
  1. 国有的成都联合产权交易所(ChengduUnitedAssetsandEquityExchange)举行了揭牌仪式,该交易所总经理秦仕魁表示:农民们对建立这个平台非常激动。

    Qin Shikui , head of the state-owned Chengdu United Assets and Equity Exchange , which opened the exchange , said : The peasants are very excited about this platform being set up .

  2. 国际知识产权交易所公司由OceanTomo于2008年组建,后者是一家专业服务于知识产权领域的商业银行,芝加哥期权交易所的母公司芝加哥期权交易控股集团(CBOEHoldings)是该银行的投资方之一。

    IPXI was set up in 2008 by Ocean Tomo , a merchant bank that specialises in intellectual property , and its investors include CBOE Holdings , the parent company of the Chicago Board Options Exchange .

  3. 中国技术产权交易所市场研究

    A Research on China 's Technology & Equity Exchange Market

  4. 信托公司与产权交易所的合作研究

    A Research on Cooperation between Trust Companies and Equity Exchanges

  5. 产权交易所是一个信息零损失的通路或平台。

    The property right conveyance should be a circuit or platform of zero-lose information .

  6. 设立具有证券交易功能的地方性的产权交易所;

    Establish local property right exchange with the same function as the stock exchange .

  7. 重庆联合产权交易所

    Chongqing United Assets and equity exchange

  8. 土地市场是土地买卖关系发生的场所,是由土地产权交易所形成的市场。

    Land market is the place for land transaction and formed by the land ownership transaction .

  9. 西部产权交易所

    West assets and equity exchange

  10. 以某矿业企业为例,分析西部产权交易所在帮助企业融资中存在问题。

    A mining enterprise , for example , analysis western Equity Exchange problems in financing to help businesses .

  11. 合肥技术产权交易所

    Hefei Technology Stock Exchange

  12. 它为来自全国各地的企业服务,是大陆第一的产业和产权交易所。

    It serves enterprises from all around the country , and is the mainland 's No.1 asset & equity exchange .

  13. 目前,产权交易所和信托公司都处在探索核心盈利模式的过程中,这决定两者有合作的强烈愿望。

    At present , both are probing core profitable model , which determines strong wishes for cooperation with each other .

  14. 提高项目本身的素质与投资者对市场的兴趣,是我国技术产权交易所市场成功的关键因素。

    It 's a successful and important cause of our country 's technology property exchange , improving projects quality and investors interested in market .

  15. 本文以上海联合产权交易所数据为例,借助多种统计方法构造了产权交易综合指数。

    This paper is a try to construct property exchange index , using data from Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange and some statistical methods .

  16. 针对这些问题,进行原因分析,得出如何改进西部产权交易所为中小企业服务的对策。

    To solve these problems , analyze the reasons , come to the countermeasures on how to improve the western Equity Exchange services for SMEs .

  17. 5月4日,国际知识产权交易所公司公布了一份规范,用以指导产权买卖,以期于今年晚些时候开放商业性产权交易。

    On May 4th IPXI published the rulebook that governs how the exchange will work , and it expects to open for business later this year .

  18. 然而,国际知识产权交易所公司的这种专利交易方式并不对各类知识产权通通适用——打个比方来说,它就不允许独家授权——但这种方式让企业通过发明创造来获利更加容易。

    IPXI 's approach does not work for all types of intellectual property-it does not allow exclusive licensing , for example-but should make it easier for companies to make money from their inventions .

  19. 本文以某矿产企业融资为例,研究西部产权交易所助推企业融资的问题。本文首先对中小企业融资难,中小企业通过产权交易所融资方式、融资作用等问题进行研究。

    In this paper , for example , a mineral corporate finance and research western Equity Exchange boost corporate finance issues . Firstly , the financing of SMEs , SME Equity Exchange financing , financing role .

  20. 多层次资本市场是资本市场功能完备性的重要标志,三板市场在我国多层次资本市场体系中起着连接主板和各地产权交易所,构筑层次分明、无缝对接的资本市场体系的重要作用。

    In the building of our country 's multi-layer capital market system , the Third Board Market rises to link the Main Board Market and equity-exchange markets , give play to construct the layer-clear , connection-tight capital market system .

  21. 通过研究介绍西部产权交易所的功能作用,为中小企业融资的现状,融资特点、融资的政策依据、方式方法、具体流程和环节。

    Assets and Equity Exchange in the west through the study describes the function of the status of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises , financing features , financing policy basis , ways and means , the specific processes and links .

  22. 从国外经验看,我国应通过建立低层次的风险投资交易市场,发展和完善技术产权交易所,建立高新技术企业评价机制等来构建我国多层次的风险投资体系。

    Learning from the foreign experience , China should set up the multilevel venture investment system : creating low level venture investment exchange market , developing and perfecting the exchange institution of technical asset right , setting up evaluation mechanism of high tech enterprises .

  23. 中国首家农村产权综合交易所周一在西部城市成都成立,让农民出售或出租其土地的经营权。

    The first land use rights exchange was set up on Monday in the western city of Chengdu to allow farmers to sell or rent out the rights to use their land .

  24. 中国产权市场的合理构架及浙江产权交易所的使命

    Reasonable Framework for Chinese Property Market and Missions of Zhejiang Property & Stock Exchange

  25. 这些纷争为知识产权交易创造了良机,国际知识产权交易所公司(IPXI)联席主席拉德?潘涅库克如是说到。像处置资产一样,该交易所的新型金融交易可以让公司购买、出售并保有专利权。

    All of which makes this a good time to launch a new approach to trading intellectual property , says Gerard Pannekoek , the boss of IPXI , a new financial exchange that lets companies buy , sell and hedge patent rights , just like any other asset .

  26. 建立多层次的产权交易体系(包括:举办巡回式的技术成果交易会,在更多的城市成立产权交易所,在更多的城市推广建立二板市场),为知识产权的流通创造条件;

    Setting up multi-level property right trading system ( including : holding itinerant technology achievements trade fair , establishing property right exchanges and second board of the stock market in more cities ) in order to create conditions for the circulation of knowledge property right ;