
  1. WTO后,在关税减让、配额和许可证管制放松以及专卖专营制度逐步取消因素的影响下,国内卷烟市场将进一步开放,烟草行业不可能再完全信赖国家烟草专卖制度的支持和保护。

    After the WTO , under the influence of factors that tariff concession , quota , licensing system loosening and monopoly sales canceling gradually , domestic cigarette market open further , tobacco trade can 't rely on the support and protection of national tobacco 's monopoly system totally .

  2. 应用基于apriori算法的关联规则挖掘技术对一次卷烟市场调查得到的数据进行分析,找出其中的关联规则,作为正确决策的基础。

    The data in a cigarette marketing investigation is analyzed with the association rules mining technology based on the a priori algorithm . The association rules are found and taken as the basis of the correct decision-making .

  3. 本文的研究成果,对ZJ市卷烟市场核心品牌的培育模式及过程有一定的实际参考价值,并达到夯实国产卷烟品牌区域市场基础、增强企业的核心竞争力的目的。

    The results of research has certain practical reference value to the cultivating mode and process of the core brands in ZJ cigarette market , more over , it can firm the regional market foundation of domestic cigarette brand , thus improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise .

  4. 日本的卷烟市场及扩大我对日本卷烟出口

    How to expand exports to Latin America Chinese health cigarette in Japanese market

  5. 如果说卷烟市场有营销的话,顶多只是粗放式的营销。

    If the cigarette market has marketing , at most , only extensive marketing .

  6. 浅析我国混合型卷烟市场份额增长的原因

    Causes of the Growing Sales of Blending - type Cigarette in China 's Cigarette Market

  7. 南阳是河南省的第一人口大市,拥有河南省最大的卷烟市场。

    Nanyang city has most population and is a greatest market of cigarette in Henan province .

  8. 1988年,韩国在美国要进行贸易制裁的威胁下向外国公司打开了自己的卷烟市场。

    In1988 South Korea opened its cigarette market to foreign companies under the threat of US trade sanctions .

  9. 通过信息化手段建设,加强烟草专卖对卷烟市场销售终端的管理服务已势在必行。

    By means of information construction , strengthen the tobacco monopoly on POS management service has be imperative .

  10. 对卷烟市场真正起决定影响力的,是卷烟消费者,这是市场经济的本质。

    The critical influence to the cigarette market is cigarette consumers , which is the essence of market economy .

  11. 20世纪初,英美烟公司凭借特权垄断了中国的卷烟市场。

    British & American Tobacco Co. had monopolized the tobacco market in China in the early of the 20th Century .

  12. “我们将在三年之内,使爱喜成为俄罗斯超细卷烟市场上第一品牌,”他补充说。

    " We will make Esse the No.1 brand in the Russian super-slim cigarette market within three years ," he added .

  13. 通过实证研究表明,组合预测在卷烟市场需求预测中,能有效的减小误差,提高精度。

    Through empirical research shows that the combination of forecasts , in the cigarette demand forecast , can effectively reduce errors and improve accuracy .

  14. 全球烟草产业是跨国烟草公司占据主导地位的产业,目前在中国以外国际卷烟市场上,以奥驰亚集团为代表的六大跨国烟草公司所占份额超过了70%。

    World tobacco industry is so controlled by several multinational tobacco companies that the Big-six companies occupy over 70 % international market shares except in China .

  15. 研究认为,我国的卷烟市场存在着市场集中度低,企业不能形成规模经济;

    The study finds that the concentrate ratio of China 's cigarette market is comparably low , the enterprises can not come into being their scale economy ;

  16. 首先,通过整理国内外卷烟市场的现实状况找出其中潜在的风险因素。

    First of all . I find out the potential risk factors by putting the information of the present situation of domestic and abroad cigarette market in order .

