
  • 网络Equity investment;real investment;Investment of the property right
  1. 基于多层次灰色综合评价的我国石油公司跨国产权投资方式选择

    Choice of Transnational Equity Investment Approaches for Domestic Petroleum Company Based on Multi-level Gray Synthesis Appraisal

  2. 产权投资企业价值评估中的协同价值分配研究及案例分析

    The Research of Synergy Value Distribution and Cases Analysis in Property Investment 's Value Assessment of Business

  3. 知识产权投资作为无形资产投资,对知识产权确定性有潜在的高要求。

    Intellectual property investments , as an intangible asset investment , have potentially high demand for the intellectual property rights certainty .

  4. 银行贷款以及公司收益再投资一直是中国企业融资的主要渠道,但是,去年,通过产权投资市场融资的方式变得格外的重要。

    Bank financing and the reinvestment of profits do play a huge role in Chinese corporate finance , but equity markets became extraordinarily important last year .

  5. 产权投资中的企业价值评估具有特殊性,即目标企业不但具有常规的企业价值,而且还有了潜在的协同价值。

    The value assessment of business in property investment has Specificity , unlike the conventional enterprise value , there is a potential synergy value in property investment .

  6. 紧缩的信贷和更加分化的产权投资市场也许会形成,没有任何生意可以单独完成:只有夯实供给才能调整对于未来的预期前景。

    Tightening credit and a more discriminating equity market may be accomplishing what no business would do on its own : tamping down on supply to moderate the prospect of a future bust .

  7. 产权投资是一种以产权为对象的投资活动,通过买卖产权来获得投资收益,而对于目标企业的价值评估是其中的核心问题。

    Property investment is an investment activity regarding property right and the investment revenue is subject to the sale of property , the value assessment of the property investment is a major problem .

  8. 文章认为产权投资、项目融资以及市场化投资机制的建立是提高西部基础建设投资效益的必由之路。

    This paper thinks that the only way out for the improvement of investment efficacy in western infrastructure construction is the introduction of property investment , project financing and the establishment of market investment mechanism .

  9. 以建立和完善法人治理结构为切入点,阐述了企业如何从解放思想、转变观念入手,建立多元化产权投资主体为基础的法人治理结构的思路和方法。

    Entered from establishing and improving governing structure of legal person , this paper elaborates , from how to liberate thoughts , change sense to set up governing structure thinkings and methods based on building up plurality property right investment .

  10. 它们还希望,投资者和制造业企业将会在专利等知识产权投资回报前景的激励下,参与开发。

    They are also hoping that investors and manufacturing companies will play a part in development , motivated by the prospect of getting a return on investment through the exploitation of intellectual property ( IP ) rights , such as patents .

  11. 试论长期股权投资权益法人力资本投资本质上是人力资本产权投资,人力资本产权是通过投资获取的,明晰人力资本产权关系是激励人力资本投资主体进行人力资本投资的重要动力。

    Try Talking about the Equity Method of Long-term Equity Investment This paper states that the investment into human capital is in essence the equity investment into human capital . In other words , the equity of human capital obtains through investment .

  12. 通过服务贸易总协定的服务贸易,以及与贸易相关的知识产权和投资措施。中国成为WTO成员后,同印度有着共同的利益和共同立场,有利于两国的进一步合作。

    China who will soon be admitted into WTO has the same interests and views in relation to WTO with India , and China 's admission into WTO will help promote co-operation between the two neighbors .

  13. 刘春泉律师致力于庇护您的常识产权和投资!

    We help you to protect IP and investment in China .

  14. 第二天,交易员和投资组合经理对进入我们拥有自主产权的投资组合账户系统对交易进行审核。

    The following day , traders and portfolio managers review trades entered into our proprietary portfolio accounting system .

  15. 他表示,美国需要扩大与中国的接触,关注知识产权和投资保护等其它问题。

    He said that the US needed to broaden its approach to China and focus on other issues , including intellectual property rights and investment protection .

  16. 参与谈判的各国还为在政府采购、监管连贯性、竞争力、发展、知识产权与投资等方面的新标准达成协议采取了步骤。

    The group also took steps toward agreement on new standards for government procurement , regulatory coherence , competitiveness , development , intellectual property and investment .

  17. 对长沙市产权式酒店投资环境进行评价。

    Property hotel in Changsha investment environment evaluation .

  18. 产权式酒店投资初探

    Probe in the Investment of Property Hotels

  19. 产权约束、投资低效与通货紧缩

    Property Rights , Inefficient Investment and Deflation

  20. 另外,没有经验证明在知识产权和吸引投资之间存在关系。

    Furthermore , there was no empirically proven relation between IP and the attraction of investment .

  21. 评价模型确定了指标评价和量化的标准以及评价整体产权式酒店投资环境的等级标准。

    Evaluation model identified indicators evaluation and quantified standards , the grading standards of overall property hotel investment environment evaluation .

  22. 为了获得1000美元净资产中100美元的产权,泰勒投资12美元。

    To acquire an interest of $ 100 in the net assets of $ 1000 , Taylor has invested $ 12 .

  23. 产权式酒店投资环境评价指标的功能作用和评价指标体系及评价模型的构建。

    The functional role of Property hotel investment environment evaluation indicators , construction of the Evaluation indicators System and Evaluation Model .

  24. 合营企业各方可以现金,实物,工业产权等进行投资。

    The parties to an equity joint venture may make their investment in cash , in kind or in industrial property rights .

  25. 评价结果显示长沙市产权式酒店投资环境总体水平不高,急需优化投资环境。

    Evaluation results show that the overall level of property hotel in Changsha investment environment is not high , urging to optimize the investment environment .

  26. 完善知识产权和风险投资法制建设是建设中关村科技园区法治环境的关键。

    The protection of intellectual property rights and perfecting legal system of risk investment are the keys to build the legal system of Zhongguancun Science Park .

  27. 大学从事高技术创业投资必须具备2个条件:对技术成果拥有自主知识产权;项目投资与学科建设相容。

    A university 's high-tech venture investment should have two preconditions : the autonomy of intellectual property in technical achievements and the consistency of the venture investment with discipline construction .

  28. 按不同银行负债率区间,分别对样本总体进行投资规模、不同产权性质的投资规模、以及不同控制层级下投资规模的描述性统计,得出目前我国制造业在企业投资规模方面的特征。

    According to different debt ratio , we make descriptive statistics of the overall investment in the sample size 、 the different nature of the scale of investment property , as well as the scale of investment under different control levels .

  29. 产权确定性及其对投资和经济增长的价值

    The Definitiveness of Property Rights and its Value to Investment and Economic Growth

  30. 知识产权保护在国际投资法中的地位

    The Preliminary Analysis of the Status of Intellectual Property Protection in International Investment Law