服务。

    Banks now offer credit cards and loans through aggressive telemarketing and other promotions .

  10. 职位涉及软件开发、翻译、电话营销、统计分析等各行各业。

    Job descriptions range from software development to translation , telemarketing , and statistical analysis .

  11. 阿弗拉米迪斯举例说,销售产品的电话营销人员通常会留下。

    ' For example , a telemarketer selling product usually stays around , 'Avramidis said .

  12. 网络营销、电话营销有效结合起来,但缺乏与客户进行有效沟通。

    The network marketing and telephone marketing effectively combines with customers , but lack communicate effectively .

  13. 数据库营销是数据业务推广最好的营销方式,数据库营销最佳实现方式是电话营销。

    The best marketing of value-added service promotion is database marketing , and the best way of database marketing is telemarketing .

  14. 但随着互联网等低成本渠道的诞生,电话营销渠道存在的短板也日益显现。

    But with the birth of the Internet and other low cost channels , Short board in telemarketing is also increasingly apparent .

  15. 坂上表示,上班族也可以将它放在办公桌上,在进行电话营销时得到些许鼓励。

    Sakanoue said workers could also set the toy on their desks for encouragement as they make a sales pitch by telephone .

  16. 本论文在发挥传统电话营销优势的基础上,设计了客户服务中心,详细阐述了客户服务中心的业务需求、技术需求、组织结构及应用。

    After a detailed description about advantages and aim of the telephone marketing , this paper has also designed the customer service centers .

  17. 为了进一步提升服务营销效率和维护、开拓客户,各企业纷纷推出一项新服务举措&电话营销。

    To further enhance the efficiency and maintenance services marketing , pioneering customers , the companies have introduced a new service initiative - telemarketing .

  18. 和毫无经验的电话营销相较,如果你有十年的零售业经验,那么你成功的几率会更高。

    Ten years of retail experience offers much more chance of success than an opportunity based on telemarketing skills , where you have zero experience .

  19. 并系统的阐述了保险电话营销系统的构建方法和技术,为系统的设计与开发提供充实的理论依据。

    The methods and techniques of building the telephone marketing systems are formulated , providing the fully theoretic basis of designing and developing the system .

  20. 随着全球经济的激烈发展,可及时获知信息是电话营销模式受欢迎的主要原因。

    Along with the competitive development of the global economy , having access to the information at an early time is the main reason welcomed by the telemarketing mode .

  21. 然而很多中小型企业虽然深知电话营销的好处,但苦于自己建立呼叫中心成本较高而没有实施。

    However , many small and medium enterprises may be aware of the benefits of telemarketing , but suffer from high cost of their call centers could not be implemented .

  22. 在过去的10年里,印度公司由于境外企业向这里外包电话营销、技术支持、会计和软件开发等业务而蓬勃发展。

    Over the last decade , Indian companies have flourished as overseas companies outsource work such as sales calls , technical help desks , accounting and software development to India .

  23. 数据业务存在即时销售、即时交易、即时产品服务交付、即时支付的特点,这些特点特别适合一对一的电话营销。

    Real-time sales data , presence , instant trading , real-time delivery of products and services , instant payment feature , these features particularly suitable for one to one telemarketing .

  24. 电话营销模式能够缩短营销环节,减少许多运营成本,有较大的价格优势。

    In fact , telemarketing model is an important model for marketing . it can cut down the marketing chain and reduce operational costs . It has a large price advantage .

  25. 工作职责:互联网推广、互联网商铺管理、电话营销、客户服务,要求有相同或类似工作经验半年以上。

    Work responsibility : The Internet promotion , the Internet store manages , the telephone marketing , the customer service , the request has same or above similar work experience a half year .

  26. 北京高校公话项目市场需求与对策研究以传统透视现代&评《电话营销》项目化教学公开课

    Requirement Strategy Research of Providing Pubic-Telephone-Call-Facility Service in Universities in Beijing ; Traditional Perspective of Modern Teaching Critical Analysis of Project Teaching of " Telephone Marketing " Under the View of Teaching Theory

  27. 你自身是产品,并且你在试着将自己卖给雇主,“在电话营销中你不能是被动的,否则你就不能很好的销售自己的产品。”

    You are the product and you are selling yourself to the employer . " You can 't be passive in a sales call or you aren 't going to sell your product . "

  28. 为了在竞争中保持优势,通过外呼渠道开展电话营销和服务关怀,已经成为深圳移动重要的市场拓展和客户维系服务手段之一。

    In order to maintain the competitive advantage , conduct outbound marketing and service care through the outbound channel , has become one of the Shenzhen mobile market expansion and customer retention services means .

  29. 你必须通过电子邮件或互联网找到他们,或者用老套的方法–通过广播、打印广告、直邮、电话营销、上门推销。

    You have to find them via the Internet and e-mail , or the old-fashioned way & through broadcast media , print ads , direct mail , telemarketing , or references or by cold-calling .

  30. 其次分析了保险电话营销系统的总体需求,讨论了保险电话营销系统的主要功能和呼入业务、呼出业务核心流程等方面的需求。

    Secondly , the overall demands of the insurance telephone marketing system are analyzed , and the main function and the needs of core process in the inbound business and outbound business are discussed .