
  1. 市场经济与产权伦理

    Market Economy and Property Right Ethics

  2. 共有产权伦理初探

    On Common Property Rights Ethic

  3. 公正原则是知识产权伦理的基本原则,是知识产权制度安排的一种根本价值尺度和内在依据。

    Justice is the basic principle of intellectual property rights ethic and the fundamental measure of value and internal basis of intellectual property rights institutional arrangement .

  4. 从伦理的层面透析共有产权伦理的价值底蕴,是共有产权有效运作不可或缺的软件。

    Viewing from ethic , the value connotation of common property right is the systematic software which is indispensable to the effective working of common property right .

  5. 共有产权伦理是共有产权制度安排的内生要求与伦理善价值的有效整合。

    The common property right ethic is the intrinsic request of the arrangement of common property right and the effective integration of the value of ethical goods .

  6. 产权伦理的研究具有重要的理论价值和现实意义,可以构成一门具有特殊的学科特质、研究方法和理论内容的伦理学学科。

    There is important theory valued and immediate significance to research ethics of property right . It can consist of an Ethics subject is of the characteristic on subject quality , study method and theory contents .

  7. 产权与伦理关系的理性思考

    The Rational Ponder of Relation between Property Right and Ethic

  8. 知识产权的伦理探究

    An Ethical Inquiry into Intellectual Property

  9. 知识产权转让伦理是知识产权转让中的一种行为规范和价值取向。

    During the transfer ethics of intellectual property are the code of conduct and value orientation .

  10. 在知识产权领域伦理和法律是什么关系?

    What is the relationship between ethics and the law in connection to inte lectual property rights ?

  11. 作为调节人们财产权利关系的一种制度安排,产权与伦理有着内在的联系。

    As a system arrangement , adjustment to people 's relationship regarding wealth right , property right is internally linked with ethics .

  12. 知识产权转让伦理规范主要有:自由、公平、有利最小受惠者利益。

    Code of ethics for the transfer of intellectual property rights are : freedom , equity , beneficial to the interests of the smallest beneficiaries .

  13. 三种理论为知识产权的伦理辩护奠定了理论基础,同时也为知识产权保护勾勒出了基本的伦理框架。

    Three types of ethical theory for intellectual property defense laid a theoretical foundation , and also outlines the basic ethical framework for the protection of intellectual property rights .

  14. 完善保护私人财产权利的制度安排,需要更新人们传统的财产价值观,充分认识到在社会主义市场经济条件下,私有产权的伦理价值和保护私有财产的道德合理性;

    For perfecting the system arrangements of safeguard private property , we must renew people 's traditional ideas of property ; fully realize the ethical value of private property and moral rationality of safeguard private property at socialist market economy .

  15. 论知识产权制度的伦理合理性

    The Moral Rationality of the Intellectual Property System

  16. 产权缺陷与伦理冲突

    Property rights defects and ethical conflicts

  17. 知识产权法价值的伦理迷失及其回归路径

    Ethical Loss of Law of Knowledge Property and Path of Its Return

  18. 于是网络中衍生了一些信息垃圾、网络黑客、网络破坏、侵犯隐私权、侵犯知识产权等一系列伦理问题。

    Then network derives a series of ethics problems such as some information rubbish , network hacker , network destroying , infringing right of privacy , and infringing intellectual property etc. .

  19. 知识产权收益分配是知识产权伦理问题的焦点。知识产权收益应正当分配,应按照创造价值与获得收益相统一的原则来分配。

    Revenue distribution is also the focus of ethical problems , it should be legitimately distributed and intellectual property rights shall be distributed in accordance with the creation of value and benefit of the principle of unity .

  20. 在产权改革上,强调了产权是伦理关系的物质基础。

    In terms of reform in property right , it is argued that the right in property is the base of the ethical relation .

  21. 在西方知识产权理论中,对知识产权进行伦理辩护,影响最为突出的理论主要有三种:一是劳动理论;二是人格理论;三是功利理论。

    In western intellectual property rights theory , there is ethical defense to intellectual property rights , the impact of the most prominent theories are mainly three types : first , the labor theory ; second is personality theory ; three is utilitarian theory .

  22. 信用、公正、互利不仅是共有产权有效运作的游戏规则,更是共有产权伦理善的价值追求。

    Credit , justice , mutual benefit are not only the rules of the game of the Common property right 's efficient operation , but the pursuit of good value of common property ethical right .

  23. 没有合理的产权价值观,就不会有有效的产权制度的出现;没有健全的产权伦理规范,就没有产权制度的有效运行和产权关系的协调。

    A certain property right system is always established on property right values , its effective implementation and coordinative relationship .