
  • 网络property rights;Property right structure;structure of property right;ownership structure
  1. 市场结构、产权结构与RD中国制造业的实证分析

    Market Structure , Ownership Structure and R D An Empirical Study on Chinese Manufacturing Industry

  2. 本文运用中国四位数制造产业数据实证检验了企业规模、市场力量和产权结构对RD投入的影响。

    The paper investigates the effects of firm size , market power and ownership structure on RD investment by using the data on Chinese manufacturing industries .

  3. c.产权结构与资源的相对稀缺关系相适应。

    The structure of property rights is suited to relative scarcity .

  4. MBO有利于我国企业产权结构的调整,建立现代企业制度。

    MBO is favorable to the adjustment of enterprise 's property right structure of our country . It sets up modern enterprise system .

  5. 实证分析检验了企业产权结构的扩散过程符合Pearl曲线,典型案例研究也证实了某产业内的产权结构创新可以从一个地区向其它地区扩散。

    Empirical studies demonstrate that the diffusing process accords with Pearl curve . The study on representative cases has also confirmed that the innovation of property right should be able to diffuse from here toward there .

  6. 在对FH公司十多年的发展历史和公司目前的产权结构、组织结构、员工结构、市场环境等情况介绍的基础上,笔者分析了家族企业治理模式的演进动力和模型。

    Based on the introduction of FH 's history , organization , capital structure and market environment , we analyze the motivate and model of family oriented corporate governance .

  7. 管理层收购(MBO)在解决我国上市公司产权结构缺陷,促进公司的完善治理及建立有关的激励机制中发挥了重要作用。

    Management Buy-Out ( MBO ) plays an important part in solving defects of property rights structure , promoting consummation and administration , and establishing relevant motivating mechanism in Chinese companies .

  8. 在一般含义上,MBO是通过改变产权结构,提高绩效的产权交易手段和资本运作方式进行的,转型国家MBO具有效率提高和财富转移的双重特征。

    Commonly , MBO is property right dealing measure by changing property right structure to improving performance , as well as capital wielding measure . MBO takes on characters both improving performance and transferring wealth in changing type countries .

  9. 我国引入MBO与我国国有企业的改革密不可分,通过MBO可以改善公司产权结构,明晰产权,减少国有企业较高的代理成本,同时它也是一种较好的国有资产的退出方式。

    Many enterprises have practiced MBO recently . The goal of MBO in China enterprises is to play active roles of MBO in such aspects as clearing state-owned enterprise property right , decreasing agency costs and as the same time MBO is a way for state-owned capital secede .

  10. 现代企业的产权结构具有多层次,复杂化特点;

    The structure of property is nullity - stage and complexity .

  11. 我国国有企业产权结构的框架设计

    The framework design and the countermeasures of the property right structure

  12. 公司治理产生于现代公司的产权结构安排。

    Corporate governance derives from the modern company 's property structure .

  13. 产权结构与中国家族企业的可持续成长

    A Study on the Sustainable Development of China 's Kindred Enterprises

  14. 外部性,科斯定理与最优产权结构

    Externality , Coase 's Theorem and Optimal Property Rights Structure

  15. 优先股、公司治理与产权结构效率

    Preference Stock 、 Board Governance and the Property Right Efficiency

  16. 深圳城市供水系统产权结构重组模式及评价

    Evaluation and Recombination of Property Right Configuration for Urban Water Supply System

  17. 试论公司制企业产权结构的发展趋势

    The developmental trend of the property structure of the corporations

  18. 论国企产权结构多元化的实现形式

    Realization of Property Right Structure Diversifying for the State Enterprises

  19. 建立规范合理的产权结构和土地流转机制;

    To establish a rational property right structure and land circulating mechanism ;

  20. 中国转轨经济中的产权结构和市场结构&产业绩效水平的决定因素

    The Structure of Property Rights in the Chinese Transition Economy

  21. 明晰家族企业产权结构。

    Clear about the family firm the property right structure .

  22. 不同产权结构下的内部控制研究

    On the Internal Control in Different kinds of Equity Structure

  23. 要素产权结构演变的博弈分析

    Game Analysis about the Evolution of the Structure of Factor Property Right

  24. 国企产权结构多元化趋势的原因分析

    Analysis of the Causes of Pluralism Trend of the State-owned Enterprise Property Right

  25. 第二部分为产权结构;

    The second part is structure of property rights ;

  26. 第三章是关于企业产权结构的论述。

    Chapter three is about the structure of the property right of enterprise .

  27. 产权结构对商业银行效率影响研究

    Property Right Structure to Commercial Bank Efficiency Influence Research

  28. 产权结构与协商机制设计研究

    On the Property Right Relationship and Bargaining Mechanism Design

  29. 研究还发现,产权结构对配置效率有很大的影响。

    And property right structure is crucial to AE .

  30. 论产权结构与完善法人治理结构

    On the Structure of Property Rights and Corporate Governance