
  • 网络incomplete property right;fragmentary property rights
  1. 产权残缺的非公有制林业

    Non-public Forestry with Incomplete Property Right

  2. 农村剩余劳动力产生原因再探&兼论农地产权残缺对农业生产要素配置的影响

    Analysis of the cause for appearance of rural surplus labor force & On the influence of incomplete property right of peasants'land on agricultural production factor relocation

  3. 产权残缺、利益博弈与社会冲突

    On Fragmentary Property Rights , Benefit Game and Social Conflicts

  4. 政策工具、产权残缺与国企改革

    Policy Instruments , Truncated Property Rights and the Reform of State-owned Enterprises

  5. 产权残缺与组织博弈&解析制度变迁下的中国有线电视网发展

    Incomplete Property Righs Organization Game Analyze the development of China 's CATV net in the institution transformation

  6. 工人劳动力产权残缺使劳动者对技术工人的人力资本投资的收益大打折扣,进而导致投资不足,引发技工荒。

    The defect worker force property makes profits of human capital investment lower and causes the mechanic shortage .

  7. 而造成国有产权残缺的主要原因是,国企作为国家的政策工具而背离了利润最大化的目标。

    The major cause for this is the deviation of state-owned enterprises used as a policy instrument from profit maximization .

  8. 产权残缺:土地承包经营权流转的现实困境&基于山西太谷、左权的调查

    Incomplete Property Rights : Realistic Predicament of Land Contractual Management Right Transfer & Investigation on Taigu and Zuoquan of Shanxi

  9. 与产权残缺相比,土地的保障功能更可能是减少供给从而阻碍土地流转的主要原因。

    Social security function is a main reason to the flow the rural land contract right compared with remnant property rights .

  10. 以往的研究通常从土地产权残缺和农户的土地情节等角度来分析土地流转,但是,这种解释是不全面的。

    The preceding researches have analyzed the circulation of rural lands from the angle of property rights , however , these explanations are not complete .

  11. 产权残缺是发展中国家的一种普遍现象,是社会稳定的严重威胁力量。

    The shortcoming of property rights is a sort of general phenomenon in developing country , it is also serious threat power to social stability .

  12. 而国有企业的产权残缺性使公司治理结构中的直接监督和间接监督等有效的缓解代理问题的手段不能得到充分发挥。

    As the property power incomplete of State-owned business enterprise make direct supervision and in direct supervision lessening the agency problem efficiently give little play ;

  13. 农村土地承包经营权产权残缺与市场流转困境:理论与政策分析

    The Incompleteness of Contracting and Operating Right to Rural Land , and the Dilemma that the Market Liquidity is In : an Analysis of the Theory and Policy

  14. 农户土地产权残缺,组织化程度低,严重制约着农业生产力的提高和农村经济的发展,阻碍了农业的产业化进程。

    The incomplete property rights of land and the low degree of systematism seriously restrict the improvement of agricultural productivity and the development of rural economy , hindering the process of agricultural industrialization .

  15. 在国有公司或国有控股公司中,人力资本产权残缺仍普遍存在,并对公司治理效应的产生了显著的负面影响。

    In state-owned companies or state-holding the controlling stake companies , the un-integrity features of property rights of human capital are generally existing , and produce apparently negative impacts to the effect of corporate governance .

  16. 国企低效率的根本原因与其说是所有者缺位,不如说是国有产权残缺,也就是国有财产的收益权与控制权严重地不对称甚或分离。

    The root cause for the inefficiency of state-owned enterprises is not the absence of real owners but the truncated property rights , namely the asymmetric relationship between the right to benefit from and the right to control .

  17. 在我国,产权残缺严重影响着国有企业的效率和活力,因而,建立完整产权的产权制度是国有企业改革思路设计的核心。

    In our country , the incompleteness of property rights affects the efficiency and vitality of state owned enterprises heavily . For this reason , establishing the system of complete property rights is the core for performing a reform in a state owned enterprise .

