
  • electronic cigarette;e-cigarette;e-cigarettes
  1. 《Pediatric》期刊上发表的一份最新研究表明,青少年吸烟与电子烟的使用有关。

    A new study in the journal Pediatric is linking teen smoking to electronic cigarette use .

  2. 我真的爱我的蓝光电子烟!

    I really love my blu electronic cigarette !

  3. 疾病预防控制中心发现从29个与电子烟有关的肺损伤病例中获取的肺部样本中发现了维生素E醋酸酯。

    The CDC found vitamin E acetate in lung samples taken from 29 patients suffering from lung injury associated with e-cigarettes .

  4. 但是行业组织SmokeFreeAlternative表示,这项调查的数据并不能支持所得结论,因为并没有证据证明电子烟使用者会转向实际吸烟者。

    But the industry group Smoke Free Alternative says the survey data doesn 't support that conclusion , because there 's no evidence that E-cigarette users actually lead to smoking .

  5. 分析人士称,FDA最终将被迫对电子烟工厂和制造标准进行资质认证。

    Eventually , analysts say , the F.D.A. could be compelled to certify e-cigarette factories and the manufacturing standards .

  6. 奥驰亚集团(Altria)原名菲利普莫里斯(PhilipMorris),销售MarkTen品牌的电子烟。

    Altria , formerly known as Philip Morris , sells the e-cigarette brand MarkTen .

  7. 美国疾病控制与预防中心(USCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention)周一表示,2013年,美国有逾26.3万从未吸过传统香烟的中学生吸了电子烟,这个数字大大高于两年前的7.9万。

    The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Monday that more than 263000 US middle and high school students who had never smoked traditional products smoked ecigarettes in 2013 , up from 79000 two years previously .

  8. 在法院的文件里FDA称电子烟为“药物装置组合”,应该被控制的一种。

    In court papers , the FDA calls thee-butts a " drug device combination " of the type it should be allowed to regulate .

  9. 其中最常见的是vapepen(钢笔改装的电子烟)和vapeshop(电子烟商店),也有最近流行的vapelounge,vapefluid,vapejuice等等。

    The most common of these are vape pen and vape shop , and there is also recent evidence for vape lounge , vape fluid , vape juice , and others .

  10. 富国银行的BonnieHerzog认为,电子烟的销售额可能会在未来十年间超过传统香烟的销售额。

    Bonnie Herzog of Wells Fargo , a bank , believes sales of e-cigarettes could overtake sales of the normal sort within a decade .

  11. 在同月,吸电子烟的问题被华盛顿邮报、BBC和英国电讯报及其他媒体争相讨论。

    In the same month , the issue of vaping was debated by The Washington Post , the BBC , and the British newspaper The Telegraph , amongst others .

  12. 疾病预防控制中心和美国食品药物管理局发布了新的研究结果,说在与电子烟有关的疾病的患者肺部样本中发现很多都含有维生素E醋酸酯,患病人数达2051人。

    Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration released new findings , reporting that vitamin E acetate appeared in a large portion of lung samples of people suffering from a vaping-related illness affecting 2051 people .

  13. 去年发布在公开网络杂志《公共科学图书馆·综合》(PLOSOne)上的一份研究报告称在电子烟的蒸汽中发现了锡颗粒和其他金属,并表示它们似乎来自电子烟的焊接接头。

    A study published last year in the open access online journal PLoS One found the presence of tin particles and other metals in e-cigarette vapors and said they appeared to come from the solder joints of e-cigarette devices .

  14. FDA目前还没有关于电子烟液的标准,但许多中国企业都声称,他们是在美国的一些达到FDA质量控制标准的实验室制造这些液体的。

    The F.D.A. does not yet have standards for e-liquids , but many of the Chinese companies say they make them in labs in the United States that have passed F.D.A. quality-control standards .

  15. 去年,纽宝(Newport)和箭牌(Kent)等品牌的制造商罗瑞拉德烟草公司以1.35亿美元价格收购了电子烟制造商Blu。

    Last year Lorillard ( the maker of brands such as Newport and Kent ) bought Blu , an e-cigarette maker , for $ 135m .

  16. 去年发布在公开网络杂志《公共科学图书馆·综合》(PLoSOne)上的一份研究报告称在电子烟的蒸汽中发现了锡颗粒和其他金属,并表示它们似乎来自电子烟的“焊接接头”。

    A study published last year in the open access online journal PLoS One found the presence of tin particles and other metals in e-cigarette vapors and said they appeared to come from the " solder joints " of e-cigarette devices .

