
  1. 论信息服务业产权重组与机制转换

    On Property Right Restructuring and Mechanism Transformation of Information Service Industry

  2. 产权重组中的企业制度和企业重组

    Enterprise System & Enterprise Reconstruction in Property reconstruction

  3. 铁路运输企业产权重组

    Reorganization of Railway Transport Enterprises

  4. 企业边界的重新确定:分立式的产权重组&大中型国有企业的一种改制模式

    Reset Enterprise Boundary : De-integrated Restructure of Property Right & One of the Models of Restructuring Large and Medium-sized State-owned Enterprises

  5. 介绍了关联企业交易、企业产权重组等其它活动中的纳税筹划方法。

    The tax planning approaches during the others activity such as the trade among affiliated enterprises , the reorganization of property right of enterprises are introduced .

  6. 首先介绍了资产的定义,从资源配置论、产权重组论、流动转化论、制度创新论等角度阐述了资产重组的概念。

    First , it introduces the definition of assets 、 concept of assets reorganization from the allocation of resources , the reorganization of property rights , system innovation and other theory perspective .

  7. 产权重组涉及到财产所有权为基础的权利体系,必定会引起产权关系的变化、企业的制度创新、企业的重组。

    Property reconstruction relates to the rights system on the basis of property rights , which will be sure to give rise to the change of property relationship , the renovation of enterprise system , and the reconstuction of enterprises .

  8. 中国民航运输业以监管体制改革、竞争引入和规范、产权重组以及公司治理调整等方面的内容为核心的市场化改革的目标在于:形成合理票价、增加民航供给和提高市场绩效。

    Civil aviation transportation market reform can be divided into the regulatory system reform , the competition introduction and the property reorganization . And its reform aim is increasing civil aviation supply , forming a reasonable ticket price and improving the market performance .

  9. 我国企业并购的实践证明:并购不仅是实现产权重组、资源优化配置的重要手段和积极方式,也是国有企业改革面临的必然选择。

    It was proved by M A practice in our country that M A is not only an important measure and positive means to realize the restructuring of property right and optimize the resource reallocation , but also the necessary choice in the reformation of state enterprises .

  10. 深圳城市供水系统产权结构重组模式及评价

    Evaluation and Recombination of Property Right Configuration for Urban Water Supply System

  11. 公司股东的股权转让是市场经济中资本流转的常见形式,有利于公司募集资本、产权流动重组、资源优化配置。

    The transfer of stock rights is often seen in the process of capital flow . It is beneficial to raise money 、 transfer and recompose property and optimize the resource allocation .

  12. 本文拟探讨集体所有制企业改制的方式及资产的最终归属,说明企业改制过程中产权的重组是最具根本性的。

    This article discusses the method of the reform of collective enterprises and the final ownership of the collective assets , and to show that the reconstruction of property in enterprise reform is of fundamental importance .

  13. 然后,利用双向委托&代理关系的理论框架,提出了在公有制条件下,通过产权结构重组来带动治理结构的完善,在互动中实现优化目标的思路。

    Then by using the model of double directional principal agent relationship , it is suggested that for public ownership enterprises , the double optimal objective could be realized through a moving process , in which the property rights are restructured to prompt the improvement of corporate governance .

  14. 论国有资产产权流动和重组

    On Circulation and Re-constitution of State-owned Assets Property Rights

  15. 以产权为纽带重组国有资产&一汽集团轻型车企业并购简析

    On the Reorganization of National Assets by Means of the Link of Property

  16. 在改革转制中应建立相关配套措施,确保产权流动与重组顺利进行。

    Should set up relevant supplementary measures in reforming transformation , guarantee its going on smoothly .

  17. 在国有企业产权流动与重组中,可通过系统性重组和结构性调整组建大型骨干企业和企业集团;

    In the flow and reorganization of property right of state-owned enterprise , can set up the large-scale leading and collective enterprise through systemic reorganization and structural adjustment ;

  18. 证券市场是金融市场体系的重要组成部分,它具有筹资、产权复合与重组、资金导向与资源配置等功能,在国民经济发展中的作用越来越重要。

    AS a significant component of finance market system , the Securities Market plays a role in financing , mergence and acquisition and resource allocation , it becomes more and more significant in the development of national economy .

  19. 有效沟通两个市场,促进两个市场共同发展,可以有力支持国有企业改革,促进企业产权流动和重组,优化产业结构,进而促进社会主义市场经济的发展。

    Communicate two market effectively , promote two market common development , can support the SOE reform effectively , Promote enterprise 's property right to flow and recombinant , optimize the structure of industry , and then promote the development of socialist market economy .

  20. 随着市场经济和医院深化改革的不断深入,相继出现了合资医院、股份制医院以及医院集团等多种办院形式,一系列的改革都涉及到医院资产产权变动与重组问题。

    With the deepening of market economy and hospital reform , there are many forms to run hospitals , such as joint-venture hospital , joint-stock hospital and hospital group , and so on . Series reform involve with change and reorganization of hospital 's ownership .

  21. 实际上,根据体育产业的发展趋势及产权变更、重组的安排原则,体育产业化既要增强体育产业的活力,又要保证国有资产的保值和增值。

    Actually , according to the trend of sport industrial development and the principles of property modification and distribution in its development , the value of state-owned sport capital should be guaranteed and even be added at the same time when a new energetic sport industry is created .

  22. 第二章至第六章,按重组所经历的不同阶段,分别对资产评估、产权界定、资产重组、债务重组及产权重组过程中的会计问题进行了探讨。

    In the second to sixth chapter , the writer studies the accounting issues in the different process of corporate restructuring and reorganization .

  23. 参与公司资金使用和调度、贷款担保、对外投资、产权转让、资产重组等重大决策活动。

    Participate in important decision-making on utilization and allocation of funds , loans guarantee , foreign investment , transfer of property rights , assets reconstruction of etc.

  24. 从制度创新角度看,它是产权关系的资产重组、组织关系的产业再造而形成的新兴产业部门。

    Modern logistics industry is a burgeoning industry , which is based on assets reorganization of property relations and industries reconstruction of organization relations , in the perspective of institutional innovation .

  25. 并购是企业的一种产权交易和资产重组行为,是资源和资本优化配置的过程,是市场经济的产物。

    M & A is not only the behavior of the corporate property transactions and assets restructuring , but also the optimal allocation of resources and capital , it is the product of the market economy .

  26. 本论文应用产权经济学、契约经济学和现代企业理论研究在进行公司破产重组时的产权保护问题以及作为一项重要产权制度的破产重组法律的制订原则。

    Based on property economics , contract economics and the modern theory of the firm , this dissertation studies the problem of protecting property rights in corporate reorganization and some rules of corporate reorganization legislation .

  27. 运用微观经济学、福利经济学、产权经济学及博弈论的相关理论,结合城市供水系统的经营管理现状,对3种产权重组模式进行分析。

    The micro-economics , property right economics , welfare economics and game theory are applied to analyze the recomposition modes .