
  1. 今天,立迈EMD正在发展成为中国最具专业水准的齿科产品营销与服务商之一。

    Nowadays Beijing E-Maxdent Co. , Ltd ( EMD ) is developing into one of the most professional providers of dental products distribution and services in China .

  2. 农产品营销中介服务平台整合建设研究

    Studying Integrative Building of Marketing Agency Service Platform of Agricultural Products

  3. 从产品营销向服务营销的观念转变以及从采用单一的营销手段向采取整合营销手段的观念转变。

    From products marketing to service marketing and from a single marketing measure to an integrating marketing measure .

  4. 与国外银行相比,国内银行业公司业务影响仍处于初级阶段,浅尝于产品营销和服务营销,缺乏科学的市场营销体系。

    Compared with foreign banks , the business impact of the domestic banking sector the company is still in its infancy , the taste of the product marketing and services marketing , the lack of scientific marketing system .

  5. 有效地开发档案信息资源,成为饭店科学决策、市场开发、产品营销以及服务质量和管理水平提高的关键因素,是提高饭店竞争力的重要手段。

    An effective development of files informational resources will be a key factor to scientific decision , market development , products marketing , service quality and management level of restaurants ; an important means to raise the competitive power for restaurants .

  6. 客户经理作为商业银行客户关系的管理者和核心业务的营销员,其工作业绩的好坏将直接影响到商业银行产品营销、服务推介等经营活动的竞争成败。

    The customer manager of commercial bank works as customer relationship manager and core business sale , and their performance will have a direct impact on some important business processes in the commercial bank , such as the product marketing and service promotion .

  7. 由产品营销转向服务营销,是中国制药行业发展和用户需求变化的客观规律,中汇制药必须着眼于服务体系的构建;

    Be changed direction by product marketing service marketing , from maintain the service change direction the customer to experience personally completely , is an objective regulation that Chinese system medicine Joint-wit must change with the customer , to set up a service system ;

  8. 一方面,着重分析了商业银行在产品设计、营销服务中存在的问题。

    On the one hand analyzes the commercial banks in the product design , marketing , service problems .

  9. 纵观全球,发达国家的众多创意产品、营销、服务,吸引了全世界的眼球,形成了一股巨大的创意经济浪潮,席卷世界。

    In global scale , many creative products , marketing strategies and services from the developed countries have attracted worldwide attention and aroused a huge wave of creative economy spreading throughout the world .

  10. 笔者认为,通过理论联系实践研究分析,正确的品牌定位及以顾客为导向的产品研发、营销服务创新是中国企业海外发展的基石。

    Through analysis and research of marketing theory and practical cases , I believe that right brand positioning , customer-oriented product development , marketing and service innovation is the cornerstone of Chinese enterprises development in overseas markets .

  11. 而价值的获取往往通过具体的商业模式来实现,所以现在企业间的竞争不仅仅是产品、营销、服务和资源的竞争,更是商业模式的竞争。

    The access of value achieving often needs a specific business model . So now , the competition among enterprises is not only competition in the product , marketing , services and resources , but also the competition in the business model .

  12. 在模块化UPS的产品策略营销中,服务将是一个重要的环节。

    In modular UPS product marketing strategy , service is an important part .

  13. 同时,也要在产品设计、营销、服务、产业布局、制度建设等方面做出改进。

    At the same time , they also should make improvements in product design , marketing , service , industrial layout , construction of system .

  14. 在具体到研究方向上,新产品、营销战略、服务与顾客关系的研究、品牌延伸的研究、市场导向的研究是最突出的方向。

    At the research direction network , new product , marketing strategies , services and customer relationships , brand extension research , market-oriented research was the more prominent direction research area .