  18. 任何一项权利界定不充分都将导致公务员人力资本产权的残缺,进而影响其行为选择。

    Any one of the four powers was believed to influence the behavior selection of bureaucrats .

  19. 重点分析当前我国在家庭联产承包责任制下农地使用领域出现的问题及问题出现的原因,得出根本原因在于所有权主体缺位、产权内容残缺和产权结构扭曲;

    The author emphasis genetic issues and the reason of issues in the houshold contract responsibility system currently , and finds three reasons : the absence in subject of ownership , the shortage in contents of property rights and the contortion in structure of property rights ;

  20. 这些问题归根结底在于我国农村土地产权制度的残缺。

    The original reason of these problems lies inour faulty property right system in rural land .

  21. 现行农村土地制度的缺陷表现为产权不明确和农户产权残缺,经营规模的小型化以及土地流转机制的不健全。

    Defects of the existing tenure of land in rural China are characterized by ambiguity in ownership , lack of right for farmers , small-scaled running and unhealthy land rotation system .

  22. 但与此同时,由于我国的经济体制、法律、市场等多方面的限制,我国高科技企业从一诞生起就埋下了产权边界模糊、产权关系残缺以及产权封闭化、单一化等产权问题。

    But due to various limitations in economical system , law , markets and the like , high-tech enterprises bring with them many problems , such as vague property boundary , incomplete property relationship , closed property and simplistic property .

  23. 最后,亟需深化产权改革,逐步解决财产权残缺问题。

    Last but not the least , it is urgent need to deepen the reform of property rights , and solve the problem of truncated property rights gradually .

  24. 但如果产权受到不当的限制或产权残缺会使土地产权流转受阻,导致市场体系不健全和市场价格的扭曲,从而影响到市场的资源配置效率。

    However , if the property rights is irrelevantly limited or have deformity , the transfer will be suffocated , which result in morbidity of market system and distortion of market price , affecting the market efficiency of resource allocation .

  25. 基于人力资本理论,研究人力资本产权的私有性、人力资本产权残缺的自贬性、人力资本产权的依附性以及人力资本产权的不可抵押性。

    According to the Human Capital Theory , we argue that the human capital has the nature of private ownership , handicapped self-debasement , dependence and un-mortgage .

  26. 产权模糊、产权不稳、产权残缺和产权分散是中国集体林业产权制度改革所面临的问题。

    The property right is fuzzy , the property right is unstable , the property right is incomplete and the property right is dispersed is that China 's collective forestry 's property relations reform the problem faced .

  27. 分析了现行农地征用制度对农地产权的侵害,以及其运行过程中所折射的农地产权的残缺。

    The essay analyses the damage to farmland 's property rights caused by present farmland expropriation system directly and the incompleteness of farmland 's property rights reflected during the operation of present expropriation system .

  28. 劳动力产权是一组权利束,资本主义国家的雇佣劳动制度造成了劳动力产权的残缺,资本家的剥削收入来自对雇佣工人劳动力所有权收入的侵蚀。

    The labor property rights are consisted of an array of rights . The system of employment in the countries of capitalism brought about the imperfection of the labor property rights , and the income of capitalist was taken from the exploitation to the employee .

  29. 本文总结性地提出了国有企业产权安排和治理结构现存的主要问题,即国有产权不到位,内部人控制,人力资本产权残缺等问题。

    This text put forward with the main problem of the property rights arrangement and the corporate governance structure in the state-owned firm is the government-owned produces the power do not arrive ," the internal person controls ", the manpower capital produces the incomplete etc.

  30. 本文从企业家人力资本产权界定、企业家能力、企业家努力水平的激励动力等维度来展开分析,找出国有企业低绩效原因在于企业家人力资本产权的残缺。

    This paper , by means of analyzing the definition of Entrepreneur Human-Capital , the ability of entrepreneur and the motivation mechanism of entrepreneur , figures out the reason of bad performance in state-owned enterprises , mainly being lack of property right of entrepreneur human-capital .