
  • 网络property rights economics;economics of property right
  1. 从产权经济学的角度来说,完备的市场意义上的企业并购就是两个或两个以上的作为市场参与者的产权主体在保障财产权利的基础上进行的自愿有偿的产权交易。

    According to the economics of property rights , M & A in perfect market exchange property rights on the basis of ensuring property privilege .

  2. 本文阐述了产权经济学所涉及的交易费用和外部性,运用这些理论分析了知识产权的交易费用和知识产权资源的优化配置,并深入探讨了专利权的经济效用。

    This paper describes the economics of property rights involved in the transaction cost and external effects , using the theory of intellectual property rights intellectual property rights transaction cost and the optimal allocation of resources , and probes into the economic utility of patent right .

  3. 基于产权经济学视角对保险本质及形态演变的分析

    Analyzed Essence and Evolvement of Insurance Based on Property Right Economics

  4. 顾客资本会计的产权经济学

    Economics of Property Rights about the Accounting of Customer Capital

  5. 黄河断流的产权经济学解释

    Explanation of Property Right Economics of the Yellow River Depletion

  6. 水权与水权的界定&水资源利用的产权经济学分析论水权的概念和体系

    A Study of the Definition and System of Water Rights

  7. 审计契约制度的产权经济学分析

    The Property Rights Analysis of Audit Contracts System

  8. 但是,劳动价值学说和产权经济学是两种不同的分析理论。

    But labor axiology and property rights theory are very different from each other .

  9. 窃品交易的一个分析框架&产权经济学视角

    An Analytical Model Related to Trade of Stolen Goods under the Property Rights Theory

  10. 在自然风险管理机制构建中,首先从产权经济学的角度对保险的本质进行重新审视;

    In the mechanism of natural risk management ;

  11. 基于产权经济学视角的农地城市流转研究

    Rural land urbanization study based on property economics

  12. 组织资本会计的产权经济学

    Organization Capital Accounting 's Property Right Economics

  13. 摊贩问题的产权经济学分析

    Property Rights Economic Analysis for Vendor Problem

  14. 产权经济学已经为认识这种问题准备了理论逻辑结构。

    Property rights economics has prepared the theoretic logic structure for us to understand the problem .

  15. 第二,结合产权经济学提出了人力资本价值计量新模式。

    Secondly , this paper put forward the new pattern of the human capital value measured .

  16. 人力资源会计之产权经济学

    Property Economics of HR Accounting

  17. 我国农地制度改革路向的产权经济学分析

    The Direction of China 's Reform of the System of Rural Land : An Analysis from Property Rights

  18. 从产权经济学角度看,节庆经济也有一个交易费用的比较问题。

    From the view of economy of property right , festival is also a comparative question of trading expenditure .

  19. 运用微观经济学、福利经济学、产权经济学及博弈论的相关理论,结合城市供水系统的经营管理现状,对3种产权重组模式进行分析。

    The micro-economics , property right economics , welfare economics and game theory are applied to analyze the recomposition modes .

  20. 产权经济学认为,产权制度对经济发展和经济效率具有十分重要的影响。

    The property right economics consideres that the property right institution have important influence to the economic development and economic efficiency .

  21. 而目前在国内还没有学者将城市经济学、产权经济学、马克思地租理论结合起来研究城市土地利用机制。

    No prior research has examined this issue from the viewpoint of urban economics , property economics , and Marxism land rent theory .

  22. 并结合产权经济学的相关理论对我国的资本项目的开放提出了相关的政策建议。

    At last the paper connects the property theory with the policy constitute and gives some advice about the policy of capital account opening .

  23. 本文主要应用新制度经济学特别是产权经济学的理论,以及教育经济学的相关理论对教育产权从概念到运行机制进行了理论探讨。

    Based on New Institutional Economics and Economics of Education , theory on educational property rights and its mechanism is discussed in this thesis .

  24. 现代产权经济学认为,产权制度对短缺资源的配置具有决定性影响。

    From the point of view of modern economics of property rights , property relations has decisive influence on the collocation of scarce resource .

  25. 根据产权经济学的观点,产权安排和制度环境一定程度上会影响经济行为。

    According to the point of view of property economics , ownership arrangements and institutional environment will affect the economic behavior in some extent .

  26. 本文运用现代企业理论、企业组织和战略管理理论,博弈论、信息经济学、契约经济学与产权经济学等理论知识,采用理论推理和实证检验等多种研究方法,对内部资本市场有效性进行研究。

    The paper make use of theoretical knowledge of firm theory , firm organization economics , tactic management theory , contractual economics and theory of ownership , etc.

  27. 现代财务理论、管理学以及产权经济学理论等为研究人力资本所有者财务奠定了坚实的理论基础。

    The modern financial theory fundamentals , management study and property right economic theory have set up the fundamental for the finance of human resources capital owners .

  28. 本文试着用产权经济学,信息经济学和数学实证的方法,从代理成本的角度分析我国上市公司代理问题对股利政策的影响。

    This paper tried to analyze the agent cost affection on dividend policy , using the theories of property rights economics and information economics and the empirical approach .

  29. 在明确商标的本质后,进一步从产权经济学的角度分析商标权作为一种无形产权的特殊属性。

    Clearly the nature of the trade mark , the further from the point of view of economics of property rights as an intangible property trademark special attributes .

  30. 从产权经济学的角度分析我国利率市场化改革的难点,以及改革的突破点,试图找到一条较合理的改革途径。

    This paper , in light of the Theory of Property Rights Economics , tries to find a rational way for this reform by analyzing its difficulties and breakthroughs .