  17. NJOY是美国最畅销的电子烟品牌,该公司负责人CraigWeiss发誓要让传统香烟成为过去。

    Craig Weiss , the head of NJOY , America 's top-selling brand of e-cigarettes , vows to make traditional ones obsolete .

  18. 美国肺脏协会(AmericanLungAssociation)东北地区负责人JeffSeyler表示,我们感到很兴庆,纽约市市民将不再受可能不安全的二手电子烟排放物的危害。

    ' We 're grateful that New Yorkers will not be exposed to potentially unsafe secondhand emissions from electronic cigarettes , ' said Jeff Seyler , head of the American Lung Association in the Northeast , in a statement .

  19. 上周,已经是两个孩子妈妈的24岁的KirbySheen表示,一支电子烟在她的面部爆炸,幸运的是没有把眼睛炸掉。

    Last week , mother-of-two Kirby Sheen , 24 , said she had been lucky not to lose an eye after an e-cigarette exploded in her face .

  20. 在美国,美国食品药品监督管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration,简称FDA)刚刚开始准备对电子烟进行管控,制定规定,迫使中国及其他地方的生产商提供成分列表,以及生产过程的细节。

    In the United States , the Food and Drug Administration has just begun to move toward regulating e-cigarettes , working on rules that would force global producers , in China and elsewhere , to provide the agency with a list of ingredients and details about the manufacturing process .

  21. 《纽约时报》走访了深圳的几家工厂,其中包括一家设在车库里的仿冒品车间,另一家工厂则展示了仿造电子烟品牌“Russian91%”的产品,工厂老板表示,这些产品将销往美国。

    The Times visited several such workshops in Shenzhen , including a counterfeiting shop set up in a garage and another that displayed a knockoff of an e-cigarette brand called " Russian 91 % , " which the factory boss said was destined for the United States .

  22. 2009年,FDA发布了一条与电子烟相关的潜在健康风险警告称,在对一些样本进行实验室研究后发现,里面存在二甘醇等有毒化学物质,而这些东西是用于防冻剂的。

    In 2009 , the F.D.A. issued a warning about the potential health risks associated with e-cigarettes , saying laboratory studies of some samples had found the presence of toxic chemicals , including diethylene glycol , which is used in antifreeze .

  23. 今年,中国的制造商将向美国和欧洲运送逾3亿支电子烟,它们将出现在沃尔玛(Walmart)、7-11(7-Eleven)、加油站商店,以及所谓的电子烟商店的货架上。

    This year , Chinese manufacturers are expected to ship more than 300 million e-cigarettes to the United States and Europe , where they will reach the shelves of Walmart , 7-Eleven stores , gas station outlets and so-called vaping shops .

  24. 事实上他的其中一项表态是,FDA在做大量的科学研究——据他说在50项以上——希望能充分积累证据,以便更好地判断电子烟在他所说的“风险序列”中处于什么位置。

    Indeed , one of the points he made was that the F.D.A. was conducting a great deal of scientific research - more than 50 studies in all , he said - aimed at generating the evidence needed to better understand where to place e-cigarettes along what he calls " the continuum of risk . "

  25. 金融服务公司加通贝祥(CanaccordGenuity)的数据显示,电子烟等电子尼古丁传送系统的全球年销售额已从2008年的2000万美元升至去年的30亿美元。

    Annual global sales of ecigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems have risen in value from $ 20m in 2008 to $ 3bn last year , according to Canaccord Genuity , the financial services firm .

  26. 美国已经警告电子烟制造商不要做出健康声明。

    America has warned e-cigarette manufacturers not to make health claims .

  27. 电子烟由尼古丁和其他化学品制造出烟雾。

    E-cigarettes create a vapor out of nicotine and other chemicals .

  28. 控制和预防无烟烟草制品和“电子烟”

    Control and prevention of smokeless tobacco products and " electronic cigarettes "

  29. 电子烟中出现二甘醇的风险是真实存在的。

    The risk of diethylene glycol showing up in e-cigarettes is real .

  30. 一次性电子烟更加便捷的使用。可以在餐厅及酒吧使用。

    Most convenient to use , most suitable for club and restaurant .