  17. 根据国王烟草公司的数据,在今年的前三个月,它在保加利亚卷烟市场中的份额扩大到了15%。

    According to the company 's own figures , its share of the Bulgarian cigarette market expanded to15 per cent during the first three months of this year .

  18. 目前,高档卷烟市场品牌众多,竞争激烈;市场控制力不够,消费者忠诚度不高。

    Recently , high-grade cigarettes market facing the situation that many brands involving the fierce competition , inadequate control of the market , and consumer loyalty is not high .

  19. 在垄断制度下,烟草行业不断提高自身经营能力和发展水平,在控制卷烟市场、扩大营销网络等方面取得了一定成效。

    Under the monopoly system , the tobacco industry has achieved a certain degree of success in controlling cigarette market and enlarging marketing network , by constantly improving its management ability .

  20. 20世纪初,随着帝国主义侵略的加深,1902年成立的英美烟公司不甘落后地侵入中国,逐渐垄断了中国的卷烟市场。

    With the imperialism invasion deepening in the early of 20th century , Britain & American Tobacco Co. , founded in 1902 , came to China and monopolized Chinese tobacco market gradually .

  21. 由于联邦税务部门、海关官员和警方在与迅速发展的走私卷烟市场斗争,加拿大烟税使每包20支装卷烟在多伦多的售价达到大约9加元。

    Canadian tobacco taxes have a package of20 selling for about $ 9 in Toronto as the federal tax authorities , customs officials and police grapple with a burgeoning contraband cigarette market .

  22. 入世后,在关税减让、配额和许可证管制放松等因素影响下,国内卷烟市场将进一步开放,中国的烟草行业必将受到很大的冲击。

    With its entering WTO , China 's tobacco market will further open up and tobacco industry will suffer from great impact due to tariff concessions , relaxing controls of quota and license granting and other facts .

  23. 在烟草行业应对市场开放,推行订单供货改革的背景下,烟草商业企业准确预测卷烟市场需求变得极为重要。

    Tobacco Industry is facing the opening of markets and the promotion of " Supply by Orders " . It is therefore becoming essentially important for commercial enterprise of tobacco industry to accurately forecast the demand of cigarette market .

  24. 中国加入WTO后,中国烟草行业面临着来自国际的巨大的竞争压力,跨国烟草公司更是对中国巨大的卷烟消费市场虎视眈眈。

    After entering WTO , Chinese tobacco industry must face the competition of multinational tobacco companies .

  25. 美国最高法院授予吸烟者起诉奥驰亚集团(AltriaGroup)和其他烟草公司的权利。吸烟者们声称,烟草公司对于淡型卷烟的市场营销策略有欺骗性。

    Smokers have been granted the right by the US Supreme Court to sue Altria Group and other tobacco companies over claims their marketing tactics for light cigarettes are deceptive .

  26. 中国是世界最大的烟草生产国和卷烟消费市场,同时也是烟草档次和出口的弱国。

    China is the world biggest country as the tobacco producer and cigarette market , simultaneously the weak country of tobacco scale and export .

  27. 四川卷烟消费市场分析主要对四川市场的消费者、品牌、营销等基本状况进行分析研究;

    An analysis of cigarette consumed market in Sichuan province mainly points to the fundamental status of consumers , cigarette brand names and marketing in Sichuan market .

  28. 在许多欧盟国家,现在有两个不同的卷烟销售市场,一个是正在走向衰落的合法市场,另一个是正在发展壮大的非法贸易市场。

    In many EU countries , there are now two distinct cigarette markets , one legal regulated market which is declining , and an illegal unregulated market that is growing .

  29. 同时,随着世界卫生组织(WHO)制定的烟草控制框架公约即将生效和全球禁烟运动的进一步开展,国内卷烟销售市场必将受到影响。

    Meanwhile , the sales of domestic cigarettes will be negatively impacted as the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control will take effect soon and the global tobacco control campaign further develops .

  30. 长沙卷烟厂国际市场拓展战略研究

    The Research on Strategy of International Market Development of